Chapter 19-Hikari's Past

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Again,Havoc/Ayato Sakamaki...he is bae.*heart heart*


You stopped walking and turned to face Hikari and Sting who had followed you and stopped in their tracks as well,"We're here."

"So you came huh?I thought you'd listen to your boyfriend...but you never were really good at listening,"Havoc said,you looked up and saw him dangling off a tree branch.

"What are you-,"he gasps,"Y/N!It's a trap!He set us up-"

"Took you long enough,"Havoc says as he jumps off the tree and lands in front of you.

"Havoc!?What the hell!?"you yell at him.

"There you are,you know how fucking long i've been waiting for you?"you hear a voice say.

You spun around to see Acnologia,who emerged out of nowhere.He spread his wings and let out a loud roar,revealling his presence to anyone and everyone.

"It's you,King of Dragons,"Hikari said nonchalantly.

"Is that you?My qu-"

"Shut up,I am not your queen,"Hikari snapped.

"What is he talking about?"you ask Hikari.

"So you haven't told them?"Acnologia asks in a sly tone.

"They didn't need to know,"Hikari answered rather lowly.

"Know what?"Sting asks.

"Tell them,"Acnologia demanded.

"Hikari?"you grew more and more confused by the second.


In your mind flashed an image,it depicted two dragons:Acnologia and an unknown dragon who were happily flying side-by-side.

"Back then it was only my past-self and Acnologia,we...we loved each other.I met the dragon king one day and from then on our love blossomed.One day,something happened that made Acnologia hate me,at that point he wanted nothing more than to kill me.He finally got his wish though,moments before my death I casted a spell that would reincarnate me one day into another dragon.You and Sting had found me on that fateful day and I just decided to stick with you.Ever since my birth I had known my purpose and now that i'm nearing maturity i'm prepared to avenge my past-self..."

>>End of Memory<<

"Woah,"you gasped.

"I'm gonna kill you...Acnologia..."Hikari said,her voice void of any emotion.

"But you woudn't dare lay a finger on me,ne,love?"Acnologia teased.

"Don't you dare screw with me Acnologia!"Hikari growled.

"Havoc,deal with those two,i'll personally take care of the dragon,"Acnologia ordered.

"Hai,"Havoc answered.

The two dragons glared at each other for a few seconds before their massive wings allowed them to take to the sky simultaneously,quickly circling each other while in mid-flight.You turned to face Havoc who was calmly walking towards you,his hands shoved inside his pockets.

"Havoc,why the hell are you listening to him!?"you yelled.

"It's complicated-"

"Don't give me that shit!"you interrupted,making him throw a fist at you.

"Y/N!"Sting was about to hit Havoc but you held out your hand,signalling for him to stop.

"Stop acting so nosy,this is none of your damned business,"he growled.

"It is!Your my friend for Mavis' sake!Now it's either I drag you all the way back to Blood Fang or I beat you up first then drag you back!"you spat at him.

"I'm not going anywhere,"he said stubbornly.

"Kick it then drag you across the dirt it is,"you licked your lips,a bit hungrily.

You sprinted towards Havoc,your fists setting ablaze on the way.You leaped into the air so you ended up directly above him.You uttered a "Wing Attack of the Fire Dragon," and Havoc mumbled something causing your fire to explode,effectively negating both magic attacks.

"Sting!Now!"the moment you finished your sentence,you landed behind Havoc,glancing at Sting.

"Holy Ray!"

The rays of light Sting shot,aimed towards Havoc who looked uninterested,at the last second he moved out of the way and watched as the light lashed at several parts of your body making you yelp in pain,when it finally stopped,you fell to one knee.

"Dammit,"you cursed under your breath,you winced and looked up at Havoc who looked down on you,"Sting,go help Hikari.I'll be the one to deal with Havoc."


"Hikari isn't strong enough to beat Acnologia on her own,though I know i'm strong enough to defeat Havoc,"you said,facing him.

Sting looked at you hesitantly and after what seemed like forever he clicked his tongue and left to go help Hikari.

Be careful,Y/N.You better be alive when I come back.

I could say the same to you,Sting.

"So are you gonna be an idiot like back at the beach house?"Havoc suddenly asks you.

"No,that was mere child's play,right now...

...we're two enemies fighting it out."



Hey guys...'s meh birthday tomorrow...

...instead of letting you know how old I am...i'm gonna let you guess... how old do you think I am?

(Comment your answer)

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