Chapter Sixty Five: Secret Smiles

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"Wanna stay here with me for a day?" Donghae told Eunhyuk who was eating a meal prepared by his mother.

"Im not quite sure about that," Eunhyuk replied while devouring his seaweed soup.

"Oh.." Donghae slowly frowned.

Eunhyuk saw it and he moved closer to him.

"Did I just see a frown?" Eunhyuk leaned his head on Donghae's shoulder, "Alright, Ill stay for a day," he gave in.

"You can leave if you want," Donghae said and Eunhyuk barely heard him.

"I wont leave you," Eunhyuk turned to him and leaned closer for a kiss.

"No kissing mister," Donghae stuck his tongue out.

"Were you kissing Jessica as well before I came?" Eunhyuk crossed his arms.

"No, as I told you before, were just friends" Donghae answered.

"Psh, lies," Eunhyuk mumbled, "She was probably all over you like, 'oppa i like you, im in love with you'" he added.

"Aigooo, My Baby," Donghae hugged him.

"You had no idea how jealous I was whenever I see you together!" Eunhyuk pouted.

"You had no idea how jealous I was when I saw your picture with Jihyun!" Donghae pouted as well.

"Dont worry we'll take even more pictures together, I promise," Eunhyuk smiled.

Donghae thought Eunhyuk would stop, but suddenly, the man went for his neck and planted a kiss on it.

"You sneaky boy," Donghae ruffled Eunhyuk's hair.

"You cant stop me," Eunhyuk sat up and continued eating.

"Hows the food?" Donghae's mom just came out of the kitchen, "Is it good?" She asked Eunhyuk.

"It is!" Eunhyuk replied.

"Happy to hear that," she smiled, "Anyways, are you leaving tomorrow son?"

"Yes mom, Ill be leaving with Eunhyuk," Under the table, Donghae placed his hands over Eunhyuk's thigh and squeezed it.

"Yes we'll be leaving together," Eunhyuk agreed.

"Okay," she said, "By the way, Sica left for Seoul already, she says shes sorry that she couldnt say goodbye," she added then she left the room

Right after she left, Eunhyuk turned to Donghae "Dont you dare do that, I wont be able control myself if you do that," Eunhyuk smirked.

"Do what? Do what?" Donghae teased him.

"You dare tease me huh? Huh?" Eunhyuk playfully leaned closer to Donghae.

"What will you do? What will you do?" Donghae smiled while tried to push him away but Eunhyuk was too strong.


"Where in the world is Donghae?!" Prince yelled at the members, "WHERE IS HE!???!!" he shouted and the members flinched.

"We dont know Hyung," Ryeowook said with his head down.

"Wait..where is Eunhyuk?" Prince noticed that Eunhyuk wasnt there, "WHERE ARE THEY?!" he yelled again.

"You go to the practice rooms and practice, I need to fetch those two," Prince commanded them, "If this gets worse, Donghae would be kicked out, I suggest you all pray for him," he added..

Heechul looked at Prince right before he left the house. His heart was heavy after Donghae took the load for him.

He knew it was wrong, but selfishness took over him and pushed him to do it.


"I CANT BELIEVE THIS!" Youngmin slammed his hands down his desk.

"Lets talk to Donghae and Taeyeon
before we answer the media," Sooman tried to calm down the raging Youngmin, "We should know their sides first," he added.

"How? HOW?! The goddamn boy is missing!" Youngmin shouted in anger, "I shouldnt have let him enter the group!" he added.

"Dont you dare say that Youngmin!" Sooman stood up and stared him down.

"Sir, our stocks are falling drastically over the past hours!" Youngmin slammed the papers infront of Sooman's face, "And its all because of Donghae!" he added.

"Im removing him from Super Junior!" Youngmin said.

"Dont make me pull out my decision of you being the CEO!" he added, "Why are you venting it all on the rookie? Because hes new? Thats why? What about Taeyeon? who was also involved in this?"

"Taeyeon i-"

"Taeyeon is what? One of your favourites? Dont joke with me Youngmin, I know you too well,"

Youngmin was silenced.

"Now, do as I say," Sooman narrowed his eyes at Youngmin, "Talk to Donghae AND Taeyeon about this," he finished off and left the room.


"Im so worried of Donghae hyung," Ryeowook stared outside the window during the ride to the practice room.

"Same," Yesung rubbed his hands together.

"He will be okay, I know it," Sungmin crossed his arms and looked outside as well.

"I cant believe he did that," Ryeowook sighed.

"Same here," Siwon sighed.

"The fans on our SNS is angry at Hyung," Kyuhyun told everyone, "I cant bare looking at the comments, If Donghae hyung reads them he'll definitely cry because theyre too much," he added as he wiped a tear.

"I wish I can cover hyung with my hugs," Ryeowook frowned.

"No no, cover me Wookie," Yesung whispered at Ryeowook.

"You ass," Ryeowook punched him lightly.

"I mean, how did they know it was Donghae hyung?" Kyuhyun said.

"Because they had pictures," Sungmin replied.

"The picture doesnt look like Donghae hyung though," he told Sungmin.

"Is it?" Sungmin sat closer to Kyuhyun.

The boy stared at Sungmin's side profile while he was looking at Kyuhyun's laptop.

He was attracted and he cant help it.

He looked at the members inside the van and their eyes are all on their phones.

He kissed Sungmin's cheeks in a flash.


"Shhh," Kyuhyun said while looking at the members.

Sungmin smiled and leaned closer to his face.

"Should I go?" Sungmin whispered.

"Why not?" Kyuhyun answered then he leaned in and kissed Sungmin.

The two pulled away before the others could see them.

Kyuhyun held Sungmin's hand under their jackets.

His thumb started caressing Sungmin's hands.

They looked at each other and exchanged smiles.

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