Chapter 18-Alone Time

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Even though the title seems like it,this IS NOT a lemon.I repeat,this IS NOT a lemon...


"Where's Hikari?"you asked,his only response was a shrug.

"She said she'd go ahead to see if we're going the right way,might take a while,"he mumbled.

Suddenly there was a cold breeze that blew and you shivered slightly,Sting looked at you in slight concern as you shivered again.

"You okay?"he asked,walking up to you.

"Yeah,i'm just c-cold,"you mumbled.

He pulled you into a tight embrace and you enjoyed the soothing warmth radiating off of him,after a while you were so caught up with Sting's warmth that you forgot the two of you were standing and so you ended up falling to the ground.

Mind you,Sting was on top.

"Ow!"you wheezed.

"I'm sorry!I'm sorry!"he tried to get off of you but you pulled him back down with your arms.

"It's fine,"you kissed his nose and he stayed silent.

"Y-Y/N,"he breathed.

You suddenly noticed a small cut on his cheek,and it was slightly bleeding.Although it was quite small and you knew it would heal over time you still got worried.

"Sting,"you murmured,"your cheek."

"I'll be fine,Y/N.It's just a small cut,"he responded.

"I don't want you getting hurt,be careful,okay?"you asked.

"I got it,my love,"he cooed.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and slowly pressed your lips against his,he immediately kissed you back and placed his hands on either side of your body.You suddenly felt his tongue poking your lip,asking for permission.



On second thought,it MIGHT become a lemon,MIGHT.

So read on!

Levi:The hell?Why are you with this brat?

Slayer:Oi!Go back to your anime,Ackerman!I'm with Sting now!So go back to your HQ and be jelly!

Levi:The f-*disappears*


You slightly opened your mouth and you felt his tongue slip in,exploring every part of your mouth as if it already belonged to him.He broke away,gasping for air as the two of you stared at each other's eyes.



You gently nipped at his strong jaw before going to his neck,leaving marks as you kissed and nipped it over and over.Sting groaned as his hands trailed up and down your curves,then he stopped you and gently nibbled on your ear,his hot breath tickling it.

"How you want this?"he asked seductively.

You looked at his pants and caught him off guard as you slipped your hands under it and you felt his hard member making him groan slightly.You began pumping it roughly making his body slightly shake from the pleasure.

"Oh crap,"he grumbled as he nearly collapsed on top of you again.

He grabbed you and moved your bodies so that he was on his knees and you were beneath him,he groaned trying to keep himself together.

"Y-Y/N...m-more~"he begged.

You started pumping it faster and he began moving his hips back and forth to match the movements of your hand,he was trembling by now and he began mumbling things that you coudn't understand.

"Y/N...i-i'll...I can't,"he grabbed you and pinned you down before you heard the distant sound of flapping wings.

"CRAP!"you and Sting yelled in unison as the two of you tried to regain yourselves from the heated moment seconds ago.

You fixed yourselves and you glanced at Sting who was looking at you,your eyes trailed down to his pants and you noticed a massive bulge on it.

"Sting-"you muttered.

"I know!"he exclaimed,"Y/N,kiss me!"


You were interrupted as he pressed his lips against your's your eyes widened and you glanced at Sting and he pressed his body against your's,and you felt something hard poke your thighs.You moved your body a bit and you ended up rubbing against his length making him moan into the kiss.

Y-Y/N...n-no~ stop...


He coudn't even get his own thoughts in order.

I know!

After a few more minutes with the mere sounds of flapping wings gradually getting closer and closer you had gotten pissed off at his member,which only got harder.(Since you tried to move a lot,Sting would hold you down on top of him and so you unintentionally teased his length.)

It had gotten to the point where your hand trailed down to his pants and grabbed his member,giving it a tight squeeze causing him to yelp which soon turned into a moan.

"A-aah~,Y-Y/,"he pleaded.

You squeezed it even tighter and he moaned,placing his hands on the sides of your body.He looked down trying to control himself,his legs buckled but he managed to recover before he moaned again,consumed by the pleasure.

"Y/N...n-no...y-your making me...making me..."he tried to finish his sentence but you finally let go.

He placed his hands on your shoulders and regained his composure before he collapsed in your arms,panting loudly as the sound of flapping wings got louder and louder.

" me...again,"he mumbled in between pants.

"Got it,"you responded before Hikari landed.

"Sorry,got distracted,but I found the place we're heading to and it's not that far,"she said calmly,"What happened to him?"she asked.

"Stuff,"you responded.

"Anyway,there's this place nearby that also near to wherever we're going...wanna go there?"she asked.

"Why not?"you helped the trembling male onto Hikari's back and the dragon flew up and began casually soaring through the night sky.

Along the way,Sting leaned against you,and had ended up falling asleep.When the three of you got to the said place you woke Sting up and he grumbled before rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sleepy~!"he whined.

"I know,get off Hikari and you can go back to sleep."

He wasted no time and rolled off the dragon before he fell asleep again.You chuckled and got off Hikari before walking towards Sting and placing his head on your lap,running your fingers through his hair before falling asleep.


Levi:Can't believe you...

Slayer:Didn't I say go back to your anime?*makes Levi disappear*

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now