Chapter 30-If You Play With Fire, You Might Just Get Burnt (Pt. 2)

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Yeah, I know I was dead last chapter, only because I wrote like a ton of words and I couldn't come up with a smart enough Author's Note.

Anyway, if you are observant, you may have noticed the picture is different. Aside from the fact that there is no more picture of the minion Pyrolisk, the brightness of the lava seems different.


I was screwing around, trying to make it look cooler...and I may have gone too far, but it's...okay, I guess?

Anyways, there won't be any MAJOR Sting stuff 'til next chapter. Don't worry, you'll live.


The queen roared, gazing at you and Natsu before it took a step towards you and snarled. Natsu gulped and you entered your Lightning Sky Dragon Mode again.

"H-hey, what about m-me?" Natsu stammered, "I can't fly!"

You smiled at him, "You'll be fine...Ignis!"

The fire snake formed and watched Natsu before averting it's gaze to the giant queen, you told Ignis to accompany Natsu and so, he sprouted a pair of wings and Natsu got on.

"I trust you won't eat him?" you chuckled.

"If I eat him, then the queen eats me!" Natsu laughed.

"Take care of him."

The queen suddenly spat lava out of her mouth and the lava was heading right for you, you quickly flew out of the way and so did Ignis. You faced Natsu, wide-eyed.

"Anything else you've forgotten, SALAMANDER?" you asked.

Natsu smiled nervously, "That they use lava as a defense mechanism?"

"If the queen doesn't get you by the end of this mission, I WILL," you snapped.

You zipped away, towards the queen and when you were about to attack her, something pummeled you from behind. You turned to face a minion Pyrolisk that clawed your stomach making you scream. You quickly blasted it away with an attack before checking your wound.

I'll live.

"Roar of...the Lightning Sky Dragon!"

The attack hit the queen in the face and it cried out in response, suddenly about 10 or so Pyrolisks came flying behind her and charging towards you.


"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Natsu flew in and punched one of the Pyrolisk sending it flying towards two others making all three crash into the ground, defeated.

"Neat, you might just redeem yourself, Dragneel," you smirked.


You spun around to deal with the four Pyrolisks that were flying towards you, "Wing Attack of the Lightning Sky Dragon!"

The four Pyrolisks crashed into the ground and the remaining Pyrolisks charged towards you, you suddenly had an idea. You flew towards the queen and made sure the minions were following you, you quickly zapped the queen, getting her attention.

"Hey!" you yelled.

The queen faced you and snarled, you smiled back and turned around to see that the three Pyrolisks chasing you were opening their mouths, ready to fire. The streams of fire left their mouths and you quickly flew up so instead of hitting you, the fire hit their queen.

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now