Chapter 7-An Unexpected Encounter

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(A/N:Dat's Havoc :3...

Btw,it's the 1,000 read milestone thing every author does on Wattpad when they get 1,000 reads so imma go with the flow and celebrate too!Anyway,47,000 more reads before it'll be my first books equal...that may take awhile tho...

Anyway,thanks for all the reads and comments and votes!I appreciate it like A LOT,you have no idea.This book would be nothing without you guys.Now,I don't have a way with words like some authors do so imma makes it short and simple...

Thanks :3...

I really appreciate and if I could right now i'd give y'all a hug even if you don't wanna hug me back.But according to people i'm huggable so...HUG MEH!!!Anyways,let's get on with the story!)


After visiting your bro's back at Blood Fang you went back to Sabertooth and just sat around trying to find out where the hell Havoc went off to.Anyway,one week had passed after you went to Blood Fang and there was still absolutely no sign of Havoc.

Negative crap aside,Hikari (Who was kept hidden and secret in your home for the time being) had grown ALOT.She's as big as those particularly large dog breeds (A/N:Huskies,St. Bernards,etc.),since she was quite noticeable already you normally kept her in the house.

Occasionally,you let her walk or fly around in a nearby forest away from any people.One day,you and Hikari were walking while she was currently trying to fly,you were there to watch her just in case she would get herself into any trouble.

Apparently dragons grow really fast and that was the reason why they grew up to ridiculously massive sizes as adults.They were also really damn smart and were quick learners,it only took Hikari a few days to learn how to speak and how to fly.

"Mom?"she asked,she called you 'mom' and Sting 'dad' for some reason,since you found it cute you just let her call you that."Can I fly now?"

"Sure"you responded,flashing a warm smile.

She grinned in a dragonic way and spreaded her wings before taking to the sky.She begun flying around,doing a few simple tricks she learned while you were on the ground carefully watching her.After a few minutes,you let Hikari out of your sight,thinking she could handle herself.Then,you heard a high-pitched squeal and there was only a single creature you knew who could make that sound...


"Crap!Hikari!"you yelled.

"Mom~!"you could hear her shout back,you followed the sound of her calling out to you and you found her lying on the ground.Someone was a few feet in front of her,his back facing you.

"Hey,asshole!Did you do this!?"you growled,it got his attention and he turned around.

Those green eyes,that ruffled and messed up red hair.You only knew one person who perfectly matched those features...


"H-Havoc!?"you exclaimed in shock,he looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you continued to ask him stuff."Where were you!?"

He didn't answer your question,he only looked at you with his bright green eyes before he mouthed something it took you a few seconds to figure out what he mouthed.

'I'm sorry'...

That was the last thing you remember before you blacked out...

>>Time Skip<<

"Y/N!?Y/N!?"you could hear Sting frantically yell.

"Sting?"you mutter lazily,opening your eyes.

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