Chapter 25-What Makes Us Human

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>>Vivalgia's P.O.V<<

Y/N was shifting into a dragon, just like I had hoped. I sighed in relief and lied down, getting myself into a more comfortable position so I could rest before I made my way back to "sanctuary".

"What's going on?"

I faced the other dragon which looked remarkably puny.

Must not be fully grown yet...but why is she fighting a fully-grown dragon if she hasn't even matured herself?

I decided to answer the scrawny little thing, "Draco forma: Crimson Reaper, draconem mortis."


I sighed, "Makes me wonder why somebody like Y/N would hang out with the likes of you."

Hikari growled, "Look I...I mean, we just want to know what happened to Y/N."

"Are you aware of your powers? The same powers I was born to ELIMINATE?"

"What's happening?" the human asked.

"Crimson Reaper was known as the "Dragon Lord of Death", he was well known for being quite sadistic, even as dragons go. He'd fly everywhere and it seems whenever he lands he always ends up causing mass destruction. It was said that when those who survived his attacks were asked to describe him, all they said they could see was a mess of glowing crimson marks that would appear out of nowhere in the sky which was tainted with smoke," I said,"Crimson Reaper had no name, and did not go by any name so the terrified people dubbed him as "Crimson Reaper, the Dragon Lord of Death" after the crimson markings that the survivors would see. When the great war between humans and dragons began, Crimson Reaper unexpectedly disappeared and had gone into hiding. That was the last time the Dragon Lord of Death was seen."

"So did he like...get killed after the war?" the human asked.

"I myself do not know where Crimson Reaper is hiding, but I have a feeling he would eventually show himself again," I answered.

"Your might is nothing compared to mine! You are nothing compared to me!"

"What's happening to Y/N?" the human asked Hikari.

"Dragon Form is a advanced form of Dragon Slaying Magic. It is considered "Lost Magic" now, but it allows the user to become a dragon of their choosing. In Y/N's case she chose to become Crimson Reaper. It took up so much magic that no one has used it for a long time," Hikari answered.

"Why didn't she just become Acnologia or something?" the human asked.

I started to become irritated, "It's not as simple as you think, human, Acnologia TURNED into a dragon. He was never a dragon to begin with, so that means he isn't a true dragon."

There was a chuckle coming from Y/N and the three of us turned around and in place of Y/N was a massive pitch-black dragon which was the size of Acnologia. It's eyes were Y/N's e/c, you bared your fangs at Acnologia and your e/c eyes turned blood red.


" a Dragon Slayer."

>>Y/N'S P.O.V<<

Acnologia had turned into shadows and the shadows dissolved into the earth, disappearing completely. Your talons touched the ground and your head sunk, fangs gritting against each other.

It looked like you ended him...

But looks can be very deceiving.

"I spared him," you whispered.

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