Chapter 8-Dragons and Nutella Don't Mix

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You were walking back home from Blood Fang with Sting who was putting his arm around your shoulder.When you neared your house you let out a sigh of relief when you saw nothing was on fire or something like that.You opened the door only to find the kitchen messed up,food spilled everywhere and Hikari on the couch her snout inside a jar of Nutella.

Your Nutella...

"Mom?"she asked as she lifted her head to look at you,the Nutella jar falling off and landing on the couch,revealling her face which was covered in chocolate.

You shot a quick glance at the Nutella and it was empty,nothing left.And you just bought that jar of Nutella the other day because somebody ate it all.You tried your best to keep your calm and not go all agro on the dragon...

But your Nutella...the more Nutella-loving part of you whined.

I know but she's a baby dragon!the less Nutella-loving part of you whined.

Scold her atleast!

I can't do that!

So you want her to eat the next jar of Nutella you buy?Assuming Sting doesn't consume it first...


Then do something!

Sting noticed you were having a mental arguement with yourself so he just spoke for you."Hikari,what's that on your face?"he asked.

"Nutella"your's and Sting's suspicions were confirmed...

"Oh god,no..."Sting mumbled.

"Y-you ate,m-my Nutella?"you stammered.

"I got hungry"Hikari responded.

Your hands balled up into fists and a dark aura surrounded you,you were trying to keep calm cuz last time Sting ate your Nutella you certainly made sure he didn't want to do it again.

"Y/N?"Sting asks,placing a hand on your shoulder.

"I'll go somewhere..."you muttered,walking out.

>>Sting's P.O.V<<

Y/N stormed off and I let out an inaudible sigh of relief.Thank God she just stormed off,if she punished Hikari for eating her Nutella I highly doubt she'd survive.That woman sure loves her Nutella.Hikari looked at me,her face still stained with Nutella.

"Is mommy mad at me?"she asked nervously.

"Yeah,she hates it when people eat her Nutella"I responded making her whimper.

"I don't want her to be angry at me..."she murmured.

"C'mon,let's get that Nutella off your face"...

When I had cleaned all that Nutella on her face,I also cleaned up the mess she made in the kitchen and threw away the empty jar of Nutella.

Mental Note:Next time,buy more than one jar of Nutella...actually no,scratch that,buy the entire damn supply of Nutella for Y/N so we won't face anymore problems like this...

When I was done,I sat down in the couch and Hikari flew over to me and sat down on my lap,looking up at me with her blue eyes.

"When is mommy coming back?"she asked.

"I dunno,why?"I asked.

"I wanna apologize,I don't want her to be mad at me"she muttered looking down.

"She won't stay mad at you for that long"I said,reasurring her.


After a few minutes,Hikari fell asleep on my lap and I let her be,patiently waiting for Y/N to come back home.To Hikari,to me...

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