Chapter 22-Battle Against The Dragon King

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"Is that what's gonna defeat me?Might as well give up now human...'s the end for you!"

Other thing to note:

The picture above is how I what imagine Vivalgia would look like,it is actually Crystagon from the Facebook game Monster Galaxy,love that game <3.

P.S:Vivalgia is Acnologia's size...


"Dragon Force..."

Blue markings appeared all over your body,adding to the power of your already powerful Secret Art.You looked down and saw Hikari flying just below you,Sting resting on her forehead.

"Fire Lightning Dragon's Roar!"

Dragon Force and your Secret Art amplified your power greatly,so much that it overpowered Acnologia's roar and landed a successful hit on the Dragon King.

"It's been over 400 years since I got hit by an attack...that actually hurt,"he admitted.

He tail swiveled towards you,almost hitting you but you managed to fly away in time.You quickly flew towards him before your fists set ablaze.

"Crimson Lotus Exploding Flame Edge!"

The firepower used in the attacked caused an explosion allowing you to fly somewhere else before Acnologia had the chance to attack you.When you finally saw the massive dragon again,you snapped and a ring of lightning orbs appeared around Acnologia.



They look like the ones that Laxus used when he was still bad and decided to fight Fairy Tail along with the Raijinshuu tribe (Did I spell that right?).



Just a quickly as the orbs appeared they exploded in a chain reaction-esque fashion which angered Acnologia...A LOT.

"This fighting resembles Vivalgia..."

"Vivalgia?You know her?"

Out of nowhere,you felt Acnologia's tail wrap around you before he transferred your body to his hand.He smirked before preparing a breath which was to be aimed at you.

"I do,but it doesn't matter now,because your going to die..."

"Holy Breath of the White Dragon!"

A white laser beam appeared and exploded in Acnologia's face making the dragon let go of you,you quickly became airborne again and looked at Sting and smiled at him.

"Thanks,"you said.

"It's no problem,"he answered.

You faced Acnologia again and you suddenly became serious.

"Holy Shadow Dragon's Fang Flash!"

Acnologia countered your attack with his own roar and begun charging towards you,Hikari headbutted Acnologia before he even got the chance to hit you though.Before the dragon could recover from the sudden attack,Hikari latched onto his neck,her talons grabbing a hold of his wings and the 2 dragons begun to descend.

You looked at Sting who was clinging onto the back of Hikari's neck,holding on for dear life.When the two massive dragons neared the ground,Hikari let go of Acnologia and struck him with her tail,causing the bigger dragon to crash into the ground.The white dragon let out a breath that hit Acnologia and after a few seconds a blue breath narrowly missed Hikari which startled the dragon and made her lose her focus.

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