Chapter 14-What Goes On At Night (Pt. 1)

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>>Y/N's P.O.V<<

It had been 5 days ever since the nightmare fiasco with Sting and those 5 days went by quietly.We were really close to that place that according to Hikari -who DEFINITELY had better navigational skills than you and Sting combined- said it would be half a day at the least and a whole day at the most to get there.

Anyway,it was nighttime and you,Hikari,and Sting were in an open field,stargazing.Hikari was lying in the grass,sleeping whilst you and Sting were lying down side-by-side staring at the starry sky.Of course the serene silence that enveloped the two Dragon Slayers and the dragon in the open field just HAD to be broken by Sting.

"Y/N?"he asked quietly,as not to wake up -and most probably piss off- Hikari.

"Yeah?"you responded,tearing your gaze away from the sky and instead looking at Sting's face.

"I've been thinking..."he muttered.

"And?"you questioned.

He looked at you,propped on his elbows,the collar of his dark blue jacket covering a small portion of his face.(A/N:I dun curr 'bout wha u think!Sting in his final day -G.M.G- clothes makes him look so haaaaaawt!!!)You sat up and looked at Sting expectantly,awaiting his answer.

"Remember last year's Grand Magic Games?When we first met?"he asked.

"Yeah,what about it?"you questioned.

He looked away in what seemed like guilt and continued to talk,"I acted like a complete asshole back then,sorry about that..."

You smiled and ruffled his spiky -yet soft- blonde hair and his gaze fell on you and he looked a bit shocked at your actions.You giggled and he ended up chuckling before running his fingers through his hair,fixing it.You smiled and suddenly flicked his nose making him let out an angry -and not to mention,confused- 'owww!'.

"What was that for?"he asked,while rubbing the bridge of his nose,"That hurted!"

"That was for acting like an asshole at last year's tournament,"you grinnned childishly.

He stopped rubbing his nose and pouted at you,"I already said I was sorry!"

"Yeah,but think about it..."you scooted closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder,then you felt his earring poke your skin lightly,"Why the hell do you keep wearing that earring?"

"That's what you want me to think about?My earring?"he snorted,making you roll your eyes and get off his shoulder.

"No,dumbass,"you flicked his earring making him grunt,"But,why do you wear that earring all the time?Like...ALL THE TIME.I mean like even when we were having *toot* you kept that earring on."

"Why not?"he questioned making you flick his nose again."Owww!Why~!?"

"Give me the right answer,"you barked.

"Well,"he began,smirking,"you gotta admit it makes me look like a badass...or well,makes me look even more badass than I already do."

"That's it?So you can look badass?"you snorted.

"Oh,c'mon,Y/N.It's not like you don't secretly get Havoc's leather jacket and wear it when he doesn't notice,or when he accidentally leaves it at your place,"he teased.

You closed your eyes for a second and sighed and when you opened them again,Sting was giving you that 'Just-admit-i'm-right' kinda look.You rolled your eyes and playfully shoved him,making him fall on the grass,you turned around so your back faced him and after a few seconds of hearing Sting move you felt his arms hug your waist and pull you closer to him.

"So,"he whispered,"other than my badass earring,what else do you want me to think about?"

You cocked your head to the side so you could face Sting and he grinned at you,"If you think about it...the Sting I knew back then at last year's tournament woud be too proud to do what your doing right now...your ego was bigger than Natsu's appetite,and trust me...that guy can EAT."you said.

"Hey..."he paused to think,"your right."

He chuckled before he purposely pushed you so you fell on the grass again.The blonde crawled on top of you and placed his hands on either side of your head,trapping you in.You grabbed the collar of his jacket as he his head dipped down.He got so close to your face,your noses almost touched.

"Y/N?",he began,"If I still had the same from last year's Grand Magic Games...would you still love me?"

" all honesty I really missed your big ego and your bad boy-esque look,"you admitted.

"You thought...I was a bad boy?"he fake gasped and your rolled your eyes before slightly nodded.

His -FAKE- shocked expression turned into a bad boy-esque one.His head backed away a bit and lifted your chin with his thumb and index finger and looked at you with a smirk on his face.

"Y'know...the thing about 'bad boys' is that no matter what they never lose their bad boy-ness,"he explained and you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah,and another thing about 'bad boys',"you mocked before you changed position so this time you were on top,your arms and legs trapping him,"is that they are fully aware it's all an act."

"How do you know that?"he questioned.

"Experience,"you responded.

There was a silence between you two until Sting spoke up,



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