Chapter 23-The Dragon Queen and the Dragon King Clash

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"The time has come...

...for the Dragon King and the Dragon Queen to clash."


Sting walked up to you and looked at you worriedly,"Y/N?You okay?"

"I gotta be up there,fighting Acnologia...helping Vivalgia,"you looked up at the 2 warring dragons.

Hikari (Who also presumed Vivalgia was more prepared than she ever was to handle Acnologia) walked up to you and Sting,her wings folded,showing off the injuries she had sustained from battling Acnologia.

"Why do you want to fight so badly?"she asked.

"It's something I need to do..."you mumbled,knowing you were in for a lecture.

"Just let Vivalgia fight Acnologia,Y/N,she's right,you did your part already...let Vivalgia go hers,"Sting said.

"I'm going,"you declared.


You gave them a 'you-aren't-gonna-stop-me-and-your-not-gonna-change-my-mind-so-just-back-off' kinda look making Sting gulp.

"But Y/N-"he began.

Sting froze,finding himself unable to move,he felt the stigma you planted on him and began trying to break free of it's powers,but he failed miserably at it.

"Y-Y/N,"he stammered.

"I'm going."

"There is no way-"

Hikari paused and felt the same stigma on Sting,she growled and tried to break free but like Sting,she failed at it.

"Your staying here."

Satisfied at the fact they coudn't go against you or try to stop you now,you left to find Vivalgia.When you found her,she was on top of Acnologia,who in turn was trying to break free of the dragon's grasp.Vivalgia made a large gash across Acnologia's chest making the dragon roar in anger as he tried to break free again.

"Vivalgia!"you yelled.

The said craned her neck and watched in shock as you ran towards in full speed.

"Y/N!?What are you-"she began.

"I'm helping!"you yelled.


"The stypidity and carelessness of humans always amaze me to this day,"Acnologia admitted.

"Shut up,"Vivalgia growled.


The 3 snakes appeared by your side appeared and hissed loudly.Vivalgia watched the familiar snakes,who (kinda) helped her in defeating Havoc.


The snakes understood and increased their speed so they were side-by-side,not by your side.They leapt into the air at the same time and then there was a bright flash of light.When it cleared in place of the 3 snakes was a dragon about Hikari's size,orange in color with a cream underbelly.

It had long orange wings and curved talons,poised to strike.It had a long tail that ended in a massive array of spines.


"It feels awesome to be alive again!It sucked being made of fire!"Iphyur (Ignis) exclaimed.

All of a sudden the dragon's body color changed from orange to blue with a white underbelly,it's wings became feathery and it's tail ended in feathers,not spines.

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now