Chapter Seventy Five: Questions and Answers

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Eunhyuk was up all night thinking about Donghae and how he didnt say goodbye.

He looked at Donghae's neat bed as he remembered memories of them.

He stood up and settled down on Donghae's bed.

He ran his hands over his blankets with eyes getting watery once again.

His eyes landed on the camera they used to film their first date.

He grabbed it and plugged it into his laptop.

"Hello, Donghae, Its me, Eunhyuk," he saw himself smile as he was filming.

"Ill be filming our first date so we can rewatch it whenever we want, Is it cheesy? Hahahaha! I bet it is,"

Eunhyuk watched the rest of the video with a heavy heart.

"We're eating, Beef steak with mushroom soup," Donghae said as he took a shot of their food.

He remembered how Donghae liked to take pictures first before all.

He even recalled their small fight because he yelled at him.

Sadly, those moments remained a memory.

JUST a memory.

At the end of the video, Eunhyuk stood up and was about to close it.

But a clip of Donghae started playing.

He was sitting on his bed, he looked like he was going to say something.

Eunhyuk was surprised, he sat back down and watched it.

"Eunhyuk-ah," Donghae started with a soft smile, "You'll probably see this when I leave, I should be gone by now huh?" he laughed.

"Im sorry, for not telling you Im leaving," Donghae looked down and ran his tongue across his lips, "Youre probably mad at me right now," his voice cracked as he faced the camera, his eyes was starting to water.

"Im leaving because.." he stuttered, "I want to get away from everything,," he said.

"I dont want to ruin a relationship," he sniffed and smiled, "I saw myself as a third wheel and It didnt feel good" he added.

"I also need to get away from everyone because of the scandal," he cried, "Dont look for me," he looked straight at the camera as if hes looking at Eunhyuk.

"Be happy with Jihyun," he wiped his tears, "Be happy with the members," he sniffed.

"I hope our memories would stay forever," he bit his lips, "I want you to know that...I love you so much," he said then he broke down, Donghae sobbed.

As Eunhyuk was watching it, his heart got heavier and heavier.

It was painful for him to see Donghae cry.

The fact that he asked him to not look for him broke his heart.

The fact that he asked him to be happy with Jihyun made him devastated.

"Hyung," Ryeowook saw him crying and sat down beside him.

"He really left," Eunhyuk embraced him and sobbed.


Their company confirmed the report that Donghae was leaving. For days, Eunhyuk didnt eat and he hasnt been getting much sleep.

He thought about Donghae every minute of every day.

He still loved him even after he left.

"Hyung," Kyuhyun came in with a tray of food, "You gotta feed yourself," he said then he placed it down.

He sat beside his hyung and placed a hand over his shoulders "Theres something you should know," he told his hyung.

"What?" He turned to Kyuhyun.

"Jihyun noona," the youngest started off, "She confronted Donghae hyung," he confessed.

"What?!" Eunhyuk opened his eyes wide and he clenched his fist.

"She asked him to leave," Kyuhyun bit his lips.

Eunhyuk couldnt believe it.

Kyuhyun never lied to him and he believed every word Kyuhyun said.

"He wasnt thinking of leaving, not until she talked to him about you,"

Eunhyuk stood up in a flash and dressed himself.

He was angry.

He pulled his phone out and called Jihyun, she answered.

"Hello, Hyu--"

"Lets talk," Eunhyuk tried to calm himself down.

"Ill come over,"

"Better be,"

Few hours later, Jihyun came in the front door.

Eunhyuk grabbed her wrist pulled her into the room, he swung her facing him and released his hold.

"Ouch!" She said as she ran her hands to her reddish wrist.

"Is it true?" Eunhyuk asked her.

"What?" She asked him.

"Dont pretend like you dont know,"

"Ahhh, Donghae?" She smiled, "Of course, I did it for us," she added then she held onto his arm.

"Get the fuck off of me," Eunhyuk was keeping his anger controlled.

"Whats wrong with you?" She released his arms and crossed her arms, "I did it because I had to!" she yelled at him.

"You were blinded by him because I was lacking! But now that Im back, I just had to take what I own!" She yelled again!

"Do you fucking hear yourself right now?" Eunhyuk smirked, "I wish you didnt because you sound nasty and you wont like it," he clenched his teeth.

"Its all your fault," Eunhyuk walked slowly towards her and she took steps back as the man walked closer, "He left because of youre stupid brain and now Im suffering because I cant live without him."

"Consider yourself lucky this time, I wouldve gone loose but since we're FRIENDS Ill let you off my hook," he stared right into her eyes as he clenched his teeth.

"Youre really inlove with that homewrecker?" She laughed.

"Homewrecker?" Eunhyuk smirked, "Tell yourself that," he whispered infront of her ears then he pulled away.

"Leave my house," Eunhyuk pointed at the door.

"Dont worry, I will," Jihyun grabbed his bag and left the house.

"Just hold on Donghae, Im coming," Eunhyuk said then he ran straight to the closet and packed his things.

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