Chapter 1-A Little Bit Sick

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(Sting's P.O.V)

Ugh...i've been feeling like crap ever since I woke up,i'm probably sick or something.That was probably why I fell asleep when Y/N left to try to find Havoc.My head was killing me,and I probably had a fever or something,I just gotta suck it up and hope Y/N doesn't notice...

"Hey,Sting wanna go get something to eat?"Y/N suddenly asks.

Crap.If I tell her I don't wanna eat,cuz I am in NO mood to eat,at all,she'll know something's wrong because normally I would be the reason she keeps buying food.What am I gonna do!?

"Sure,c'mon!"I say with fake enthusiasm.

(Time Skip)

I was right,I was in NO mood to eat.At all.What did I drag me and my dumb ass into this time?I had to tell Y/N that I was sick cuz it was better than her finding out eventually and scolding me for not telling her sooner.Heh,guess my plan to suck it up and 'look cool' in front of her failed.Big time.

"Sting?Something wrong?"she asked me as she was eating. it goes...

"Honestly,yes.Ever since I woke up i've been feeling like crap"I groan.

She stopped eating and placed her hand on my forehead for a few seconds before she used that same hand to cup my cheek,looking at me worriedly.

"Your burning up,Sting...we should go back home"she said in concern.

(At your le house,A/N:Yes...i'm still not over the 'le' XD)

"You go take a nap"she demanded as she handed me a pillow.

"Gomenasai,Y/N-chan"I murmur before yawning,since she had Dragon Hearing she could hear what I said loud and clear,she stopped in her tracks and looked at me.

"Why are you apologizing?"she asked.

"I don't want you to worry about me"I murmur,already half-asleep.

"I'm your girlfriend,that's kinda what I do...along with other things"she joked making me chuckle before I finally fall alseep.

(Y/N's P.O.V)

Well,Sting's sick so I might as well go to Fairy Tail and ask Old Master Crux a question that's been stuck in your mind for a while.You had a feeling it had something to do with finding Havoc.

(At Fairy Tail)

It was the usual,Natsu and Gray fighting,Erza peacefully eating her Strawberry Cake.Everyone else just having a great time and well...being Fairy Tail.

"You wanna fight!?"Natsu yelled.

"Bring it on!!!"Gray shouted.

"Will the two of you shut up!?Club of the Iron Dragon!"Gajeel shouted,instead of hitting a brawling Natsu and Gray,it hit Erza's strawberry cake.

The atmosphere around her turned dark and she stood up and looked at Natsu,Gray and Gajeel who had joined in the fight.

"Alright!Who destroyed my cake!?"Erza yelled as she went on a rampage.

"You'll get it now,Ice Bastard!"

Natsu was about to throw a punch at Gray but he dogded it and Natsu (Being the clumsy guy he was) instead charges at you.Before he got any closer you grab his fist and use it to fling him to the wall,he quickly gets back up and there were fireballs in his eyes.

"Y/N!!!"Natsu roared.

You grab his fist again and kick him in the gut so he landed on top of Gray,both fell on the floor in defeat.You turned around and you faced a pissed off Iron Dragon Slayer.

"You dare interrupt our fight!?"he boomed.

He dashed towards you and you punched him in the cheek,he wasn't done yet so you elbowed him in the back causing him to fall on top of Natsu and Gray who were still on the floor.

"Anybody else?"you ask with a smirk.

"..."was all you got.

"Y/N!"Lucy called out.(A/N:Ugh...just no...)"It's been awhile,how are you and Sting?"she asked.

"The two of us are fine,Sting's sick though"you respond with a smile.

"Oh,hope the little rascal gets better soon!"she exclaims flashing a warm smile.

(A/N:I just...ugh!I really HATE Lucy...I

"Where's Erza?"you ask,all of a sudden you could hear the sound of metal clanking.

"You called?"she asked behind you,making you jump a bit.

"Hey!"you greet.

"Oh,shrimp!Where's that punk!?"Gajeel asks as he butts into our conversation.

"Punk?"you question with a raised eyebrow.

"He's talking about Sting..."Natsu mutters,a bump on his head.

"Why are you here,by the way?"Gray asked.

"Luce,I have a favor to ask..."you murmur looking at the Celestial Spirit Wizard.

"Sure,what is it?"she asked.

"Could you summon Old Master Crux?"you ask.

"Alright...Gate of the Southern Cross,I open thee!Crux!"she shouts as she opens Crux's gate.

"Old Master Crux!I need to ask you something"you said.

"What?"he asked,raising his head.

"Could you tell me how to get to Blood Fang?"

(After a long explanation...)

"Thanks,Lucy!"you yell as you walk out of Fairy Tail.

"No problem!"Lucy shouts back.

(Back at your le house)

You walk in and found it unusually...quiet.No yelling goofball or any laughter from Sting,nothing.Not a single peep,it was different.You walked into the bedroom and you saw Sting sleeping with the blankets wrapped around his body,his face looked so cute and peaceful when he was sleeping.You sit next to where Sting's head was and nudge his shoulder to wake him up.

"Oi,Sting"you say while nudging his shoulder.

This seemed to do it cuz he had opened one eye lazily and when he saw you he opened the other eye and sat up,yawning.

"Y/N?"he asks before yawning again.

"How ya feeling?"you ask,patting his head,his hair was even more messy than usual.

"A bit better,I still feel like crap though..."he paused as his nose twitched and he sneezed.

"You hungry?"you ask.

"No...i'm not really in the mood to eat"he responded.

"Are you really that sick that you woudn't want to eat?"you murmur to yourself as you place your hand on his forehead again.

"I guess so..."he mumbles sleepily.

You gently placed his head on your lap and you run your fingers through his hair,brushing it.In a few minutes he fell asleep again so you placed his head back on the pillow before you changed into your sleeping clothes and crawled into bed with Sting.

Of course since Sting was Sting he was completely fine the next day,but we'll save what interesting stuff that happened that day for another chapter...



So...first chapter...anyways i'm still sick right now so I just decided to do a chapter when Sting gets sick cuz I thought it would be cuter for you to take care of bae.So...yeah


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