Five Dragons.

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Vivalgia smiled, "Acnologia."

Acnologia landed in front of Vivalgia and Hikari and turned around to glare at the two of them. Hikari returned the glare while Vivalgia remained calm and looked Acnologia in the eye.

"I'm not doing this for you, Dragon Queen," Acnologia hissed, "nor you, dragon. After Crimson gets taken out, things are back to normal, understood?"

Vivalgia smiled, "Understood, Dragon King."

"Don't get in my way and I promise not to get in yours."

"Very well, Acnologia."

The three dragons stared at Crimson as he took to the sky once again, his dangerous axe-like tail swaying side-to-side as he looked at each dragon in the eye. You stood atop Hikari's head as you stared down at the Dragon Lord of the Afterlife.

And so...

...the battle against the Crimson Reaper, the bringer of death, began.


(???'s P.O.V)

We flew closer to the battlefield as Flaire looked at the scene, trying to find the particular target we were searching for. Flaire's eyes landed on a small speck and her eyes widened.

"There! She's there!" Flaire exclaimed.

The exceed carrying me gasped, "A-amazing! There are four dragons fighting each other!"

I smiled, "There aren't four dragons...there are five."


(Your P.O.V)

The battle had been going on for a while now, and the dragons were tiring out. Hikari and Vivalgia had it the worst, because having half of a soul really took a toll on their real power. Acnologia and Crimson Reaper were really the ones properly clashing, as you, Hikari and Vivalgia sent attacks here and there.

Crimson Reaper drove the end of his tail into the ground, causing glowing red spikes to emerge from the ground and trap all of the dragons, yourself included. His magenta eyes glowed before he shot a powerful breath, hitting all of you.

The red spikes disappeared and Vivalgia and Hikari collapsed while Acnologia struggled to keep standing. Crimson laughed sadistically before the red rings glowed brighter than ever before and he swooped down to attack at a blinding speed.

"This is why you can't ever underestimate me," Crimson said after he finished attacking, "the Dragon Lord of the Afterlife."


"Vi...Vivalgia?" you questioned, sitting up.

"There's a way to defeat Crimson Reaper,'s risky. If it fails, we would have made a sacrifice that we can never undo," she said.

Hikari looked at Vivalgia, "And if we don't stop Crimson, this world will plunge into a dark era that we can never change. So what do you propose, Dragon Queen?"

Vivalgia slowly rose on shaky limbs, "There is a very ancient magic...wherein the user consumes all of their life energy and spends it on an incredibly powerful attack that is capable of taking down an equally powerful foe."

"What are you suggesting, Vivalgia?" you questioned.

"We sacrifice ourselves..." she said, "so this world won't plunge into darkness."

Hikari let out a deep sigh and rose up as well, "This is the only way, correct?"

Vivalgia nodded, "So are you going to do this, Hikari?"


"And you, Y/N? Are you willing to sacrifice your life?"

You smiled and looked up at Vivalgia.




I know that was short, but I wanna savour the good stuff until next chapter, which will make up for the shortness of this chapter.


Anyways, are you enjoying this..."arc" so far? I'm aware I'm kind of rushing the plot, but I made a promise to make "Danse Macabre" only 5-7 chapters. This is already the fifth chapter and I think I'll wrap it up at around the 8th or 9th chapter, plus an epilogue.

Where I'm from, it's already 11:39 pm as I'm writing this and I have school tomorrow, so I should really go to sleep. So...bai y'all!



EDIT: (03/14/2016)

Again, I want to apologize for rushing the plot and for my horrible writing. I just seem to majorly suck at battle scenes...


Anyways, I'm questioning whether or not I will have an epilogue, but from my perspective, "Danse Macabre" was one of the funnest things to write!

I just hope you'll be satisfied with the ending, because I sure am!

Anyways, bye!



I'm sorry for making the chapter short af. Anyway, by now, I've already written all of Danse Macabre and I'm just patiently waiting for the weeks to go by, because it'd be no fun if I updated 4 chapters at once.


Time to put this up I guess.


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