Chapter 21-The Dragon Queen

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There was a pulse of magic power that came from you,followed by a second,then a third.Havoc,Ignis,Zephyrus,and Fulgur didn't move at all.You and Havoc knew full well you were vulnerable and it was the perfect chance for Havoc to attack,but he didn't move at all.

Fire appeared and began swirling in the air,the vibrant color of the flames reflecting in Havoc's eyes,then,the sound of crackling came followed by lightning overloading the flames.Similar to what Wendy did during your battle with Tartaros,you began controlling the wind surrounding you to form a strong current of air around the fire and lightning.

A dragon's head formed causing Havoc to gasp and the snakes to cry out from the shock.The upper body then formed after the eyes and the rest of the face finished forming,the upper body included the wings which formed out of the powerful winds.The rest of it's body formed from the elements that were swirling around.

When you saw Havoc's look of pure disbelief you snickered.

"Y-you,what have you done?"Havoc stammered.

"I didn't make up a dragon out of mere elements,that right there is a dragon's soul who is inhabiting the elements so it can manifest into this world,"you explained.

"And this isn't just any dragon,it's Vivalgia...'The Queen of the Dragons'."

Vivalgia suddenly let out and loud and long roar before shutting her mouth and glaring at Havoc with nonexistent eyes.

"My apologies,Vivalgia,last time I had not known your name and instead called you 'Queen Dragon' and for that i'm truly sorry,"



Okay,for all the readers who don't recall any dragon named Vivalgia in this book it's fine because Vivalgia DID appear in the first book but I didn't name her.Remember that dragon that helped you kick Minerva's ass in the GMG arc?At the final day?That dragon you called "Quindoragon"?

Yeah,that's Vivalgia...

Anyway,back to the story...


"It's quite alright,humans normally die before they get the chance to know my name,trust me,i've been called much worse,"Vivalgia said.

"W-wait,you can talk!?"you exclaimed.

"You didn't know dragons can talk?"Vivalgia questioned.

"N-no,i-it's just-"

"Even dragon souls can talk,"she retorted.

"Oh,"you mumbled,suddenly feeling insignificant.

"So why have you summoned me?"she asked on a more serious note.

"See him over there?"you pointed at Havoc who gulped.

I swear that red-haired idiot is looking more and more like his old self and less like that bastard who's obeying a man-dragon the more this battle progresses.

Vivalgia roared and Havoc paled.She was about to eat your best friend from childhood while you were standing beside the snakes who were significantly quieter than they were 4 minutes ago.Havoc yelped and you raised your hand causing Vivalgia to stop,her fangs brushing against his hair.

"What was that Havoc?"you smirked.

"I'm s-sorry,Y/N,now please stop screwing with me,"he stammered.

You grinned and walked towards Havoc as Vivalgia backed off,the moment you placed a hand on his shoulder he collapsed onto you.You smiled and hugged him.

"Your gonna be the death of me one of these days,"he grumbled,before hugging you back.

"Why did you follow Acnologia?"you asked.

"I had no choice,he threatened to kill you and Saffron if I didn't follow him,"his arms tightened around you and he buried his face in the crook of your neck,"I'm sorry,Y/N."

"It's fine Havoc,i'm just glad my best friend hasn't become a psychopath,"you joked making him chuckle lightly.

"Now stop hugging me,if Sting sees you-"

He let go and pouted,"You started it!"

"Yeah yeah-"

Before you finished your sentence,Hikari came crashing down onto the ground,quickly getting back on her feet afterwards.

"Hikari!You alright!?"you yelled.

"Yeah,Acnologia's stronger than I thought though,"she answered.

"Wait,where's Sting?"you ask worriedly.

"He's pissing Acnologia off,sometimes I seriously wonder what goes on in that man's mind,"she mumbled.

"I'm helping you and Sting-"

You suddenly felt someone grab your wrist making you stop in your tracks,you turned to face Havoc who looked at you worriedly.

"Be safe,and make sure you get back here alive to drag my ass back to Blood Fang,"he whispered.

"Got it."

You got onto Hikari and the dragon let out a small grunt beforeshe flew up into the air,when she got to where Acnologia was you laughed at Sting who was on the dragon's snout while Acnologia was roaring angrily.Acnologia shook him off causing Sting to fall,then,he opened his mouth.

"Begone!"the man-dragon exclaimed.

"Sky Fire Dragon's...Roar!"

Your roar negated Acnologia's Dragon Roar and Hikari caught Sting before flying towards Acnologia again.Acnologia let out an enraged roar and growled at you while you stood your ground and calmly faced the dragon.

"You?A human?How can you have enough power to equal my roar!?"he roared.

"I've become stronger and i'll prove it,"you calmly answered.

"Go ahead,we dragons are superior to you humans and we always will be,"he answered.

"Wrong...humans are the most powerful,even besting you dragons.You wanna know why?Because we have the ability to change,to correct our mistakes and become stronger...

...Queen Dragon Slayer's Secret Art:Doragonfomu*!"

Your eyes flickered blood red before turning back to e/c,(A/N:If your eye color in this fanfic is already red then well...change the shade of the red to something that ISN'T blood red.)your body then was encased in a black and dark purple aura which made it impossible to see the transformatiom.When the aura finally disappeared your dragon form was revealled.

Your eyes were now blood red and black bat-like wings sprouted from the back of your shoulders.A tail formed where your spine ended and sprouted out in black,hard dragon scales.Your fingernails blackened before turning more curved and pointed,similar to dragon talons.

Black scales like those which covered your wings and tail also covered your arms and stopped at the elbows.Your clothes changed as well,from (insert your choice of clothing) it became a crimson crop top and a scarlet skirt that reached your thighs,adorning a black belt.

"That's what's going to defeat me?"Acnologia snickered,"Might as well give up human."


"Because it's the end for you..."



Translation tayme!

Doragonfomu-Dragon Form

Welp...yeah O.o

'Til next tayme mai lobliezz!


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