Chapter Fourty One: Off Stage

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After their recording, Donghae exploaded with tears. The members hugged him and complimented him. He couldnt believe he made it, he made it into Super Junior.

"Lee Donghae!! Dont cry!!" Sungmin hugged him tight.

"Youre the best!" Kangin patted his head.

"Youre making me cry Hyung, stop crying," Ryeowook's voice cracked because he was about to cry. He was so happy for his Donghae hyung.

Donghae kept on crying and crying. His eyes and cheeks were puffy, and his lips were pouty. Snot was coming out of his nose like crazy, but he didnt care.

"Donghae hyung! Your mom called," Kyuhyun handed him the phone.

"Mom?" Donghae called his mom with his voice cracking, "I made it," he sobbed more.

"Aigoo, My son you did well," She told him warmly, "I knew you would make it," she added.

"Mom, I...I...Made it for real," he said, he couldnt process the fact that he debuted already. That his dreams are now reality.

"Stop crying, you'll look ugly aigoo,"

"I cant seem to stop," he sniffed.

"Work hard okay? I love you very much," she bid him goodbye.

"Bye mom," he said while still crying.

Kyuhyun took the phone from him and suddenly hugged his sobbing hyung. He knew his feeling, Kyuhyun was in his shoes before.

"Hyunggggggg," Kyuhyun squished him, "Lets go back to the dorm and celebrate your debut," he added and smiled at Donghae.

Donghae sniffed and wiped his tears as he walked with Kyuhyun.

Eunhyuk, who was watching the scene had his arms crossed. The heavy crying Donghae did? He did that too. Infact the other members all did when they debuted.

He wanted to deny it, but he saw himself in Donghae.

That feeling when it finally hits you that you made it was the most precious feeling you could ever feel.

Those years you trained, blood and sweat would be all worth it once you stand on stage.

But Donghae did not suffer enough.

Its still not enough in Eunhyuk's eyes.

Eunhyuk was fine with Donghae joining. But he preferred that he WOULDNT and if he DID join, he would bring the living hell out of Donghae and crush him into pieces like what they have been through before.

If you think about it, Eunhyuk does have the right to feel unfair. Right?

"Eunhyuk-ah, you did well today," Leeteuk tapped his shoulders, "Although it was Donghae's stage, well now that I think about it, its originally yours," Leeteuk laughed.

"You worked hard too Hyung," Eunhyuk smiled at his leader.

"Lets go! We need to go to the dorm for a party," Leeteuk winked and left.

"Hyung," Eunhyuk called him, "Whos coming?" He asked playfully.

"Secret," he winked again and smiled.

"Eyyyyy!" Eunhyuk placed his arms to his sides and jeered at Leeteuk.

"Hyung, Good job today!" Siwon hugged his hyung.

"You too horsey," He teased him.

"What is this?!?!" Siwon nagged.

"Good Job everyone!!" Leeteuk shook all their staffs hands and bowed more than a hundred times after their stage.

"LEE DONGHAE!" Shindong hugged Donghae, "YOU MADE IT!" he added and he smiled at him.

"Come on guys!" Shindong asked everyone to come in for a big group hug!

Eunhyuk, who was talking to Siwon got pushed by the members to go into the hug. He ended up backhugging Donghae, he couldnt move because the members were hugging tightly.

Donghae felt someone hugging him, he looked back there he saw Eunhyuk with his arms wrapped around him.

Suddenly, everything turned black. He could only see just him and Eunhuuk

Eunhyuk didnt look very happy, he looked like he was uncomfortable.

Donghae knows far too well how to tell if Eunhyuk is really smiling.

The hug broke off and the members bowed before their staffs.

Eunhyuk moved away from Donghae as if nothing happened. He expected Eunhyuk to start scolding him, but he didnt.

The staffs made sure that everything is perfect. From Makeup to Wardrobe, and Mics to Stage, the staffs prepared it for them.

"You all worked so hard!" Leeteuk smiled,

Their staffs clapped and said their 'youre welcomes' to them.

"Hyuk hyung, lets go!" Siwon wrapped his arm around Eunhyuk's shoulders and dragged him to the van.

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