Chapter Twenty Three: Untitled

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The next morning, Super Junior members headed to the dance practice room.

From 8am to 8pm, the members were practicing as hard as they can to perfect the stage. Practice was extended because Donghae kept on messing up his moves.

Everything was synchronized under Eunhyuk's sharp supervision, but Donghae seemed to be falling behind.

"Lee Donghae! Arent you going to get your head together?!" Eunhyuk looked at Donghae with his hands on his sides.

"Everyone is working their asses off for this so dont keep on messing up!" Eunhyuk yelled.

"Hyuk, Dont yell at him, hes jus--"

"Hyung! Cant you see?! This is why hes acting like this!" Eunhyuk placed his hands behind his head and walked around. "Stop treating him nicely when this happens! Were a team here! And hes not putting the effort to be part of it!" Eunhyuk added.

"Practice has been moving slow because we had to go over choreography that Donghae always mess up!" Eunhyuk said. "Wake him up, Dont pacify him," Eunhyuk finished off and walked out.

"What he said was right," Heechul stepped forward. "Donghae, you gotta put all your blood and sweat into this," he added.

Donghae was speechless, he was out of words again. He knew himself that he worked hard but the thought that it was not enough since it led to a situation like this.

"Im so sorry hyung, Ill do better I promise," Donghae looked down, he couldnt face his members' faces because he was ashamed.

He knew practice time was extended because of him and he knew he became a burden to everyone.

"Its okay Hyung, we all went through this," Ryeowook patted his hyung's back.

"Lets go wash up then head home," Leeteuk told the members and they quickly followed.

Soon, everyone was ready to go home. But Leeteuk noticed someone was missing. It was Donghae.

Leeteuk went back up to the practice room and there he saw a single light opened and a figure that is dancing.

He looked closer and it was Donghae. He approached him and crossed his arms.

"What is this?!" Leeteuk joked.

Donghae turned around and he saw his hyung smiling at him.

"I got stuff to finish," he panted with a smile.

"You worked hard," Leeteuk patted his dongsaeng's back and walked away.

Donghae was encouraged by Leeteuk's sudden visit. Because of Leeteuk, Donghae pushed more and more until he can perfect the choreography and be even greater than Eunhyuk.

1am, Donghae finally arrived home. His body was hurting from all the dancing he did, but he was satisfied.
He perfected his moves and is now ready to practice more tomorrow with the members.

When he entered the room, Eunhyuk was already sleeping. He looked at Eunhyuk and stared at him.

"Ill work hard and stay here," Donghae told the sleeping Eunhyuk.

"You," The pointed his index finger at him "Ill be even greater than you, just wait!" he added then he smiled.

Eunhyuk moved and Donghae quickly covered himself with a blanket. He was scared that Eunhyuk would see him do such things to him.

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