The Lullaby of Oblivion.

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"Let me go," you whispered, gently stroking Sting's soft hair, "just let me go, Sting."

Sting shook his head, causing you to shake your head sadly as you gently pried his hands off of your body. You stepped away from the blond.

"It'll be okay, Sting. You're not ready to dance the danse macabre...while I am."

You looked up at the two dragons who watched the entire exchange unfold patiently. You nodded at Vivalgia before she returned the gesture and allowed you to climb onto her head.


"Sting?" Hikari questioned.

He looked up at the three of you, teary-eyed, "Take care of her, okay? I...I love her more than words can describe. She means so much to me, so...take care of her, even in her very last moments."

Vivalgia flashed a warm smile before both she and Hikari leapt into the sky with two graceful flaps of their wings. Vivalgia looked down at Sting who was staring straight at the ground, his fists clenched tightly.

"I will, Sting...I will."


The three of you were nearing Crimson Reaper and Acnologia, and all of a sudden, Hikari's markings glowed the same magenta as Crimson's eyes as her body was gradually getting covered by a magenta aura. Hikari rammed into Crimson in full speed before the scales near her face cracked loudly.

Crimson let out a loud cry of pain while Hikari flew back to Vivalgia and you, most of the pirstine white scales on the right side of her face cracked.


"It's already begun, a few more hits and you're gone," Vivalgia declared.

Acnologia looked at the two dragons before he roared loudly and flew towards them, Crimson Reaper still trying to recover from the impact of Hikari's attack.

"Dragon Queen!" he roared, "What is the meaning of this!?"

Vivalgia calmly stared at Acnologia, "We're taking down Crimson Reaper, what else?"

Acnologia growled, "That wasn't a normal attack! Are you planning a suicide mission, you fool!? What made you think you could use up your own life energy just to attack!?"

Hikari snickered, "I know you're aware, Dragon King, that Crimson is incredibly powerful. This might be the only way to prevent him from having his way with the world."

Acnologia stared at the two dragons, thinking about seomthing, after a few seconds he sighed in defeat. "Fine," Acnologia mumbled, "I'll join your stupid game, but only because I'd rather rot in hell as the Dragon King than have him take my title away from me."


"Told you," Vivalgia stated proudly.

Hikari glanced at Crimson Reaper who was back in sky, and furious.

"The Dragon King, the Dragon Queen, an incredibly powerful Queen Dragon Slayer, and I...against the all-powerful Dragon Lord of the Afterlife."

You smiled smugly, "Oh, please. We can do this."

××× (A/N: Sorry I'm just gonna skip the whole battle because I majorly suck at these types of things so...onto the near end of the battle!)

Vivalgia landed on the ground, nearly collapsing from exhaustion, "Oh crap. I've hit my limit."

There were cracks all over her pristine purple scales and the crystals on her body had completely dimmed to an unsightly grey. Hikari landed next to her, just as mangled as the Dragon Queen. Her scales were ready to peel off her body and her markings dulled just like Vivalgia's crystals.

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now