Chapter Fourty Nine: Day 2

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The next morning, everyone felt severe headache except Eunhyuk.

Prince Manager cooked hangover soup for breakfast for everyone to feast on.

"Eat up you morons! You drank so much last night!" He scolded the boys as the descend the stairs, "You drank without permission tsk tsk, thank me now because im not telling any of this to the company," he added.

"Sorry hyung," they all bowed.

"Leeteuk, youre the leader, you should know whats right and whats wrong," Prince told Leeteuk who was the last to go down.

"Sorry hyung," he apologized.

"Eat up! We're going island hopping in about an hour or so!" Prince smiled.

"Eunhyuk hyung, did you drink last night?" Ryeowook asked Eunhyuk who was enjoying his soup.

"Nope," he answered.

"Im curious," he said "Who had the worst drinking habit?" Ryeowook asked with a smile.

"I bet its Heechul hyung!!" Sungmin pointed at Heechul who was barely awake.

"Yah, im not that bad," Heechul said in his bed voice then he scratched his head.

"So who is it?" Sungmin asked Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked at Donghae.

"Donghae hyung?!" Ryeowook exclaimed.

"Me? Why why?" he asked Ryeowook.

"Bad. Drinking. Habits," Eunhyuk looked at Donghae with with eyes shooting fireballs.

"Oh God," Donghae was surprised, "What did I do?!" he asked Eunhyuk.

"Well, lets see..." Eunhyuk paused and thought for a moment, "You shouted at me, You got angry, You ran outside to the beach, you hugged me and talked about VERY PRIVATE things," Eunhyuk answered him.

"Oh shoot, Oh shoot, What did you say Lee Donghae!!?" Donghae said in his head.

"Ey....he he he he, It....happens.." He laughed nervously infront of Eunhyuk.

"Ohhhh? It happens huh?" Eunhyuk nodded, he was still looking at him. He can feel Eunhyuk's dark aura hovering around him.

"What 'VERY PRIVATE THINGS' Did you talk about Lee Donghae?! Is it about Jihyun?! Is it about the time i accidently wore his underwear?! I dont know anymore!!" Donghae was freaking out on the insides.

He couldnt remember anyhing he did last night after he drank.

He didnt even know he went outside and hugged Eunhyuk!

"Geez Donghae, youre on fire!" Kangin teased him.

Donghae wanted to hide because he was embarassed of what Eunhyuk said.

He wanted to hide under his shell and never come out again.

"Hes worse than me!" Heechul laughed.

"Youre worse you bastard you peed on my face once," Kangin punched Heechul's arms.


The breakfast hall was filled with laughter as the members talked about funny stories they had when they were drunk.

After breakfast, their day has begun.

The boat arrived at the shore for the boys.

One by one, they hopped on the vessel and started their cruise towards the islands!

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