Chapter 15-What Goes On At Night (Pt. 2)

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"Okay..."you say awkwardly.

"They didn't do anything to you right?"Sting asked suspiciously.

"Yeah!"you exclaimed.

You heard a sleepy groan coming from Hikari followed by a grunt as she raised her head and sent a glare at you and Sting.She bared her fangs and a deep growl rumbled from her chest as she continued to glare at you and Sting,until she finally decided to talk,

"I WAS sleeping y'know.You coud've atleast tried to dial it down,"she hissed,"i'm trying to sleep here!"

"Then sleep,"Sting blurted out bluntly.

"I can't,the two of you are so noisy!"she exclaimed.

She groaned again before rolling over suddenly,since we were only a few feet away from her we had to get away as not to get crushed under the several hundred pound dragon.You managed to get out in time but since Sting was under you he wasn't as lucky.

Never fear fangirls of Sting,he didn't get crushed by Hikari,I can assure you that.

A part of his jacket had gotten trapped under Hikari's weight and he was pulling with all of his might to try and get his jacket free.It was quite an amusing sight.You finally decided to give your boyfriend a break and so you walked over to Hikari and slapped her on the snout.Since she was protected by a layer of scales it didn't hurt her one bit.It certainly proved successful in getting her attention,though.

"What?"her eyes shot open and she looked at you in annoyance.

"Move over,Sting here is trying his best to get his jacket free,"you gestured to Sting who was still pulling with all of his might.

"Whatever..."she grumbled and moved over again.

Since Sting was still pulling with all of his might,unaware Hikari was moving.It caused him to recoil and fall on his butt.As he was falling,he grabbed a certain part of your body causing you to fall along with him.You fell on top of him and yelped causing Hikari to raise her head and look at the two of you.

"This is an...interesting sight,"she admitted.

Sting shot a quick glance at what his hand was grabbing -which turned out to be your left breast- and when he found out what it was,he turned red and quickly retracted his hand.You didn't let him though as you grabbed his wrist and gave him the deadliest glare in the world.

"Sting."you growled.

"He's in for it,"Hikari chuckled.

"Y/N!It was an accident!I'm sorry!"he exclaimed,his other hand on top of your hand which was holding his wrist,trying to pry it off.

" accident,"you said sarcastically.

"You gotta believe me!I didn't mean it!"he yelled.

Hikari chuckled and continued watching you two in amusement,you finally let go of his wrist and began cracking your knuckles in an intimidating manner.

"Y/N!I'm sorry!"


"Owww!"Sting shouted,rubbing the cheek you had slapped.

"Baka,"you mumbled.

"I said i'm sorry!"Sting yelled.


"Y/N?"Sting asked.

You sat there,giving him a blank look as he stared at you,trying to piece together as to why you were suddenly ignoring him.Little did you know,he HATED it when you ignored him,he hated it more than anything.He WANTED your attention,he wanted it more than anything.



"My love?"


"Answer me!"he was shaking your shoulders back and forth to try and get you to talk.

"I'm never gonna sleep at this rate..."Hikari mumbled.

"Shut it!"he snapped,"Y/N~!"


"Y/N!I'm sorry!Please,believe me!"


"Make him shut up already!"Hikari demanded.

You turned to face the dragon and ignored Sting's pleads for you to talk to him,"He deserves punisment,"you say evilly.

"Oh~,so it's fine to talk to Hikari here but it's totally NOT fine to talk to me,your boyfriend!?"he asked.

"Move over,Hikari.I'm sleeping,"you ordered.

She grunted and moved over and when you were about to get up and go over to Hikari,Sting had snaked his strong arms around your waist and pulled you towards him.You ended up on his lap,trying to get out of his unbreakable grip.He buried his face in the crook of your neck and shut his eyes.

"I'm sorry,"he mumbled.

You still ignored him and this time instead of apologizing again he growled and flipped your bodies so you were pinned against the ground,Sting on top of you.He grabbed your wrists and placed them above your head,you gulped nervously as he lowered his head and pressed his lips against your neck.You let out a soft gasp as he licked your neck and sucked on your flesh softly.

His lips travelled to your weak spot and sucked it before planting a few kisses afterwards making you shutter slightly,a moan followed soon after.Your hands had gotten tangled in his soft blonde hair,pulling on it softly.You moaned again before you bit your lip,supressing anymore sounds that would escape your mouth.You tugged at his hair again as he continued to attack your neck.When he finally stopped,he chuckled at your bright red face.

Thankfully,Hikari was sleeping through all of this...

"You feel like talking now?"he asked.

You opened your mouth to say something but all that came out was nothing.


"If that won't work,then maybe this will..."

He got so close to you,your bodies pressed against each other,his hand slipped under your shirt and curled around it ready to take it off.His other hand fidgetted with your bottom piece before he (unbuttoned/unzipped/whatever) it ever so slowly.

"Okay!Okay!I'll talk but please stop!"you squeaked.

"Awww,don't you wanna continue?"he joked.

"Nope!"you exclaimed.

"Ah well,"he (buttoned/zipped/whatever) your bottom piece again and got off of you.

He lied down next to you and you shut your eyes before you felt him wrap his arms around your waist and hold you closer to him.You were almost asleep until...

"You sure you don't wanna continue?"


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