Chapter Fifty One: Hello Japan!

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The plane landed in the morning in Tokyo, Japan.

The cherry blossoms welcomed Donghae in his first visit to the country of manners.

He looked down the plane window and there he saw the vast streets filled with bright pink cherry blossoms.

"WOOAAAAAAH!" Donghae's jaws dropped.

He leaned closer to the window, he forgot about Eunhyuk who was sitting beside the window.

He placed his arm on his thighs to look closer to the window.

Eunhyuk woke up because of his thighs and Donghae's attempt on peeking at the window more.

"Can you not?" He looked at Donghae like he wanted to kill him.

"Heh heh heh heh," Donghae went back to his seat nervously.

"Dont act like its your first time in Japan," Eunhyuk closed his eyes again and attempted to get back to sleep.

"It is my...first..." Donghae informed him.

"That explains it," Eunhyuk said coldly.

"He said we're friends now, what is this? Whys he treating me like this again?"

"Passengers, please fasten your seatbelts we are about to land on Tokyo, Japan," the p.a announced.

Donghae ethusiatically buckled himself and waited for the plane to land.

When the plane dived towards the ground, Donghae felt it as if he was on a rollercoaster.

His toothy smile appeared while the plane decreases altitude. His ears popped and he hated it, but he didnt mind since he was having fun.

After few minutes, the wheels touched the Japanese soil and Donghae successfully completed his first plane ride!

After they got their handcarry bags, the group proceeded to the baggage counters and waited for their things.

"Brace yourself Donghae," Leeteuk stood beside him.

"Why?" He asked the leader.

"You'll see," he smiled.

After everyone got their stuff, they walked towards the exit.

The moment they stepped out, a large crowd of fans wearing blue shirts screamed their hearts out!




The screams were destructive but music to their ears.

The members smiled and waved at their fans that they loved so dearly.

"WOAH!!!" Donghae bowed a couple of times while walking to thank his fans.

"See what I mean?" Leeteuk wrapped his arm around Donghae's shoulders.

"This is crazy!!!" Donghae exclaimed.

They finally got on the van after much chaos.

It was hard going through the crowd, but they managed to get to the vans quickly because the fans gave them way.

"I seriously missed our Japan ELF," Heechul smiled upon seeing their fans. He settled down and smiled, "Ah! Right! Sungmin hyung, Saeun-ssi will be coming tonight," he told Sungmin who just sat down.

"Oh?! She didnt tell me?!"

"She was trying to call you but you werent answering,"

"Did she?" Sungmin checked his phone, she did call. She called five times.

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