Chapter 28-The Way To Sting's Heart Is Through Sandwiches...LOTS Of Sandwiches

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Something I came up with not too long ago when I was reading this book about graveyards...yeah. GRAVEYARDS.



Sting wrapped his arms around your waist even tighter, groaning. He buried his face in your shoulder before mumbling something.

"Sting wake up," you said, "can you please cooperate with me...just this once?"

"I'm tired!"

"You always say that."

"Because I am!"

"Well I don't want to have to deal with your thing pressing against me any longer, have the damned decency to wear real clothes. Wearing a shirt that isn't a freaking half-shirt would be a nice start!" you exclaimed.

He looked up at you, "Are you judging what I wear, love? Because I think i'm pretty damn hot."

You looked away, blushing slightly, "We need to do something about that ego of yours."

He snickered and breathed down your neck, his breath slightly tickling you ear, "C'mon Y/N, you know you like it when I wear those stuff that show off my AMAZING body."

"S-shut up, t-that's not true!" you stammered, cheeks turning redder.

Sting smirked, "Y/N~ I know you LOVE it when you see my BEAUTIFUL body. I keep seeing you check it out, you think I don't notice?"

"I do not!" you yelled, flustered.

"Just admit it, you love my body and I know you find it really hot," he purred.

"I hate you."

He laughed at that, "Well I think your adorable when you get embarrassed."

You pouted, "I'm not kidding. I don't love you anymore!"

"Then why am I still in your house, lying in your bed, if you don't love me?" he asked.

You didn't answer his question, instead you completely ignored him. He poked your cheek a couple of times before he gave up and stared at you in a really weird manner. Having enough of his silliness, you threw a pillow at his face and walked out of the room.

And so you made yourself a Nutella sandwich...

When you were done you set the sandwich aside to check the time, when you turned to eat the sandwich, you found that it had disappeared. You faced the door that led to the bedroom and saw Sting, Nutella sandwich in hand.

"Give it back!" you yelled.

You ran towards him and tried to snatch the sandwich, but he held it up, so you couldn't reach it. You struggled to get the sandwich, but since Sting was obviously much stronger and taller he managed to keep it away from you.

"Meanie! Give it back!" you cried, literally about to burst into tears from frustration.

Sting saw this and quickly gave it back to you, you ran to the couch and sat down, quickly eating the sandwich that literally took about a minute to make.

"Y/N? Are you mad?"

You didn't answer his question and continued eating the Nutella sandwich, you could tell Sting was studying your face, he sighed in frustration.

"Goddammit, I'm sorry Y/N."

"Why did you take my sandwich?" you asked quietly.

"I was hungry," he answered.

Safe In My Arms [Sting X Reader] || Sequel to HMtSSB ; Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now