Chapter 9-Yet Another Encounter

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Who knew one month could pass by so quickly?I mean dealing with a growing dragon and your boyfriend sure seems like it would make one month feel like an eternity,but it wasn't.Each day felt like a second before it was gone and the only thing it left was the memories you made.

But here you were,with one month gone...disappeared in the blink of an eye.Hikari had grown alot,from becoming the size of a dog to the size of a horse (If you think that doesn't seem like growth at all your wrong,it takes like a long time for you to grow a foot in height and Hikari here turned from being dog-sized to horse-sized in a month) and both you and Sting knew she was only gonna get bigger.

Anyway,she had improved on EVERYTHING.Flying,talking,manners,and she became really was also getting harder to hide her since she was making so much noise and eating so much (I mean it isn't everyday you see two people buying a crap tonna food).

You and Sting were walking with her and Hikari was leading the two of you and all of a sudden she froze.You and Sting watched in confusion as she spreaded her wings and leapt into the air,hovering above the two of you.She looked really panicky and worried and that made you and Sting worried too.

"Hikari?Why are you actin' up all of a sudden?"you asked.

"We gotta get outta here!Now!"she exclaimed.

"Huh?Why?"Sting asked.

She begun looking in all sorts of directions and she turned back to you and there was even more panic in her brilliant blue dragon eyes.

"We gotta get outta here!Now!"she repeated.

All of a sudden she grabbed you and Sting with either of her hind legs and flew up into the air.You two were just dangling off of her watching the trees and stuff turn smaller and smaller in size.The moment Hikari stopped flying upwards and simply began hovering,the area the three of you were just in exploded.

"How-"you began before she cut you off."It's a dragon thing"she replied.

"What coud've caused that though?"Sting asked.

"Let's take a look"Hikari replied.

She begun flying downwards and observed the area to try and find any forms whose ass was gonna get kicked for disturbing our walk.You saw something and Hikari saw it too cuz she began hovering a few feet above the ground before dropping you and landing herself,before folding her wings.You walked up to the figure,who's back was facing you and you seemed to have recognized that smell...

"Havoc?"you questioned,placing a hand on his shoulder.

He turned around and it was indeed the missing redhead."Where the hell have you been this past month!?"you yelled.

"Sorry for disappearing but i've been running from him,he's after me...listen Y/N I need you to go somewhere"he murmured.

"Who's 'him'?"you asked.

"Acnologia-","What!?"you exclaimed,interrupting him.

"Y/N,I don't have enough time for this-"

All of a sudden something flashed into your mind,it was some sorta place and after you were shown that place your mind immediately got filled with the way to go to the place that flashed in your mind moments ago.It was like some sorta map and that place was like the 'X' on the map,where the treasure lies...

"You got that?"Havoc asked as the images began fading away,but remained intact in your memory.

"Yeah,I did"you responded,blinking a few times before looking at Havoc.

"Good,you gotta go's really important"he ordered.

"Alright,i'm not gonna question you..."you muttered,he mumbled a 'That's good' and left.

For some reason you coudn't move or say anything,you just watched him leave the moment he was out of sight and you coudn't track him down via smell anymore you turned around to face a speechless Hikari and Sting.

"Who was that?"she asked.

"Havoc,a friend of mine"you responded.

"Yeah,he's a real asshole too"Sting added.

"Sting,relax will ya?"you asked.

And stop swearing in front of Hikari

As if you haven't sworn in front of her too!

I have but please,watch what comes out of your mouth!

"Fine"Sting grumbled."By the way what the h-...I mean,whatever did Havoc mean by 'go there'?"Sting asked.

"He sent an image through my mind and something kinda like a map that showed me how to get there,i'm pretty sure that's where Havoc wants me to go"you responded making Sting smirk.

"You thinkin' what i'm thinkin'?"he asked.

"Yeah..."you responded.

"What's daddy thinking about?"Hikari asked.

"Sabertooth.Now"you and Sting said in unison.

(At Sabertooth)

"Hey Rogue~!"Sting yelled cheerily,Rogue on the other hand looked the exact opposite from Sting,he looked like he wanted to kill Sting.[That happened alot recently since Sting was such a lazyass-(Sting:Hey!)Back to what I was saying...Rogue would get pretty pissed off,I mean I even lost count of how many times Rogue almost strangled Sting,ALMOST,since you always stopped him from killing your boyfriend]

"What do you want from me!?"he snapped irritatedly.

"Watch Sabertooth cuz we're going somewhere!"Sting exclaimed in straightforward manner.

"..."was all you got from Rogue,his oh so wonderful (Sarcasm) reply made Sting pout which made you laugh a bit.

"Please?"you ask."...","C'mon Rogue"Sting begged,poking him.

"...","Pretty please?"you pleaded.

"Fine,I swear the two of you are gonna be the death of me"he mumbled.

"That's nice"Sting joked.

"Whatever"Rogue mumbled walking away.

"You know what that means?"Sting asked,grinning at you.

"Oh yeah,what?"you asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We're going on a trip!"...



On our favorite rocket ship,zooming through the sky~!Little Einsteins!

I luv dat song :3.Oh and I know I don't do A/N's dat much but it's cuz I literally have NOTHING to yeah.I have a few questions to ask by the way:

•Are you enjoying the story so far?(I need your opinions...)

•Do you like where this plot is going?(I know it's kinda like the first question,but I need your opinions...)

•Do you want me to update more frequently?(Again...opinions)

•Do you ship ZerVis (Zeref x Mavis)?(Cuz if you do then Chapter 449 must've been the awesomest chapter for you ZerVis shippers)



Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now