Chapter 4-Hikari

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(Y/N's P.O.V)

The baby dragon squeaked and your eyes were big,you coudn't move at all.You could just stare at the dragon before you.It looked exactly the same as Acnologia except it was smaller,same body design except it was pure white with a grey underbelly and it had Acnologia's tattoos except instead of being blue they were red.It's eyes were a brilliant blue,kinda like Sting's and it stared at you in silence.

"I...I don't"you say in disbelief.

"A...dragon?"Sting murmurs."Where did it come from?"

You held the dragon with your hands,right now it was the size of a cat so you held it right in front of you.The dragon's eyes stared at you in silence as if it was studying you...your eyes gazed 'down there' and you noticed it was a girl.

"This is a real dragon,I don't sense any magic coming from her"you respond.

"Her!?"Sting exclaimed as if you had gone insane.

"Yes...her"you snapped in slight annoyance.

"Acnologia?"Sting asked.

"She smells like him,but the magic isn't the same"you respond.

You gently put the dragon on the ground and she continued to look at you,you get on your knees and reached out your hand to pet it on the head.Alas,this thing had other plans.Before you reached her head,she bit down on one of your fingers making you yelp in shock.

"You okay?"Sting asked as he walked up to you,you held out your other hand to stop him and he stopped.

You looked at the dragon again and you reached out the same hand you had used last time,the dragon probably realized you weren't a threat cuz this time it licked the finger it bit before it raised it's head so you could pet it.You smiled and petted it's head a few times before stopping and looking at Sting,with a grin on your face.

"Sting,my love,I think i've befriended a dragon"

"And...why exactly?"he asked stupidly.

"So it won't roast our asses later on when it gets bigger"you say bluntly in a 'Isn't-it-obvious-dumbass?' kinda tone.

"What now?"Sting asked.

"I guess we leave it here...I mean what are we gonna do with it?"you mutter,standing up.

You and Sting walked away leaving the baby dragon alone.About 17 seconds later you stopped walking to feel something on your leg.You hear a squeak and you froze,so did Sting.

"Please don't be..."you murmur under you breath,you looked at your leg and you saw the same baby dragon..."Dammit"

"Y/N...babe,I think it's imprinted on us"Sting said,placing a hand on your shoulder.

"What!?"you screamed.

"We were the first thing it saw after it hatched,but I don't think we can take care of a dragon"he responded,running his fingers through his hair.

You looked down at the dragon and it looked up at you with puppy eyes...well dragon eyes,but you get the point!You picked it up and smiled as it tilted it's head to the side a bit.

"'s cute"you say with a smile.

"Well not for long,you know how big they become?What'll we do then?"he asked,you shrugged looking at him your eyes lighting up.

"But while it's still cute and small can we take care of it?"you ask making him sigh.

"We can't take care of a dragon,Y/N"Sting said sternly.

"Sting,i'm begging you!"you say in a pleading voice,you gave him your puppy eyes and he turned away.

"Y/N,your only saying that because it's cute...if it looked hideous (A/N:Is that how you spell it?) you would yell at me to kill it with fire"he said making you pout.

"I'll let it go when it gets too big,I swear!"you shouted.

"Your gonna be to attached to it by then,and you'll end up not letting it go"Sting growled.

"B-but..."you stuttered as tears formed at the edge of your eyes."...why can't w-we k-keep it?"

"That won't work this time,Y/N"he said sternly.

"Can we keep it?Please,Sting?"you begged,he looked at you and he noticed you were on the verge of bursting into tears so he let out a sigh and gave in.

"Fine"he muttered.

"Yay!!!"you cheered and gently placed the dragon on the ground before giving Sting a big hug.

"I love you,Sting"you chirped.

"Yeah,yeah.I love you too"he responded.

"Well then,since we're keeping this dragon...what are we gonna name it?"you ask making Sting smirk.

"We shall name that dragon...Sting"he said smugly making you face-palm.

"We can't call her Sting...that's a boy's name,baka!"you scolded,his face fell and his expression turned sulky.

"Dammit...I really wanted a dragon to be named after me"he mumbled sulkily."Maybe we should name it something after it's so much like the guy"he said as he looked up.

"She isn't anything like Acnologia,sure she smells like him and she sure as hell looks like him...but,magic-wise and personality-wise,she's nothing like Acnologia"you responded.

"How do you know?We don't even know about her personality yet"Sting asked.

"I just do...I's one of those gut feelings"you murmur."Anyway,let's forget her Acnologia-ness for now!She needs a name!"you exclaimed happily.

"Sting"he blurted out making you snort.

"I don't even..."you mutter before Sting grabbed the dragon out of your hands.

"Lemme have a look,maybe I can find some inspiration"Sting said as he watched the dragon who tilted her head to the side at Sting."She's actually really cute"he chirped.

"Told ya!"you yelled.

"What about something related to light?"he suggested,taking his eyes off the dragon.

"Light?Why?"you questioned.

"She's white and that's kinda like light..."he said.

"That logic though..."you mumbled,though the blonde could hear you loud and clear.

"What?You have a better idea?"he asked irritatedly.

"Actually no,I don't.So Mr. Let's-name-it-something-related-to-light,what's it's name?"you asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What about Hikari?"he suggested.

"Hikari?"you repeated as if you were new to the word (Which you were not).

"Hai!Hikari!"he exclaimed.

"Alright...Hikari it is"...


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