Chapter 6-Old Friends

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(A/N:Da picture above are the characters they are labelled as,so that it'll help you know what they look like :3.If the picture doesn't load,well that's your problem!I'm kidding!If it doesn't load,sorry about that...seriously...)


You knocked on the door before looking at Sting and looking back at the door which opened,revealling a guy a few inches taller than Sting who was wearing a light brown hoodie.He wasn't actually wearing the hood so his messy murky green hair and his green eyes were shown.Beneath his hoodie was a black shirt and he wore gray/grey (A/N:I dunno how the hell you spell it...) pants and black shoes.

"And who the hell are you two?"he asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Keon,you asshole.Don't you remember me?"you asked,mocking his annoyed tone.(A/N:It's pronounced Key-yon by the way not Kay-yon or something like that...well that's just how I pronounce it anyways...dunno about you guys)

His eyes widened in pure shock as he begun to recognize you."Y-Y/N!?Is that you!?"he exclaimed.

"The one and only"was you reply.

He grinned a 'You-haven't-changed-at-all' kinda grin and turned around to all the other guys from Blood Fang."Yo guys,Y/N's back!"he shouted.

In a matter of seconds you were tackled into a bone-crushing hug,and the one who gave you that bone-crushing hug was a boy about your height also wearing a hoodie,color white.He had messy black hair and blue eyes and beneath his hoodie was a black shirt.He had blue jeans and black shoes.

"H-Hunter...!"you murmured,trying to gasp for air.

He finally let go of you and you regained your breath before a pretty pissed off Sting (Who still had Hikari sleeping on his head) stomped over to Hunter who raised and eyebrow at him.

"What the hell do you think your doing!?Touching MY Y/N!?"Sting growled.

"Do you really want that pretty face of your's to get smashed,huh?"Hunter snapped,pissing Sting off even more.

"Cut it out,the two of you"you warned making them growl before sending glares at each other.

"Y/N-chan,who's this punk?"the two of them asked together making them glare at each other."What did you say!?"they yelled at the same time."Stop copying me!!!"they shouted.

"I said,cut it out!"you snapped making them stop once again.

"Who is this ass who's acting real close to you?"Sting asked,pointing at Hunter who looked as if he was looking for some sort of insult to throw at Sting.

"I am not acting close to her,we are friends.Now learn to keep that big mouth of your's shut!"he yelled making Sting raise his fist in anger.

"Can you two NOT tear each other's throats off for one minute,please!?"you yelled,getting really frustrated and angry at the two of them.

When they finally shut up you took a deep breath,regaining your calmness and looked at Sting who eagerly waited for an answer."The reason I brought you here is cuz I gotta see somebody,we're in Blood Fang right now.It's a guild founded by Keon,the guy we saw earlier and Saffron,his sister"you explained.

"So who're you gonna see?"Sting asked.

"Saffron"you quickly replied.

"She's out on a job right now,she hasn't been back for awhile"Hunter said."Why do you wanna see her anyway?"he asked.

"Havoc disappeared and I have a feeling Saffron knows where he might be"you explained making Hunter's eyes grow big.

"W-what!?"he exclaimed.

"Why would Saffron know where Havoc is?"Sting asked,butting into our conversation.

"Saffron is Havoc's girlfriend,we met not too long ago,she's nice"you said,smiling as you recalled the memory.

All of a sudden Keon (Who had gone off somewhere) had come back,joining our conversation ever so casually."Oh yeah,Y/N what brings ya here?"he asked.

"I need to see Saffron,I know,I know...she's out on a job"you reply,cutting him off from telling you something you already knew.

"Y/N~!Who are these people!?You still didn't answer me!"Sting wailed making you sigh.

"This is Hunter"you said,pointing to the guy."And this is Keon,we're good friends"you continue,pointing at Keon.

"And who the hell is he?"Hunter asked pointing at Sting.

"Sting Eucliffe,the most awesomest dude you have ever seen!"Sting beamed makong you roll your eyes.

At that moment,Hikari finally woke up and hopped off Sting's head and onto your shoulder,taking in the new sights and smells.Not to mention the new people who were currently looking at her as if she had seen a ghost.

"This is Hikari,we don't know why she's here either...but eh,who would turn down a dragon as a pet?"you asked."Oh and I forgot to mention,i'm Y/N's boyfriend!"Sting added.

When you were about to say something else you were cut off by a girly voice."Hey guys,i'm back!The job took a bit longer than I had anticipated but i'm back!"Saffron yelled.

A girl with long black hair and blue eyes like Hunter walked towards us.She wore a sleeveless black vest and underneath it was another sleeveless gray/grey shirt.She sported light blue shorts which ended at her thighs and black boots that ended at her knees.

The moment she saw you,her eyes widened and she ran up to you,hugging you tightly.When she broke the hug the two of you exchanged greetings."How's Ha-kun?"she asked making you gulp nervously,when you didn't answer her,her cheery expression disappeared.

"Y/N-chan?Did something happen to my Ha-kun?"she asked with a hint of worry and fear.(A/N:Ha-kun is a really weird nickname for Havoc dat I came up with :3)

"Havoc disappeared"you muttered making her eyes grow big.

"W-what!?"she yelled.

"I guess you don't know where he might be"you muttered to yourself."We're trying to find him right now and I dropped by to see if you might have any clue as to where he might be...turns out you don't"you continued.

"I'm coming with you"she blurted out.

"You don't have to-"you were cut off by Saffron who looked at you."This is my Ha-kun we're talking about..."

"I promise to bring him back,but for now leave the finding to Sting and me"you responded making her arch her eyerbrow.

"Sting?"she asked.

"That's me!"Sting interrupted,flashing an adorable grin.

Hikari hopped onto your head and curiously stared at Saffron who soon had the same look of shock that Keon and Hunter had.

"Name's Hikari,dunno why she's here.C'mon Sting let's go find that dumbass,wherever he is"you mutter,dragging Sting away before Saffron harbored any ideas of tagging along with you.

"I'm coming,Y/N.I'm coming"...



Hey guys i'm back!My exams are over and i'm here wearing a black t-shirt with an elephant on it (XD) and jogging pants on my tablet which currently only has 7% battery at 4 in the afternoon praying to God that i'll get good grades.


998 reads...

2 more and it'll be a thousand...


Anyway,imma write alot today,maybe like 3 chapters cuz I was gone for the whole,yeah!


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