The Lullabies of Olde.

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Hikari shot a look at Vivalgia before she walked towards the Dragon Queen. Vivalgia got up and stared into Hikari's eyes as the two dragons stared at each other.

"Shall we go somehwere else? A puny cave like this can't possibly house the both of us," Hikari suggested.

"Very well. Let's go."

The two dragons spread their enormous wings before Hikari exited the cave, Vivalgia following close behind. They were about to take off, until they were interrupted.


"Y/N?" the two dragons said together.

"I'm coming with you guys!" you declared, running out of the cave.

"What?" Vivalgia said.

You ran towards the two dragons, "I'm coming with you guys to wherever you're going!"

Hikari glanced at Vivalgia, "I don't think you should tag along with us, Y/N. This is a very serious matter and I don't want any humans getting involved."

"What's going on anyway?" you asked.

The two dragons exchanged glances shortly before they began straight-on staring at each other. It was clear both Vivalgia and Hikari were hesitant, and that only made you even more curious than before. By now, you really wanted to know.

"We can tell her," Vivalgia said, "Y/N's a very...unique human, she also may be of use to us in our little 'quest'. Don't you agree, Hikari?"

"You speak as if you are extremely sure she's capable of the task, what if she isn't? What would we do then, Dragon Queen?" Hikari fired back.

"She is capable of the task, she's proved that when we battled Acnologia not too long ago. If she does face some difficulties along the way, then we can always send her back," Vivalgia responded casually.

Hikari still seemed unconvinced, "You're extremely confident in her skills, Vivalgia. Can't you help but worry, even just a small amount? She is just a human."

Vivalgia shook her head, "Have some faith in her, Hikari. I know she's a human, but the damned brat wants to go, so let her go."

"That's because she doesn't know what's coming! If she did, she'd change her mind!" Hikari fired back.


Vivalgia sighed before she took a step forward, "A very powerful force has reawakened, Y/N, and he's out for vengeance. I presumed that he had been taken care of centuries ago, judging by the fact I had not picked up any activity from him over the several centuries. If he can't be stopped...

...he'll take over the entire world and kill everybody. He won't spare anybody, and he won't stop until he gets his way. I know it seems farfetched but with the power he's got, he could take over the world if he was given the time... we can't give him that time, Y/N."

Your eyebrows were furrowed together in confusion, "I don't get it...who's 'he'?"

Vivalgia's eyes turned dark, "...Crimson Reaper. The Dragon Lord of the Afterlife. Crimson's come back and he wants to take over the world. Once I learnt this, I immediately called Hikari, the two of us have to stop him from getting what he wants. We have to take him down."

Hikari looked at you, "If we don't, this world will plunge into a dark era filled with bloodshed and death...after learning this information, are you still completely willing to come along with us to take down the Dragon Lord of the Afterlife?"


The two dragons stared at you in disbelief as you boldly stated your answer. After getting over the initial shock, Vivalgia flashed a twisted smile as she stared at Hikari smugly.

"Now do you still think Y/N's a regular human?"

"She is truly extraordinary," Hikari sighed, "fine. I'll let you come along, but are you aware of the dangers we will encounter along the way?"


"And what about Sting?" Hikari questioned.

"I'll contact him one way or another. Don't worry about it," you said nonchalantly, "...but, can I ask a question?"

"What is it?" Vivalgia asked.

You stared at the Dragon Queen, "How are you going to fight Crimson Reaper? He's well...alive, and you're dead."

Vivalgia stretched her giant purple wings as she seemed to contemplate for a little bit. When she finally decided to speak, Hikari had cut her off.

"Should we really tell her this kind of information? I mean, even we shouldn't be toying with something like this," Hikari warned.

"Stop worrying, Hikari. A human has no use for these kinds of things, I myself don't even know why they even existed in the first place," Vivalgia said, "this is more corrupted than any black magic."

"Stop with the mystery! Just tell me!" you whined.

"Long ago," the dragon (Vivalgia) began, "before even our time, two lullabies were created. These two lullabies revolved around the basic principles of everything: the principles of life and death. These were the Lullabies of Olde. Later on, humans no longer needed the lullabies, so the lullabies were eventually forgotten..."

Hikari continued, "The Lullabies of Olde are incredibly dangerous forms of magic, for they tamper with life and death itself. Eventually, the two lullabies were given a name: the Lullaby of Oblivion, and the Lullaby of Ressurection. Our plan is to use the Lullaby of Resurrection to revive Vivalgia so she can physically fight Crimson Reaper."

"Let's go. Crimson Reaper is incredibly unpredictable, he may wreak havoc today or tomorrow. We can't afford to waste time, we'll explain on the way. Get on, Y/N," Vivalgia ordered.

You nodded and got onto Vivalgia's back as the two dragons prepared to take off. Once the two dragons were flying in the sky, you clung onto Vivalgia as you processed the new information.

'...the Lullabies of Olde, huh?'

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