Chapter 2-Runaway Sting

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(A/N:I cannot help myself I HAVE to type about Sting)

"Y/N...wake up"Sting groaned,the guy had been trying to wake you up for the longest time and today you just wanted to stay in bed.

"No"you mutter as you pull the blankets over your face.

"But why!?"he whined,he was on his knees and his head was resting on the bed and he was making those whining noises.

"I'm not going out of bed"you mumur.

"But,Y/N please get out of bed..."Sting pleaded.

"No"all of a sudden he ripped the blankets off of you and you yelped before glaring at him.

"Give me the blanket back"you growl.

"No"he said with a stern face.

"Fine.I can sleep without a blanket anyway"you saw his face fall when you just went back to sleep and you stifled a laugh at this.

All of a sudden he turns you around so you were looking at him and he gave you his best puppy eyes,you tried to turn away,you really did but you coudn't bring yourself to do it.Both he and you knew he was doing this on purpose and yet you still can't say no,that's just how cute Sting could be.

"Alright,i'm getting out of bed"you mutter,walking out.

After eating breakfast you and Sting had went to Sabertooth to tell Rogue that you and Sting were gonna do somewhere.The moment the two of you walked in Rogue stomped up to Sting and he was pissed off.

"There you are!You know how many crap you gotta do today,huh Mr. Master-of-Sabertooth!?"Rogue yelled making Sting turn pale.

"Wait a second!Sting!You said you made Rogue the Master!"you growled making Sting even paler.

"Did you seriously tell her that!?Ugh,God I don't know what to do with you anymore..."Rogue said,before rubbing his temples in annoyance.

"We need to talk"you said making the poor guy gulp before you dragged him away.

(After dragging Sting to someplace)

"Why'd you say Rogue was the Master of Sabertooth?"you ask him,he only looked away in guilt.

"Answer me dammit"you growled,again,there was no response.

"Sting?"you ask calmly,he looked at you for a mere second and opened his mouth to speak.

"Y-yeah?"was what came out.

"Why did you say Rogue was Sabertooth's Master?"you ask.

"I-I w-was...scared"he muttered looking away.

"Nani?Why?"you ask placing a hand on his shoulder.

"If I told you I was still Master you woudn't have let me go with you to wherever we're going...gomenasai Y/N-chan I lied because I wanted to spend time with you again"he muttered,you pulled him into a tight hug and he hugged you back.

"What are we gonna do about Sabertooth if you aren't there?"you ask.

"Rogue?"he responds with a bit of hope in his voice.

"I'll try to convince him..."

(At Sabertooth...again)

"Oi!Where did you two do off to!?"Rogue yelled.

"Nevermind that,could you watch over Sabertooth while me and Y/N are gonna go somewhere?"Sting asks making Rogue face-palm.

"No"he growled.

You were gonna have to use that way,you walked up to him and wrap your arms around his neck and you pressed your chest against his chest,the guy turned red at this.

What are you doing?

It's a girl shush

You bit your lip seductively and stared into Rogue's eyes and he stared back into your e/c eyes in silence,you chuckled at this and he turned even redder.

"Rogue...could you watch Sabertooth for now?"you asked.

When he didn't respond,you got one arm and began using your fingers to trail down his muscular body making sure you felt his abs.You stopped when you felt his little 'friend' down there get excited.

"I'll ask you again...can you watch Sabertooth for now?"Rogue nodded and you chuckled before letting go and walking over to Sting.

"Woah,girl power..."Sting muttered.

"W-wait!Before you guys go,Sting you gotta sign the papers for the Council!"Rogue yelled making Sting groan.

In the end,because Sting absolutely DESPISED signing those papers you had forced him into the room,locked it up and for good measure you placed a barrier of lightning that only you could remove just to make sure Sting didn't try to break down the door.

(Time Skip)

"He should be done by now,it's been a few hours already"you mutter,looking at Rogue.

"Let's check...he may have fallen asleep"Rogue said making you nod.

You and Rogue walked up to the room and you removed the barrier and opened the door only to see everything messed up,a chair below the window which was open.It didn't take that long for you to figure out what happened...that sneaky bastard escaped through the window.

"We gotta find him"

You and Rogue ran out of the place and began looking around,after a few minutes you found Sting happily licking ice cream while watching the view with a smug grin on his face.

"Oi!Oi you better come back here!"Rogue yelled,immediately Sting saw you and he shoved the rest of the ice cream in his mouth before making a run for it.

You and Rogue chased after him and after a few minutes you caught up to him and tackled him to the ground,it was hard as hell to pin him down but with the help of Rogue the two of you dragged a very annoyed Sting back to the guild hall.When you got back,you locked him up in that room again and this time you were there to supervise him,just to make sure he was signing those papers.

(Time Skip,Sting's P.O.V)

I'm almost done with these damn papers,now I had to finish them cuz if I didn't Y/N would get mad at me and I didn't want that.When I finally finished I groaned and rested my head on the desk.

"Y/N,i'm done"I murmur.

"What time is it?"she asks.

"It's already nighttime"I yawn.

She stood up and walked over to where I was just to make sure I was really done and when she saw I really I was done she sat down on my lap and I hugged her waist before placing my head on her shoulder,closing my eyes and falling asleep.I didn't know what happened afterwards but I guess Y/N fell asleep to because she didn't bother waking me up...



Yeah XD.Y'know whenever I type I always imagine what happens in my head and since I have such exact imaginations when I imagine Sting he looks exactly like he does in the anime and when I was typing the first part when Sting was trying to wake you up what was going on in my head was like the most adorable thing I have ever seen XD.I mean,Sting acting like a little's frikin adorable and Sting is such a huggable cutiepie and I just wanna hug him for da rest of mah life...


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