Chapter 33-Old Habits

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"Havoc's coming over today," you said casually.


"Yeah. Do you have a thing against Havoc or something?" you asked.

Sting, who was sitting beside you, was peacefully eating a cookie, when he sent a glare at you. You looked at him as he wolfed down the rest of the cookie.

"Yes!" he said, swallowing the cookie, "He is like...damn competition or something!"

"That's cute," you giggled.

Sting groaned before you rolled your eyes and poked his side a little bit too roughly, Sting yelped and glared at you, and angry --Yet somewhat ridiculoudly adorable-- put on his face.

"I'm sorry," you said satcastically, "did I hurt you?"


"Haha," you rolled your eyes again, "he's coming over anyways, swallow your pride and behave yourself, okay? I don't want you two fighting for my love."

"What do you mean, 'I don't want you two fighting for my love'!? Does Havoc have this crush on you or something!?" Sting yelled.

"That was a joke you idiot," you said, "anyway, he'll be over in an hour or so. Behave, okay?"

He grunted, folding his arms across his chest, "Fine."

>>Time Skip<<

Havoc came over in an hour, when he had walked in, Sting had sent glares at Havoc when he thought you weren't looking. You sat beside him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek when Havoc went off to get the cookies Sting had placed somewhere.

"He's getting my cookies," Sting whined.

"So?" you questioned.

"You don't let anybody get your food! Not even me! And HE gets MY cookies!?" he whisper-yelled.

You shook your head, "He gets a pass. He's my best friend, Sting."

"I'm beginning to think you like him more than me," Sting pouted.

You rolled your eyes before Havoc suddenly sat down on your lap. You yelped and attempted to shove him off but obviously Havoc was way stronger. He ate Sting's cookie happily, basically cutting off all of the blood flow to your legs.

"Havoc!" you yelled, "Get off!"

He sent you an innocent look, "Why? You didn't seem to go against my decision when you did this before."

"We were kids!"

"Old habits die hard don't they?" Havoc said.

"Well I'm going to be dying long before this 'old habit' or yours will die!" you shouted, "Get off of me you lunatic!"

"Why won't you let me sit on y-"

"It's called puberty, Havoc! P-U-B-E-R-T-Y! It was cool before but now PUBERTY hit you and now your heavy and ridiculously muscular!"

"Havoc," Sting warned dangerously, "get off of her."

Havoc smirked at him, "And what'll you do if I don't?"

Sting then grabbed Havoc by his collar and slammed him against the wall, Havoc gasped before he looked into Sting's furious eyes.

"Don't ever do that again," he snarled.

"And if I do?"

"I'll decapitate you and stick your head on a pole and wave it in front of all that care about you while smiling like a lunatic."

"You wouldn't."

Before the two boys could do any real harm to each other, you stepped in and placed your hand on Sting's shoulder, calming him down effectively.

"He would actually. Had I not stopped him before, Rogue would have died a long time ago," you said, "he's incredibly possesive, you see."

"Call him off will ya?" Havoc asked.

You smiled at Sting, "That's enough, Sting."

He grunted before he let go of Havoc, the male looked at Sting before he adjusted the collar of his shirt. Sting sent a glare at him before he slid his arm around your shoulder.

"Old habits, my ass."




I have so many life problems right now, but I don't really care. Anyways, sorry for this being ridiculously short, I've been really busy for the past few days because of school.

Finals are coming up again and I might leave Wattpad for the duration of the finals and if my dysphoria lightens up or gets completely erased --Which I doubt-- in the duration of the finals, I might go on Wattpad and update.

If my dysphoria gets worse, I might be absent for a few more days.

Sorry about that, though.

Imma go watch some Black Butler, I'm at the part in Season II when Ciel stays at the Trancy manor and Sebastian comes to take back his young master. Then, Claude and Sebastian fight each other. I'm almost done with Season II...;-;.

After Black Butler, I have to go watch Hetalia. Anyways, bai!


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