Chapter 11-Visions

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"Are we gonna ride Hikari again?"Sting asked as the three of us were walking.

"No,let the dragon take a break,"you hissed making him pout.

"But why!?"he exclaimed,he was making that pouty baby face that was amusing and weird at the same time.

"It isn't the end of the world,now get your ass up and moving."you demanded making him let out a growl.

>>A few minutes later<<

"Where's Hikari by the way?"you asked,facing Sting.

"Up there,"Sting responded,pointing at the sky where Hikari was flying in circles.

"Why's she up there?"you mumble to yourself,of course since Sting was Sting he thought you were talking to him.

"Maybe so we could be alone~"he purred as he got a bit too close for comfort.You backed away and gave him a warning glare.

"Don't you dare try anything."you hissed.

"Alright,alright i'll stop,"Sting said backing away,raising his hands in the air in surrender.

>>A few more minutes later...again<<

The two of you stopped walking when you heard Hikari land.You faced the dragon who had just landed that was currently staring at you and Sting.

"I'm done flying,flying in circles can do alot to a dragon's wings."Hikari admitted before she stretched a bit and walked alongside you and Sting.

"Hey Y/N~,what's up?"Sting whispered as went near you again.

"Why are you saying that?"you asked.

"Your actin' kinda off..."he poked your face making you slightly annoyed.

So did he notice?

Notice what?


Y/N~,is something the matter?Did you not tell me something?

It's nothing really...

Tell me!

It's nothing...

"Is something on your mind that your not telling me?"he was poking your face even more trying to get the answer outta you.

Was I really that obvious?

What the hell are you talking about!?What's so obvious!?


"Ugh...goddamnit Y/N,"he growled before he turned to face Hikari.

"Hikari,me and your mother need to talk in could you-"he began before she spreaded her wings and got into the sky."Thanks..."he mumbled before he turned to face you.

"What happened to you Y/N?Did I do something?"he asked making you shake your head no."Then why aren't you telling me what's wrong?I don't wanna get the answer outta you by force but your giving me no choice,".

"It's nothing..."you muttered making him growl.

"Goddammit just tell me what's up with you!?"he suddenly yelled making you flinch,he sighed and pulled you in for a hug."I'm sorry...look,do you not wanna tell me what's wrong?"he asked you nodded slightly."Alright..."he mumbled.

Sting called Hikari back down and she came down and the three of you continued walking.Sting would occasionally look at you in worry and sometimes ask what's wrong but you'd just ignore him.When he finally stopped bugging you he left a thought on your mind before he finally stopped bugging you...the thought he left was:

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now