Chapter Sixy Six: Donghae's Fate

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"You probably know why I called you here," Sooman told his board of directors, "It is regarding Taeyeon and Donghae," he added.

"Taeyeon would be coming but we dont know of Donghae," he told everyone, "Before we answer the media, lets talk to Taeyeon and Donghae to know if they are indeed the people in the picture," he added.

"Taeyeon is on her way here as we speak," he said then a knock came in.

Taeyeon appeared at the door with her members and her manager.

"Sit down," he smiled at Taeyeon and offered her a seat.

Taeyeon and her company sat down and Sooman began talking.

"Is that really you?" he asked her.

"I cant recall sir," she said silently, "It was a long time ago since the photos are taken," she added.

"But you remember coming to the party right?" Sooman crossed his hands and asked her again.

"Donghae leaned in and invaded your private space?" Youngmin asked her suddenly.

"YOU SHUT UP!" Sooman yelled at Youngmin, "You fithy hag shut your mouth," he added.

"I remember drinking with Donghae oppa though, but I dont remember kissing him at all," she told everyone.

"Did you kiss anyone else perhaps?" one of the directors asked her.

"I cant remember, Im sorry," Taeyeon replied.

"Sir, I agree with Mr. Youngmin's plans, we should drop Donghae from the group,"

"Sir, If we get rid of him everyone would forget this!"

"What about Taeyeon then? should we drop her from SNSD like Jessica?" Sooman looked at the board with killer eyes.

"Sir, Taeyeon has an established fanbase and shes popular locally and internationally, shes also one of our successful vocalists in the company, she brings us profit,"

"While Donghae is just starting. we did very little to promote him so his popularity among the citizens are still low, if we get rid of him the scandal would stop in our country, although international fans would still know, Its better to lessen the impact on our country so we can do more activities with Super Junior,"

"Youre all talking nonsense!" Sooman slammed his hands down the long table.

The members felt the table shake as the chairman raged.

"So youre saying we drop Donghae because hes a rookie and hes not worth that much?! While Taeyeon here is worth more than we can imagine so we keep her?!" Sooman yelled, "Youre all acting like a bunch of idiots! Youre all heartless!" he added.

"But this is business sir," One of the directors told him.

Sooman calmed himself down and sat back on his seat.

He placed his elbows over the desk as played with his fingers and staring at the article being projected on the wall.

"If you think about it, Youngmin is right sir,"

"Sir, our board wants him out, Majority votes won Sir," Youngmin turned to him and smirked.

"All you care about is mone--"

"Yes Sir, money," Youngmin talked over him, "We're doing this for our company's profit," he added and looked at Taeyeon.

Sooman knew he cant tamper with the directors' choice. So he stood up and faced the reality that Donghae would be dropped out of Super Junior.

He walked out of the room and Youngmin saw it was a clear sign that the Chairman had no choice but to agree.

"Its settled then, Hes going to be out," Youngmin sat down on Sooman's spot and announced what they have decided.

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