Chapter 5-Blood Fang

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(Sting's P.O.V)

I woke up and the first thing I see is Hikari's dragonic face right in front of me.Of course,since a baby dragon oddly similar to Acnologia is NOT the first thing people usually see in the morning after waking up,I was overcome with shock.

"Sweet mother of-"I yelled.

Before I could end my sentence,I was cut off by a yelp and Y/N (Who was sleeping on the branch of a tree) fell off of the tree and landed on top me.Since I was sleeping on the base of the same tree Y/N was sleeping on,I realized at that moment that my chosen sleeping place was not such a good one.

What was even worse than the fact that I was nearly crushed by my girlfriend was that her knee had dug into that ONE PLACE.My face held a pained expression as I quickly shoved Y/N off of me before curling up to a ball,clutching my 'thing' in pain.

"Oh God~...Y-Y/N...that h-hurted"I groaned before I winced in pain.

I could hear Y/N get up from where she fell,since I shoved her and sit beside me as I was still suffering because she accidentally kneed me 'there'.

"Sting!I'm so sorry!"Y/N exclaimed as she tried to soothe the horrible pain I was feeling.

"I-it's...fine...goddammit"I cursed as I felt sweat beads form on my face.

"Dammit,if only I asked Wendy to teach me her healing magic then you woudn't be in pain anymore...gomenasai,Sting"she muttered.

When it was less painful,but still hurted I slowly got on my knees and I felt Y/N hug me before looking at me,her e/c eyes full of guilt.

"Gomenasai...I didn't mean to"she apologized,I managed to ignore the pain and plaster a smile on my face before I patted her on the head.

"It's alright,Y/N,it's not like the pain would last forever it only lasts for a few minutes"I said trying to reassure her that it was alright.

We stayed like that for a bit and in a minute or two the pain was completely gone and I managed to stand up and I noticed Y/N look around...what was she looking for though?Just as soon as she began 'looking' for something she stopped and faced me.

"Sting?"she asked.

"Yeah...what is it?And what were you looking for?"I responded in the form of a question,well two questions.

"Hikari...she seemed to have disappeared after I accidentally kneed that one place"she pointed out.

That made me look around to try to find the dragon,then we both heard a squeak and we turned to where it came from,the branch where Y/N was previously sleeping on which now had a small and...terrified?Looking baby dragon.

"Oh,there she is"Y/N said in slight amusement."Why are you up here?"she asks as she climbs the tree and onto the branch where Hikari was in.

She reached out her arms to try to scoop up the dragon and get off the branch but before her arms reached Hikari she took a few steps backward,while shaking her head sideways.

"Hikari,come here"Y/N said in a gentle voice,trying to reach out for Hikari again.

Again,Hikari stepped backwards and on one step she slipped and lost her footing,falling off the branch.Since she was still really young and the tree was about 7 feet from the ground so a fall of that height definitely WOULD NOT leave her scratchless.I saw Y/N jump off the tree and catch Hikari before wrapping her arms around the terrified dragon to protect her from the incoming blow.When Y/N landed she rolled a few times before she quickly got up and gently placed Hikari on the ground,looking at her.

"Y/N!You okay?"I asked,walking up to her,she looked at me and smiled casually.

"I'm fine,c'mon Hikari"Y/N said picking up Hikari.

The dragon squirmed out of her grip and hopped on to my shoulder,I swear I could see a hint of jealousy in Y/N's eyes when she saw Hikari get on my shoulder,but I knew better than to bring that up.She didn't say anything and instead the two of us just kept walking,later on after a few minutes had passed I could feel Hikari nudge my cheek with her snout.I turned to see the dragon eat air???

"Y/N...I think Hikari wants to eat air..."I mutter,feeling stupid for saying such a dumb thing.

"She's hungry,and I don't think she's gonna be satisfied with eating air"Y/N corrected making me feel even more stupid.

"Let's get something to eat then,I am a bit hungry myself"I murmur looking at my stomach.

"Eh,why not?C'mon!"

(Time Skip,Y/N's P.O.V)

You,Sting and Hikari who was on Sting's head stood in front of a guild hall.Sting was standing next to you and Hikari was sleeping on his head,using Sting's spiky blonde hair as a bed,messing it up in the process.

"We're here"you whisper,careful not to wake up Hikari.

"And where is 'here' exactly?"Sting whisper-asked.

"Blood Fang"...



*lets out an annoyed sigh*

So my exams start this coming Monday...

*lets out another sigh*

And the exam on Monday is Math...

*sighs yet again*

Pray for me!Anyway,the entire week will be spent on exam crap (1 subject exam per day) so I DEFINITELY WON'T be able to update cuz yeah...

Sorry about that...well pray for meh and hope I pass them (Cuz my mom's gonna kill me if I don't pass and she might ban me from using Wattpad if my scores are that low...)

I know I said 'might' but do you guys really wanna risk it?Anyway I will ask Mr.Jesus up there *points to the sky* to -hopefully- answer your prayers...


*struts out like a boss*

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