Chapter 32-Harlequin

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After the messy pancake incident, both of you had to take a shower...not together of course. You put on a white undershirt and threw a (f/c) jacket over it. You put on some shorts and lied down on your comfy bed. A few minutes later, Sting lied down next to you, his hair still wet from his shower.

"What do you wanna do today?" you asked Sting.

The male turned over so he was lying on his stomach and he rested his chin on his fist, "I wanna go out, Rogue said I could take a break."

"Really?" you questioned, "Well we better make the most of that 'break', before Rogue drags you back to the guild."

Sting laughed lightly, "True."

You sat up and got ahold of his wrist, pulling him up, "C'mon."


>>Time Skip<<

You and Sting were casually walking around when you had decided to take off your jacket, you begun taking it off while walking, but Sting stopped you and put it back on you. You looked at him and pulled on it so it showed your left shoulder and he pulled it back up so it covered you again.

You smiled and did the same thing three more times, each time Sting had pulled it back up so you couldn't show off any skin. You smirked and put your hand on your jacket, giving the impression you were going to take it off, and Sting slapped your hand away, before grabbing it.

"Stop," he warned, "I don't want guys checking out what's MINE."

You laughed and held his hand, calming him down, "Alright, if you say so. Can I at least say your little stunt back there was adorable?"

He pretended to think about it, "How about...NO."

>>Time Skip<<

The two of you ended up going to the park, you sat down on the bench beside Sting, preparing to eat the ice cream the two of you had bought. When you had finished your ice cream, you decided to grab Sting's strangely uneaten ice cream.

"Hey!" the male yelled.

You stuck your tongue out at him and prepared to take the first bite of Sting's ice cream, you glanced at him, only to see the male look defeated. You guiltily handed back the ice cream and gave him a peck on the cheek, hoping he would forgive you.

Instead, he rolled his eyes at your VERY predictable move. You pouted and watched as he shot you a glance and smiled slightly.

"I love you Sting~" you cooed.

He grunted, but he responded nonetheless, but the way he said it sounded like, "Lab you chuu."

"You're adorable," you giggled.

"You're horrible," he grunted.

You shot him an annoyed look but rested your head on his shoulder anyways, you closed your eyes and eventually lulled yourself to sleep.

>>Time Skip<<

Sting gently poked your cheek, and then poked it again. Your faced scrunched up in annoyance and you buried your face into his chest, wanting nothing but to sleep.

Sting chuckled, "Now look who's the adorable one."

You punched his chest lightly, too sleepy to put in more effort, "Shut up."

"C'mon. I can carry you if you want," he offered.

"All right," you whispered.

So, Sting ended up giving you a piggyback ride all the way home. You fell asleep on his back and buried your face into his shoulder.

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now