Chapter 29-If You Play With Fire, You Might Just Get Burnt (Pt. 1)

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10k reads! WOOHOO! I'm listening to the Duck Song! Listen to it, you find it really fun and amusing! I love it! Haha!

I'm really childish and weird...

Also, looking back, this reaches like 300 words...




You woke up to the loud sound of something crashing, you groaned and looked up only to find Sting still sleeping beside you, seemingly unaffected by the loud crash. You ran your fingers through your hair and clicked your tongue a few times before you decided to get up and walk out.

When you walked out you saw Happy, Flaire, and Lector. Flaire was strangling Happy while the exceed looked terrified.

"Flaire cut it out," you muttered irately, "Happy why in the world are you here? This early too?"

Happy flew out of your exceed's grasp and flew over to you, clinging onto you, terrified of your exceed. You rolled your eyes as you watched him, waiting for an answer.

"Natsu wanted me to tell you to come to Fairy Tail," Happy mumbled.

"Why?" you asked.

"I don't know."


"I really don't know, he didn't tell me anything other than that! I promise!"

You let out a deep sigh, "Tell him I'll be there."

Happy quickly left after that and you grumbled some things before you walked back to your room, you grabbed the first thing seemed acceptable and put it on, and that was a f/c hoodie and a pair of shorts with an okay length.

You glanced over at Sting who was still sleeping, without thinking you sat down beside him and kissed his forehead before moving down to his lips and giving them a quick peck.

"I love you," you whispered softly.

You walked out of the room and you were about to leave your house when you suddenly remembered something from last night...

"Y/N, promise me something."

"Sure. Whatever you want."

"Promise me you'll make that sandwich tomorrow."

"'s a promise."

You quickly went and made Sting his promised sandwich and set it on a plate perfectly, you scribbled a little note telling him where you were going and that you loved him and wrote your name at the very bottom.

You placed the note beside the sandwich and you were about to walk out, but you looked back and after a few seconds of hesitation you then quickly drew a heart next to your name in the note before you DID leave your house.

>>At Fairy Tail<<

You walked in and looked around for that familiar salmon-haired twit. You found and him and began walking towards him.

"What do you want?" you asked.

Natsu blinked twice, "Huh?"

You sighed, "I haven't got all day, Dragneel, why did you call me here? You better give me a good reason to make me get out of bed and come here, OR ELSE."

Natsu gulped, "Um...could you...come with me to a mission?"

You stared at him blankly before you grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall, he yelped and stared at you as if you were the devil. He was terrified, it was so unlike him.

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now