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The next day, once Hikari had felt much better, the three of you guys set off to go track down Crimson Reaper. The two dragons did everything though while you were calmly resting on Vivalgia's back, patiently waiting for the right time to show off your awesomeness.

Okay, "awesomeness" isn't a word, but you get the frikin' point. When the time comes, you were gonna shine like a goddamned diamond.


"Yeah?" you responded.

"Are you sure you'll be okay fighting a dragon? Especially one like Crimson Reaper? If you back out, it's fine with us...I know Hikari worries too much and I seem to not really care, but it kind of troubles me to see you volunteer to fight alongside us so easily," Vivalgia said.

You smiled, "You said it yourself, didn't you? I'm just different from other humans, so stop worrying about me and continue tracking down Crimson."



The two dragons landed and you immediately slipped off of Vivalgia's scaly back. Hikari and Vivalgia looked around, prepared to strike at any given moment.

Unlike the two dragons, you couldn't sense a thing, "Hey guys-?"

Hikari spun towards you and released a bright red beam that shot past you and hit something behind you, making her target hiss loudly.

"Good one," Vivalgia commented.


"Crimson likes stirring up his prey by scaring them. Unfortunately, it won't work on us so be on your guard so he doesn't jump you like he almost did just now," Vivalgia explained.


You suddenly heard a dry laugh as a large group of shadows suddenly joined together in front of you, causing a large black dragon to form. The dragon chuckled upon seeing Vivalgia, causing the latter to glare at him.

"Oh?" the dragon said slyly, "Am I disgusting you with my lowly presence, Dragon Queen?"

Vivalgia's jaw clenched, "Don't even bother, Crimson Reaper. I already know what you're up to and I want you to know that before you even dare touch this world, you have to take us down."

"You even brought a little army alongside you," Crimson said, "how cute."

Vivalgia lunged towards Crimson and attempted to bite down on Crimson's neck, but he easily leapt out of the way, spreading his large wings as he took to the sky.

Crimson Reaper was pitch black in color with striking magenta eyes that seemed to pop out amidst the black that colored his scales. He had the physique of a typical dragon: large and powerful wings, a slender and streamlined body, tough scales, curved talons, spines covering his body, and a long tail.

What was important to note were the rings that were scattered all around his wings. The rings were colored a bright red and were in different sizes. There were also blade-shaped auras on each side of the end of Crimson's tail that looked similar to an axe.

Crimson watched Vivalgia in amusement, "Now, now, control your temper. You wouldn't want to act like a spoiled child in front of them now would you?"

Vivalgia growled and shot a lavender-colored beam towards Crimson who, again, dogded it with ease. Hikari then dashed towards Crimson and sucessfully shot a bright red beam towards him which caused the dragon to be flung back in the air.

"Tch," he growled, "that actually hurt."

You then leapt off of Hikari's snout and entered your Blue Fire Dragon mode in mid-air, scorching hot blue flames formed on your fingertips as you smirked.

"Swirling Vortex of the Blue Fire Dragon!"

Crimson Reaper was suddenly engulfed in blue flames that wrapped around him like a vortex. The vortex scattered after a minute and the stray blazes were suddenly cloaked in electricity.

"Blue Fire Lightning Dragon's Crushing Fang!"

The flaming projectiles then simultaneously hit Crimson Reaper, you exited your Blue Fire Dragon mode and landed on Vivalgia's head. Crimson laughed and flapped his massive wings, causing the projectiles to disappear as if they were nothing.

"A Dragon Slayer," Crimson laughed, "now that's cute. That kinda stung, I'll give you that."

"Don't you dare mock me!" you spat angrily.

"I suppose the fun and games are over," Crimson said, "I'm gonna give this my all now. What a lovely way to be greeted after a very long nap, don't you think?"

Hikari slashed at Crimson's leg making the dragon hiss as he was about to strike the former with his tail, Hikari flew out of the way and quickly shot a bright red beam at Crimson. Vivalgia then joined in and shot a lavender beam towards the dragon.

Crimson roared angrily before he attempted to attack both dragons at once, Vivalgia flew out of the way and Hikari quickly latched onto his right leg with her mouth. Her talons found their places in Crimson's skin as the dragon roared angrily.

Hikari then pulled Crimson under him and shot another red breath, causing him to forcefully get flung to the ground, making a massive crater.

Crimson rose once again and this time, he had both dragons struggling under his grip in under two minutes. The dragon laughed sadistically as his red blade grazed Hikari's and Vivalgia's throats.

He pressed his blade against Vivalgia, "Don't you dare underestimate me ever again, Dragon Queen. I am more powerful than you think."

"I'm aware Dragon Lord of the Afterlife," Vivalgia mocked, "but you forgot something."

"And what would that be?"

Vivalgia smiled, "The Dragon Slayer is right behind you-"

You sent a barrage of attacks at Crimson who let go of both Hikari and Vivalgia, making the two dragons quickly fly away. After your assault ended, a familiar blue breath hit Crimson straight in the face. Crimson stumbled and collapsed before he got back up and smirked dangerously.

"I see..." he began, looking up at the new dragon in the sky.

"...we've found the Dragon King as well."

EDIT: (04/04/2016)

Just proofread that chapter, it's exactly 11:42 in the evening where I'm from and right after this I'm probably gonna update another story or something.



Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now