Chapter 17-Dragonstones

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"Stupid rain,"Hikari mumbled under her breath as she shook off the droplets from her white,scaly coat.

"You've been going on and on about rain ever since it started,what's the deal with you and rain anyways?"you asked,checking if you were wet.

"Well,maybe it's because you used me as an umbrella.Anyway,the deal with me and rain is that it sucks,'cause sometimes it slips under my scales and it feels disgusting.It doesn't go away until i'm properly dried,"Hikari snorted in annoyance,"Who knew there was gonna be a sudden storm?"she added.

Ever since early morning,it was raining super hard and you and Sting used Hikari as a umbrella,she flew directly above you,shielding you and Sting from the rain.You found this random cave out of nowhere so you,Sting,and the dragon ran into there,because Hikari insisted she didn't want to be exposed to the rain anymore,you and Sting felt the same.So,here you were at the mouth of the cave,patiently waiting for the rain to pass.

"How long do ya think it'll be before the sun comes out again?"Sting asked,you shrugged.

"Awhile.Anyway,i'm gonna stay here,you two go do whatever you want.I'll tell you if the storm passes,"Hikari said.

"Hey,Y/N,the cave seems to go pretty deep-"Sting began before you cut him off.

"Bad idea,Sting."you said.

"So do you wanna stare at rain for..."he trailed off looking at Hikari for help.

She sighed and shot a glance at the pouring rain,"30 minutes at least,seeing how strong the storm is right now,"she explained.

"Fine,but if we get lost and Hikari gets annoyed.I'll feed you to her,"you grumbled.

He gave out a nervous laugh and looked at the dragon who had begun lying down,looking out the cave with a bored expression.She snorted and rested her head on the rock hard ground before lazily swishing her tail sideways.

"Let's go,"Sting muttered,gently grabbing your hand and leading you deeper into the cave.

The deeper it got,the harder it was to see.Soon,we couldn't see anything,you muttered something and a blue flame suddenly appeared in your palm and begun dancing around.Your blue fire lit up the part of the cave we were in and Sting muttered a 'Thanks' and we continued exploring.

>>A few minutes later<<

You saw a dead end in the distance and you and Sting stopped in your tracks.

"A dead end,"Sting muttered,disappointed.

"Well then,i'm heading back,"you announced turning around.

He suddenly saw something sparkling and he grabbed your wrist,"Wait!"he exclaimed.

"What?"you asked,in a rather irritated fashion.

"Look,"he pointed to the wall and you flashed your fire at it,revealing a bright ocean blue gem the size of Sting's fist.

Your blue fire soon revealed several more gems of different colors and shapes and sizes.Each were embedded into the cave wall and sparkled in you fire-light.You got close to one particular gem,which was f/c in color and was the size of a coin.You stroked it's smooth surface and saw your reflection shown by the shiny f/c gem.You smiled and looked at Sting who was looking at you,he suddenly eyed the gem with determination and begun trying to pry it off the grip of the cold,stony wall.

"What are you doing?"you questioned in pure amusement.

"Trying to...get this...stone...of the w-"he said in between pulls before he recoiled and fell on the ground.

"Hey guys,storm's 'bout to clear,"Hikari said,walking in on us,"What's going on here?"

"Sting was just trying to get those rock things off the wall,"you gestured to the cave wall where all the gems were.

"Well i'll be...Dragonstones."Hikari gasped.

"Is that what they're called?Dragonstones?"Sting asked.

"Yeah,to the dragons their worth exceeds even that of diamonds to humans.We didn't know why we were so compelled to get it,but we were.Dragons fought tooth and claw and would go as far as to kill other dragons for the smallest of Dragonstones,thus giving it it's rather fitting name.","If a dragon found them they were hidden,so other dragons woudn't steal them.It seems the cave's previous dragon occupant used this technique,where Dragonstones are now are a great mystery to me as dragons have died long ago,they still have great worth though..."Hikari muttered.

"How do you know so much about these...Dragonstones?"you questioned,the word still quite new to you.

"Ever since the age of dragons,the lust for Dragonstones had begun running through dragon blood.And it runs in mine as well,but I have more important things at hand so I have to suppress my century-old desire for gems,"she walked away.

"That was the second time!"Sting yelled,you and Hikari glanced at the male only to find him on the floor,again.

"What could you possibly gain from that coin-sized,f/c Dragonstone?"you questioned.

"I saw you eyeing it earlier so I wanted to get it for you~!"he pouted,"But it's hard."

Hikari sighed and walked over to the said gem and gently took it in between her fangs,quite gently as if the gem were as fragile as glass,(Which was proven wrong since Sting was basically destroying it with his magic in an attempt to gouge it out.),it was as if a century-old instinct was being acted out in front of us.In one swift motion she pulled it out and dropped it on your palm.You turned to face Sting,wide-eyed and jaw wide open.

"HOW!?"he shrieked.

"The difference between dragons and humans is so vast I don't even know where to begin,"Hikari admitted,walking out.

You and Sting quickly followed and you shoved the gem into your pocket as not to lose it,you made a mental note to remember a coin-sized,f/c gem was in your pocket,(Though you had a feeling you'd forget about it altogether later on.),when you got outside the cave,the sun was shining in contrast to the dark and gloomy clouds still lingering.

You suddenly felt something grab onto your wrist and you looked up to see Sting,grinning his adorable,heart-melting smile that you loved.You coudn't help but smile back as he had the enthusiasm and energy of a young child.

"C'mon Y/N!"



I know this is a really random time to update but I wanted too,i'm sick -AGAIN- and I have camping on Thursday...yay!Anyway I wanted to update to make up for the time i'll be gone...

By the way...

I'm in love with heichou (Levi)...

I'm gonna make a Levi x Reader very soon...

Just look at how damn beatiful he is!

Damned friends,they made me watch AoT and i'm HOOKED,and I have fallen in love with that short,OCD,cleaning fairy known as 'Levi'...


Sting will kill me!

*sees Sting coming*


Sting:Where's she going?I was just gonna ask if she had any spare Nutella I could give to Y/N...

*Levi appears*

Slayer (who is hiding):Heichou!Get out!Your in the wrong anime!

Levi:What the hell?First I was with that Titan-shifter and now i'm in front of this gay slut...


*End of Chapter brought to you by Slayer who is praying to God right now*

-Acnologia Slayer,Sting,and Levi-

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