It's Not the End...Not Yet Atleast.

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You felt somebody shake your shoulder lightly making you growl softly as you opened one eye. You were greeted by Sting who looked like he was about to cry.

Seeing your poor, poor boyfriend in that state shocked you to the core. You suddenly felt a hundred times more awake as you opened both eyes, looking straight into Sting's blue ones.

"S-Sting!? Are you alright!?" you exclaimed, sitting up.


Sting pulled you into a tight hug and buried his face in your chest and cried, letting all his fears and worries out. Your face softened as you hugged him back, cradling the male in your arms.

"Why are you crying?" you whispered, planting a soft kiss on his hair.

"Isn't it obvious!?" he yelled, "I thought I lost you! I thought I would never see you again! Don't ever do that to me, okay!? Don't EVER make some HEROIC goddamn speech about sacrificing yourself for the sake of the goddamn world and then fainting like that!"

You petted his soft blond hair, "I'm sorry, Sting."

"Promise me! Promise you won't do that ever again!" he yelled, clutching your shirt roughly.

You smiled softly, "I promise, Sting."

Right then and there, your mind had suddenly been flooded with memories of back when all the five dragons (Vivalgia, Hikari, Acnologia, Orstiandelseii, Malcabraiyhe) had just passed onto another life and were about to leave this world once and for all.


"...take their leave for the task is complete."

Vivalgia smiled like how a wise old man would smile right before he gives you amazing life advice, "I'm sorry, Y/N. You aren't ready to go with us."

Hikari nodded, "You still have a lot to accomplish in your life. When you were going to leave Sting, I knew how hesitant you were. I knew then and there, you weren't ready to leave this world."

Acnologia awkwardly glanced at you, "...look, I may not know you like they do, but from the battles I've fought with you, I can tell you're incredibly powerful...just, don't make the same mistake I did. Be happy."

Crimson Reaper looked at you, "There are two Lullabies that make up the Lullabies of Olde, the Lullaby of Resurrection and the Lullaby of Oblivion. One day, you will have to dance to the tune of the Lullaby of Oblivion, but for now, you must dance to the song of your life with the utmost grace and beauty."

Orstiandelseii smiled weakly, "They're correct, young one. For now, listen to the song of life and think carefully which moves would best suit the beat you are dancing to. One day, we will meet again when it is time for the Lullaby of Oblivion to take over and mute out the song of your life...but by then, I know you will have danced to many elegant songs."

They looked at the bright white beacon before them and grinned before they flew upwards, following the beacon of light, their bodies growing more and more transparent as they flew higher and higher.

"The danse macabre has taken another victim," Vivalgia began.

"And I am that victim," Hikari continued, "as well as the four dragons by my side."

Acnologia took over, "But we dragons have danced to the song of the danse macabre and we have done our best to put on a show of a lifetime."

Orstiandelseii grinned, "But we all do pray for the human being know as Y/N, we dragons may have danced the danse macabre, but she still has to dance to the song of her life and learn lots before she can ever think to dance the danse macabre."

Crimson Reaper glanced at the human briefly before he spoke, "I will see you again, Y/N. When it is time for the Lullaby of Oblivion to be the tune you dance to, by the time you do dance to the Lullaby of Oblivion, I know you will grow to be an amazing person...

...for now, it's not the end...not yet atleast."

The five dragons neared the point where the beacon of light would disappear into the clouds, and so, they flapped their wings with even more force. Once they reached that point, they had completely disappeared.

The five dragons had died and they were ready to move on from this life, they were ready to let go of their earthly titles and possessions and they were satisfied with what they've done.

...they truly had put on a show of a lifetime.

(End of Flashback)

You gently got a hold of Sting's jaw as you tilted it upwards, you pressed your soft lips against his as he immediately tightened his hold on your body, kissing you back.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling away. Sting pouted before he kissed you again, with even more force than before. You smiled slightly, kissing the eager male back.

It was quite obvious that Sting wanted--no, craved something a bit more...physical and intimate than just a kiss, and judging by the jacked-up state you were in, you were going to hurt yourself...

...but it was worth the risk.


Because you wouldn't have this blonde, idiotic, egotistical, conceited, childish, demanding, incredibly hot, muscular, Nutella-loving dork any other way.

Sting is perfect just the way he is.

You know what else?

Crimson Reaper or Malcabraiyhe or whatever the hell you call him, was right.

It wasn't the end...

...not yet atleast.

T H E E N D.

~There will be an author's note on a seperate chapter, but that aside, this is THE END of "Safe In My Arms", the sequel of "He Makes the Stars Shine Brighter". Other than that, thank you all so much for reading book 1 and this book~

--Probably-- For the last time,

Acnologia_Slayer (A.S) signing out!

EDIT: (03/16/2016)

I just found something really amusing (to me, anyways) the line I ended this story on is "It wasn't the end...not yet atleast," and right after that, I put "The End."


It's really ironic now that I think about it.

OTHER EDIT: (03/16/2016)

I'll be making an epilogue before I make the last Author's Note...

...oh no.

Other than that, I'm done here, so bye and have a good day/ afternoon/ night!


Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now