Chapter 10-Flying With Sting

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You and Sting walked out of Sabertooth after making some arrangements with an annoyed Rogue and Sting begun pestering you,telling you that we should leave before Rogue would make him sign any papers.

"Y/N!We're going on a trip,let's go!"Sting whined.

"Correction,let's fly,"Hikari said,smirking confusing the two of you.

She spreaded her wings and grabbed you and Sting with her hind legs again and flew into the air.She flew up really fast and soon she got really high up into the air.You were freaking out while Sting was looking around like a little kid.

"Put me down this instant,Hikari!"you yelled.

"If you say so,"she replied and she let go of you,and you began plummeting to your death.

"No~!What the hell!I'm gonna kill you,you goddamned dragon!"you screamed.

Whatever happened to not swearing in front of Hikari?

Screw you!Can't you see i'm plummeting to my death here?

Hikari dived and caught you before you coud've died and you ended up on her back,you breathed a sigh of relief and all of a sudden you could feel Sting's muscular,toned arms wrap around your waist and he placed his head on your shoulder.

"Hi Y/N!Had fun plummeting to your death?"he joked making you punch him playfully.

"I hate you...both of you,"you growled making Hikari crane her neck so she was looking at you.

"Yeah we know,we love you too."Hikari and Sting said in unison making you roll your eyes.

"How about we focus on not dying for now?"you asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Will do,my love.Will do."

>>Time Skip<<

"Y/N?Babe?"Sting asked,shaking you slightly.

"What?"you mutter sleepily before yawning.

"Wake up,Hikari stopped flying"Sting chuckled.

"Aww...why?"you ask,pouting.

"Ummm, never told us where were going,"Hikari said bluntly.

"I don't know myself but right now..."you paused to think,trying to remember the directions Havoc gave you not too long ago.

When you finally remebered you faced Hikari who eagerly waited for your answer,"You see that clearing over there?"you asked,pointing to the distance,Hikari nodded once she spotted it.

"You fly over there,by the time we reach there it'll probably be sunset cuz it's really far away so we camp there for the night"you ordered,she nodded and begun making her way there.

"Y'know if it's cold later tonight you could always-"Sting began before you cut him off."Don't even think about it,"you hissed.

Sting pouted before he faced Hikari in what seemed like slight annoyance."Why are you going so slowly?"he whined."Fastah!!!"he yelled not bothering with his english.

"Look around daddy,the place we're flying over is really pretty."Hikari responded.

"See?You don't always have to go fast,"you mumbled leaning against Sting's strong body.

"Yeah but your more beautiful than anything here,Y/N."he whispered into your ear before gently nibbling on it.You smiled and ignored his fangs and turned to face the blonde.

"Thanks,Sting.I love you"you whisper before you pulled him into a sweet,gentle kiss.When you broke away you rested your head on his chest.

"Your my one and only,Y/N"he purred as he began playing with your hair."There's no one else i'd rather love than you,there might be girls hotter than you but it's just not the same without you,Y/N.Your everything to me..."

As Hikari was slowly flying and Sting was whispering sweet words and telling you how much he loved you,you closed your eyes and soon drifted off to sleep,a smile plastered on your face.

>>Time Skip<<

"Nap time's over,get off of me"Sting chuckled as your face scrunched up in annoyance.

"No~"you groan.

"You leave me no choice,Y/N."Sting muttered to himself before you braced yourself for whatever the hell Sting was gonna do.

"Spider~!No~!"Hikari yelled making your eyes open and you let out a scream,little did you know this was all part of Sting's plan to wake you up.

"What!?Spider!?Where!?"you yelled,clinging onto Sting.

"Well that's one way to wake mom up,"Hikari said bluntly making you glare at Sting who raised an eyebrow."What?"he questioned.

>>One slap later<<

"Ow!"Sting exclaimed,rubbing the cheek you had slapped."What was that for!?"

"Y'know you could've tickled me,you could've shoved me off Hikari and so much more other crap to wake me up!But,no~!You decided to lie and say there was a goddamned spider!What the hell!?"you shouted.

"I'm sorry but-"Sting started but you interrupted him."Don't."

Still pissed off at Sting for what he did you ignored him as the two of you did some crap before the three of you went to go to sleep.You slept near Hikari away from Sting and if he dared to go near you you'd threaten to burn him or something like that.

>>At midnight,Third Person's P.O.V<<

Sting had woken up for the fourth time because he wasn't used to the lack of comforting warmth from a certain somebody who was currently mad at him.He decided to walk over to where Y/N and Hikari we're sleeping and lied down next to you,taking you into his arms.After a few minutes he had fallen asleep but one thought remained in his mind...

I'm sorry,I didn't mean it...

>>Time Skip,Y/N's P.O.V<<

When you were awake but didn't wanna get up,you felt something warm behind you which you thought was Hikari but was actually Sting.You moved a bit in your position before you heard a sleepy groan and two arms tightening it's grip on your waist...

That definitely wasn't Hikari...

You turned to face what was behind you and you saw Sting sleeping.You smiled and ruffled his hair."Lemme guess?You wanted to apologize but I was still asleep so you fell asleep too?"you asked."It's fine,Sting,i'm not mad anymore"you whispered.

"That's good"he muttered before he opened those blue eyes of his that you loved.

"Where's Hikari?"you asked.

And at that moment there was a loud frustrated growl and after a few seconds a bunny hopped into the clearing you and Sting were in before stopping to catch it's breath.Two seconds after the bunny came in Hikari ran in after her fangs bared in pure anger.

"Come back here!"she exclaimed as the bunny became making a run for it again.

It ran towards a tree and Hikari followed and when it got close to the tree it made a sharp right turn and you realized it did that on purpose.Instead of making that turn Hikari ran into the tree making it shake and making a few leaves fall before the bunny hopped out of sight.Hikari got up and looked at the ground sulkily.

"I was so close..."she mumbled.

"Hey it's okay,there's always next time.C'mon let's go"you say patting her snout.

"Oh alright"...



Busy with school but I know the results of my exams now,their pretty okay and I didn' fail in any...i'm not telling you guys though...yeah...


Sorry for spoiling :3...


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