Chapter 12-Near-Death Experiences

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After about 10 minutes of sitting,listening to Sting calling you or Hikari's name the guy had finally found you two.When he did,he spent another 3 minutes apologizing,saying he was gonna listen to you and Hikari for the rest of his life (Which you highly doubted).When he was done,the three of you began walking again.

Sting's arm was around your shoulder,his body very close to your's.Hikari was in front of you for two reasons:One,was because the dragon was faster...after all four legs are faster than two.The other reason was because Sting was slowing you down...ON PURPOSE.The guy was probably traumatized from getting lost so he made sure he didn't wanna get lost again.Apparently it was 'Scary in the forest we're in...being all alone...I hated it' according to Sting who said it when he found you again.

All of a sudden you and Hikari froze,the dragon craned her neck so she was facing you,"Ya hear that?"she asked,you nodded in response.

"Water...rushing water...there must be a river or whatever nearby,just by hearing it I can tell there's no way we can cross it,"you responded."Goddammit."you cursed before letting out a sigh.

"What?Why are you goddamn-ing?"Sting asked.

"We're gonna have to fly,"you and Hikari murmured making Sting's bright blue eyes light up with excitement.

"Yay~!"he cheered.

You let out an inaudible sigh before you went to the Hikari's side and got to your toes so you were on the same level as those ear-like appendages on her head.She seemed to get the message and lowered her head just a bit to make it easier on your part.

"I'm sorry Hikari,"you whispered to the dragon.

"I understand why you act so strict around Sting now...he's EXACTLY like a little kid."she whispered back.

"Yeah,but that's one of the reasons I love him,"you muttered making her smile."True,it can be pesky and irritating at times but it can also be really cute and fun...that's why I endured it all this time."you continued,you got on Hikari's back and Sting ran towards Hikari and jumped,hoping to land on the dragon's back but Hikari had other plans.She moved out of the way making him fall flat on his face.

"Hey~!How come Y/N can stay on your back but not me!?"he whined,pouting again.

"I'm gonna carry you,"when Hikari said that you faced her wide-eyed.

"Woah,that's going overboard don't ya think?I mean your like the size of an elephant now..."you murmured.

You faced Hikari,whose neck was currently cocked to the side as she faced Sting with a bored expression.She shifted her gaze from Sting to you and she opened her mouth to speak but Sting had interrupted her before she could even say anything.

"Wait,your on my side for once!?"Sting exclaimed making you nod.

"I don't want my boyfriend to be dangling off the talons of an airborne dragon."you explained making him mouth an 'oh'.

"I'm aware of my size and the fact I am the size of an elephant,"she hissed.

"I bet you weigh more than an elephant though,you eat too much,"Sting laughed and Hikari's nostrils flared as she sent a glare at Sting.

"Don't test me,Sting I can easily make you fall to your death."Sting apparently thought Hikari was the type to make idol threats but he soon found out otherwise,he smirked confidently and faced her.

"Oh please..."he mocked making her smirk the way a dragon does.

"Try me."she spread her wings and grabbed Sting with one of her claws before she quickly flew up high into the sky.She stopped flying and begun to hover before she smiled."Your about to learn to never piss off a dragon ever again,"

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now