Chapter 27-I Never Really Liked Goodbyes

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You watched in amusement as Sting was eating like there was no tomorrow, you chuckled and shook your head before you caught Sting looking looking at you.

"What?" he asked, his mouth still full.

You shook your head, "It's nothing."

He swallowed his food before he wiped his mouth, "Where's Hikari? I haven't seen her in a while."

"She said she wanted to fly around for a bit, of course I let her. We can't hide her in here now, she's gotten too big," you answered.

"Hey, Y/N?" he asked, "Do you think we need to like...set Hikari free at some point? I've been thinking and well...we can't hide her in here, like what you said, and she's gotten really big. She's definitely smart and I know she can take care of herself and well...she's a dragon."

The moment he saw your face he looked away, "I'm sorry, maybe I didn't have to bring it up."

You managed to smile, "No no, it's fine. You have a's just...I'm kinda hesitant about setting her free. I mean, after all we've been through."

"You've always had more of a connection with her than I ever did," Sting commented.

"M-maybe I should go talk to her about it..." you mumbled, clearly upset.

Sting looked at you worriedly, "Baby, I didn't mean to upset you-"

"It's fine."

You quietly closed the door behind you and for some reason you ran out, looking for the dragon.

It's not that I don't want her to go...Sting's right. But I don't want her to go, i've grown too attached to her. Maybe she doesn't want to go, maybe she'll stay for a bit. Then I'll have mustered up the courage to say goodbye.

But what if she won't?

What if she DOES want to go?

She's grown up, she's smart, she's powerful...

...she isn't the baby dragon that hatched out of the egg that I knew...

Little did you know, Sting was able to hear all your thoughts, and it made him feel even worse for bringing up the entire thing altogether...

You finally found Hikari in the beach, lying in the comfortable sand. You quietly walked up to her and at some point the dragon craned her neck so she faced you.

"Y/N?" she asked.

"Hikari, I want to talk to you about something," you muttered.

She titled her head to the side, "Sure, what is it?"

You sat down next to her and sighed, "Sting brought up something not too long ago. He asked me if we should let you go, like, set you free. I said I would talk to you about it you want to leave?"

Hikari sighed herself, "Y/N...I...actually wanted to ask you that very same question."

Your face fell, "W-what?"

"I've thought about it, but I was too afraid to ask you-"

"Why do you want to leave?" you asked.

Hikari looked away, "Acnologia's still out here, and I have made it my personal mission to defeat him. I am also aware of the fact that I am nearly a fully-grown dragon and I woudn't want to cause you guys any trouble. Please don't worry about me Y/N, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, so just forget about me."

You sniffled, "That's it. I can't forget about you."

Hikari stood up, "Do you plan to leave...NOW?"

Hikari nodded sadly, "I'm sorry, Y/N, but it won't be long before Acnologia will be back to cause more trouble."

It hit you, "How do you know that Acnologia will cause more trouble? I thought you said I defeated him."

"I overheard you and Sting."

You looked away, "I don't wanna say goodbye. I'm not ready."

Hikari smiled, "You are ready, Y/N. Let me go, just let me go."

"Do you really want to do this?" you asked.

Hikari nodded in response, the dragon spread her wings, about to take off. You knew this was really happening, but you weren't sure if you would allow it or not. It was up to you, if you let her go, she'd leave, if you woudn't, you would be denying somebody you never had control over in the first place.

"We've been through so much, Hikari. I've grown really fond of you in that time, but you've grown and i'm sure your capable of making your own decisions. We never had any control over you, we actually thought you'd flee the first chance you get...but you didn' stayed."

Hikari blinked twice, "Your...gonna make me decide?"

You nodded, "It's all up to you."

"I suppose this is goodbye then."

"I never really liked goodbyes."

Hikari nuzzled your face with hers and you hugged her one last time. You didn't let go for a long time, but when you did you were sure you were ready to let her go.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again."

Hikari flapped her wings and within a few seconds she was airborn,she looked at you one last time before she flew away. Suddenly, she let out a loud, ear-piercing roar before she disappeared for good.

"She's gone."

>>At Your House<<

You walked into your room and saw Sting sitting at the foot of the bed, the moment you walked in, he looked up and stared at you, wide-eyed. You walked up to him and embraced the Dragon Slayer, he hugged you back instantly.

He lied you down on the bed before resting his head on your chest, looking up at you, "Y/N? Do you hate me...for what I said?"

You smiled and ran your fingers through his hair, he relaxed at this, "I could never hate you, Sting. There's nothing to hate about you, your perfect."

Sting smirked, "I know I am."

You flicked his forehead making him look up at you with a fake hurt expression, "We need to do something about your ego...stupid Dragon Slayer."

"Who are you referring to? I mean...your a Dragon Slayer too."

You tugged on a strand on his blonde hair roughly, "Okay! Ow! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"Your stupid, y'know?" you said, "Okay, your not perfect now."

"What made me imperfect?" he asked.

"Your stupid," you answered.

"I'm not stupid i'm cute," he stated proudly.

"And who's the dumbass who thinks your stupidity is cute?" you questioned.


You looked at him blankly, "Goddamnit. Your the most idiotic piece of crap i've ever met."

"By the way, where's Hikari?"

You gulped, suddenly remembering what had happened between you and the dragon before you made your way back to your house.


Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now