Christmas Special

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This does not affect the story or plot whatsoever, this is simply what the title says it is:

A Christmas special.

I need to stop sounding so formal! I mean it's flipping Christmas-

...I wanna say Eve but right now i'm writing this at like 10 in the morning...'s the morning before Christmas!

Enjoy the Special!


"Y/N...Hey Y/N!" Flaire yelled.

You lifted your head to meet your exceed, you rubbed your eyes tiredly before sitting up, "What do you want from me, Flaire?"

"Rogue's at the door, he told me to come get you guys," Flaire said.

You muttered something under your breath, "How that guy manages to get up early I don't know..."

You faced Sting, who was still asleep. You gently shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up, of course he didn't budge...

And I actually thought that would wake him up, you grumbled.

"Sting, wake up," you said, shaking his shoulder again.

He groaned softly and covered his face with a pillow, burying himself in the blanket. You rolled your eyes and sighed. You shook his shoulder again, and he ignored you.

"Baby, what do you want? I wanna sleep!" he whined.

"Sting, I know it's your day-off and you wanna sleep, but I think it's important," you said.

He sat up and Sting looked absolutely miserable, "What's so important? It's goddamn Christmas Day for god's sake!"

"Rogue's here."

At the mention of the Shadow Dragon Slayer's name, Sting groaned and face-planted on the pillow, "Tell him to go to hell."

You laughed at that, "C'mon Sting."

He sat up again and glared at you, "You owe me big time for this, Y/N."

You smiled and hugged your lover from behind, "Love you Sting!"

"It's gonna take more than that to put me in a good mood, Y/N," Sting grumbled

The two of you got out of bed and fixed yourselves before the two of you left the bedroom to meet up with Rogue. Sting sat down and gestured for you to sit on his lap, you raised your eyebrow but he gestured for you to sit on his lap again. You sat down on the Dragon Slayer's lap and he rested his chin on your shoulder.

"Alright, what's so important?" Sting asked.

"The Magic Council wants to talk to you, and only you," Rogue said, "this isn't one of those meetings for all theq Guild Masters."

"Oh crap," Sting cursed.

Rogue stood up and patted Sting's shoulder, "Good luck, Sting."

You faced Sting and all signs of wanting to sleep disappeared from his face and replacing it was fear. He ran his hands through his hair a couple of times before he faced you," me luck?"

You kissed his cheek before smiling, "Don't worry, if they do anything to you, they'll have to answer to ME."

He looked at you in disbelief, "But Y/N, this is the Magic Council."

"And you are my boyfriend, I don't care if it's the damn king of Fiore, I won't let anybody hurt you without my consent," you answered.

"That's...comforting," he muttered.

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now