Chapter Fourteen: Rain falls

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After a long day of choreography, Donghae felt drained. As if all the energy in him was sucked out of his body.

"Good job today kids!" Leeteuk cheered the boys.

It was a cold rainy day when the members headed back to the dorm. When they arrived, they saw their fans that are still waiting for them under the cold and dark sky.

"Its raining they should get going," Kyuhyun said in a worried tone.

The members alighted from the vehicle and ran to the front entrance.

Fans were screaming and they kept on calling their names.




The last one to run was Prince manager, all the members went inside.

Suddenly, a figure appeared from inside the front entrance. It was Eunhyuk. He gathered all the umbrellas he could find around the dorm and handed it over to the fans.

"Here take this and head back home, dont be sick okay?" Eunhyuk said while he was distributing the umbrellas.

He forgot about one thing, he forgot about himself. Eunhyuk was drenched in water as he was busy with the umbrellas.

"Oppa!" a fan squaled and placed an umbrella over his head.

"Oh.." Eunhyuk was surprised.

"Ahhhh! Youll be sick please go in oppa youre wet," a fan worried about him.

"I will, get home safely okay?" Eunhyuk smiled.

He ran inside and went upstairs to the dorm.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Prince exclaimed.

"ELF needed umbrellas," Eunhyuk took off his shirt and ran to the bathroom as fast as he can.

"He cares alot huh?" Ryeowook said while sitting down the couch.

"He does," Prince answered.

Few hours later, Eunhyuk prepared his bed. He wanted to get as much sleep as he can because tomorrow is an even more tiring day.

They will continue with the choreohraphy and rehearse with the cameras.

"Achoo!" Eunhyuk sneezed.

He touched his forehead and he felt the heat escaping from his skin.

He didnt bother, he didnt care. He knew it would disappear by the time he wakes up.


"Eunhyuk..wait for me okay?" Jihyun told him.

Eunhyuk held her hands and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I will..i will never stop," he answered.

"Thats my boy," she smiled. "Dont look at other girls! Or else ill dump you!" she joked.

"I will always, look at you. Only you" he smiled at her.

"I love you Hyuk," she said.

"I love you to-------"

Eunhyuk woke up from his bed faster than a race car sprinting towards the finish line.

He was burning up, he was breathing heavily.

Sweat covered his face and body. He couldnt feel anything but the heat in his body.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down, but he cant.

"Yeah, ill get back to it tomorro--" Donghae dropped his phone with the sight of Eunhyuk.

He ran towards him and placed his hands over his forehead.

"Youre burning up!" Donghae panicked. "Ill go get medicine, stay here!" He added then he ran outside to fetch medicine.

Eunhyuk had a severe headache that he can barely talk without feeling a painful pinch in his head.

He felt really sick, weak and helpless.

Donghae came back with a bucket of water, towel, medicine and a cup of water.

Donghae placed the tray down and pressed his hands against Eunhyuk's neck.

He was sweating so much, he wiped Eunhyuk's sweat and rubbed a damp towel on his skin.

He also gave Eunhyuk his medicine and slowly, the man fell asleep.

Even if hes still sleeping, Donghae continued on rubbing the damp towel on Eunhyuk's skin.

Around his neck, forehead, arms and legs, the towel soothed him.

"Im..sorry please forgive me," Eunhyuk murmured.

"Eh?" Donghae said in confusion.

"Im really sorry," Eunhyuk said with his eyes closed. Was he dreaming? ...Maybe.

Eunhyuk pulled Donghae's wrist making them go into a hug.

Eunhyuk held Donghae tightly.

He didnt know it was Donghae that hes hugging.

Donghae didnt know what to do. He tried to flee but he cant. Eunhyuk is too strong, his tight hug was escapeless.

Donghae was helpless, but he felt Eunhyuk's warmth. His heart raced and it started beating uncontrollably.

"What is this Lee Donghae," Donghae said to himself and with every strength he has, he managed to pull away from Eunhyuk's arms.

He stood still with his hands against his chest, he was feeling his heart that was beating like crazy.

He ran to his bed and sat down, he looked at Eunhyuk and he realized he forgot to do something

He placed the damp towel on the man's forehead and went back to his space again.

He layed himself down on his bed and drifted to sleep.

EUNHAE Series: Fated To Love You (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now