Chapter Twelve: First Recording 2

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"Eunhyuk hyung, heres the lyrics for our song, give this one to Donghae hyung," Kyuhyun handed the stapled papers to Eunhyuk. "Tell him to highlight his parts too," he added then he left.

As soon as Kyuhyun closed the door, Eunhyuk looked at the untouched papers. He knew he had to do something with it.

Later that night, Donghae came home with Kangin and Heechul. They eat then went in to their bedrooms. When Donghae opened the door, he saw Eunhyuk sitting on his desk.

With headphones on, Eunhyuk didnt even know Donghae was there already. Eunhyuk started swaying along the music with one hand holding a pencil.
It looked like he was composing songs.

Eunhyuk stood up and turned around, but he didnt see Donghae standing on the door because he was feeling the music with his eyes closed.

Eunhyuk danced as the music was playing. Donghae could hear his music playing in his headphones. He couldnt do anything but laugh.

Eunhyuk was swinging his hands everytime he has the chance, he was singing along too.

Donghae quietly settled down on his bed and looked at Eunhyuk who was acting funny.

Eunhyuk suddenly opened his eyes and saw Donghae laughing at him. He was frozen, he was embarassed.

Eunhyuk sat down in panic and faced his back at Donghae. He grabbed his pencil and started writing desperately because he was embarassed.

"Im not laughing at you hyung!" Donghae told him.

Eunhyuk stopped and looked at him.

"There was bird that flew right to the window! HAHHAHAHAHA!" Donghae laughed.

Donghae didnt want Eunhyuk to feel embarassed of what he just did. So he pretended he didnt see what Eunhyuk was doing.

"You shouldve seen it!" Donghae covered himself with his blankets and laughed as loud as he can.

Eunhyuk ignored him and went back to what he was doing. Yeah, he was writing a song.

Few hours passed and Donghae fell asleep with his arms and legs all over his bed, He was dead tired.

Donghae just finished studying his lines for his recording tomorrow. He highlighted his parts and he studied really hard.

When Donghae fell asleep, Eunhyuk was still writing his song. He stretched his body and threw himself on his bed.

He saw Donghae's paper on the man's table. Thats when he remembered what he should do.

Eunhyuk took his paper and highlighted random lines in the song. He knew this would screw up Donghae so he did it.

He didnt have any regrets, he knew he deserved it.

"Have a great recording day Donghae," Eunhyuk smirked and placed the paper back to Donghae's table.

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