Chapter 24-A True Dragon Slayer

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Hikari growled and rammed into Acnologia making the dragon release both you and Vivalgia from his grip. Sting caught you and when he did he flicked your nose.

"Oww! What the hell!?"you yelled.

Hikari heard you and sent you the deadliest glare she could muster, and coming from a dragon, her glare was more than enough to petrify you.

"Never put a stigma on me, EVER AGAIN," she growled.

"Your lucky Hikati knew how to break the stigma," Sting added.

"Sorry," you mumbled.

Sting smiled and set you down before hugging you, "It's fine, Hikari's just annoyed, that's all."

"Y/N!"Vivalgia called.

You looked at the dragon before looking at Sting who nodded, with that you left his arms and ran to help Vivalgia and Hikari fight Acnologia.

"White Shadow Dragon's Silk!"

Several black and white beams, aiming for Acnologia but the dragon somehow managed to nullify all of them with his Dragon Roar. You had successfully distracted Acnologia.

Now, Vivalgia and Hikari could fire a joined attack.

There were two loud roars coming from above, Acnologia looked up and saw Vivalgia and Hikari circling each other before they shot their breaths. Acnologia countered it with his own breath and flew in the air after the 2 dragons.

Vivalgia and Hikair split up and Acnologia decided to follow Vivalgia, attempting to use Acnologia's size against him Vivalgia dived and of course, Acnologia followed but when Vivalgia neared the ground she let out a cry and crashed into the ground.

Acnologia opened his mouth but before he could try anything Hikari struck Acnologia with her tail and begun distracting him.

"Vivalgia!"you yelled.

"I can't move..."she grunted.

There was a loud crash and Hikari slid across the ground, she managed to get up but was too weak to do anything against Acnologia. Hikari, unlike Vivalgia, was not fully-grown so she wasn't as powerful and wasn't as massive as Acnologia.

"Finally," Acnologia grinned.

"The hell are you talking about?"you growled.

"You said it yourself, Vivalgia's state depends on the state of your summoner and since your summoner has been battling and, consequently using up her magic you will be affected directly. That explains why you've become sluggish unlike when you were newly summoned," Acnologia sneered.


>>Vivalgia's P.O.V<<

Dammit, Y/N's running out of magic, I thought.

I have to do something to help her somehow...

I mumbled a lost spell and casted in on Y/N. She blinked for a second and her eyes turned draconic...

It's working...

>>Y/N'S P.O.V<<

You were suddenly overwhelmed by a strange magic force. You ignored it and in a flurry of blue light you tackled him to the ground, your newfound strength shocking both you and him. You suddenly felt yourself transforming...

"Are you aware of your powers? The same powers I was born to ELIMINATE?"

Teeth turned into fangs, skin became the scales of a dragon, nails became talons...

"Do you know the purpose of the powers I was gifted? My power was made to stand unyielding against the likes of you."

The two other dragons and Sting watched in awe as you rendered the so-called "Dragon King" helpless...

Your body grew in size and changed in shape to resemble that of a reptile, a pair of large bat-like wings appeared and a tail appeared ending in two identical red energies resembling the blades of an axe. Along your spine and tail, spines were scattered all around.

"Stay back!" Acnologia growled as he tried to get away.

On both of your wings were randomly placed red wings that glowed and faded over and over again. The scales that replaced your skin changed and looked less of your s/c and more of a dark black. As more time passed and as more transformations took place you looked completely like a dragon and absolutely NOTHING like a human.

The creature you had become was completely black and was the size of Acnologia, your eyes were still e/c and it seemed that was the only thing that you kept from your human form, as everything else changed.

You had two horns that were placed behind your head and grew away from your head.You had two large wings that had red rings all around them and two hind legs that had talons that could deal plenty amounts of damage.

Your dragon had a long tail which was almost as the rest of your body and other than the spines that were scattered all across your back and tail, your tail had two axe-blade shaped energies that were placed on either side of your tail and seemed to glow and dim like the red rings on your wings.

Acnologia tried to attack you but you held him down with your talons your eyes staring directly into his...

"You are NOTHING compared to me!"

You opened your mouth and roared before grabbing his neck and tossing him away. You pounced on him and slammed him against the ground.

"You claim to be the cause of the world's end!? I know what true carnage is, I know what real chaos is, I know what DEATH is, wherein the scent of blood fills the sky!"

Acnologia looked at you and managed to choke out, ""

You chuckled and withdrew yourself before the rings on your wings glowed crimson...


As the rings' glow became unbearably bright Acnologia managed to catch a glimpse of your eyes, it changed from the friendly e/c to a deathly blood red...

" a Dragon Slayer."




Wattpad decided to screw itself so I got annoyed and raged (I have quite the temper), and I decided I needed to update so I got over my petty little annoyance and decided to update.


Some KRAAAAAYZAAAAAAY stuff happened on dis chapter!



*inserts some random churvaloo because Wattpad is screwing itself again*

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