Chapter 13-Nightmares

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>>Sting's P.O.V<<

I opened my eyes,expecting Y/N and Hikari but instead I saw myself and Rogue standing before Jiemma,our gaze pointing at the floor.We were back at the inn we stayed in back at the Grand Magic Games when I had met Y/N.I looked down and noticed my ENTIRE body translucent...

It was one of these dreams again...

I let out an inaudible sigh and watched the scene unfold...again.Jiemma looked up at us in annoyance and I opened my mouth to repeat what he had told me and Rogue.

"Sting,Rogue what the hell was that?"I mouthed along with Jiemma."Hey,you two are Dragon Slayer,you boast about how strong you are on a regular basis,don't you?But you were disgracefully beaten up,and by another Dragon Slayer no less,"he continued,I rolled my eyes in annoyance as he opened his goddamned mouth to speak again."Are you listening to me!?"

I glanced over at Rogue and he lowered his head and opened his mouth to speak,"I have no words,we were completely defeated.Natsu overwhelmed us without using his flames cloaked in lightning...your strength far exceeds what I had imagined..."he paused,clenching his fist,"Natsu Dragneel."

Jiemma got up from where he was sitting and angrily stomped his foot in front of me and Rogue,who didn't react in anyway whatsoever.I walked up to my past-self and watched Jiemma's furious eyes with a blank expression.

"Are those the words of a wizard from Sabertooth!?The strongest guild!?"he shouted."Who told you to go out there and look like pathetic fools!?Who told you to fail!?"he asked."You sullied the name of Sabertooth!"

I got out of the way as Jiemma sent a wave of magic to fling me and Rogue to the wall.I watched as Rogue slid down from the wall and as Lector ran towards my past self and Frosch to Rogue.I shot a quick glance at Jiemma,who wasn't quite done yet.

"You don't deserve to be members of Sabertooth!"he exclaimed,striking us again."Remove it!The crest of our guild,my guild doesn't need weaklings like you!"

I watched as Lector left my past-self's side and nervously walked up to Jiemma,"Master.Sting-kun and Rogue-kun did their best and even though Sting-kun lost,i'm still proud of him."

"Lector..."my past-self muttered.

"People learn from failure and Sting-kun learned a lot in this battle,so I think you should-"before Lector could continue Jiemma gazed down at him,irritated at the fact he was interrupted.

"Who are you?"he asked,making Lector let out a nervous laugh.

"C'mon Master."he began,rolling up the back of his shirt to reveal his Sabertooth insignia."I have the Saber crest right here proving...i'm a-"

Lector paused and looked at Jiemma who had a dark aura around him,his eyes suddenly showed fear as Jiemma looked at Lector even more furiously than he did at my past-self and Rogue.

"Why would a cat bear the proud crest of Sabertooth?"he asked and before Lector could answer,Jiemma raised his hand."Begone!"

Jiemma's magic engulfed Lector and the exceed had tears forming at the edge of his eyes,all of a sudden there was an explosion,forming a small crater at the inn and Lector was flung into the air.

"Sting-kun..."he murmured before he was gone for good.

"Lector!!!"I heard a shout behind me and turned around to see everyone in the room shocked and left speechless at what Jiemma had done.

"Lector is...gone"Frosch cried,tears forming at the edge of his eyes.

I looked at my past-self and watched as tears fell from my past-self's cheeks and landed on the floor,Rogue embraced Frosch in a protective hug.His blood red eyes showed concern for his exceed,after all if Jiemma was completely fine with killing Lector,that meant Frosch was in danger too.

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