Chapter Sixty Nine

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     "When is this wedding of yours anyway?" I break the silence that has come through the room.

      "The thing is... since we have been engaged for so long. The wedding is actually in 2 weeks. We have been done planning for a few months and I just didn't know how to explain this all to Morgan." She brings her palm to her forehead and shakes her head. I nod, except I'm hesitating.

  "Do... Do you want me to be the one to tell her about all of this?" I stutter.

  "If you wouldn't mind. I know she will be better with it if you are the one." She nods.

   My phone starts to ring in my back pocket, and I jump. Morgan's mum is still asleep, and I point my finger to the phone, "Morgan" I whisper and walk out of the room.

    "Hello?" I answer.

"Niall? Hey. Um... where are you?"  She sighs.
    "I.. Um.. ran over to visit your mom real quick." I look around the hallway, a doctor passes by and nods at me. I turn to look through the window in the door and notice Christine on the phone as well. She is playing with her nails and a smile breaks across her face.

     "Oh. You could have told me I would have went with you..." She sighs and I can tell she's annoyed.

   "I know baby.. I was thinking about taking her out to lunch again. I have some things to discuss with her. But I got caught up talking to your aunt. She's been struggling.. um keeping something from you." I hesitate.

   "Oh.. Well. Did she tell you?" Morgan snaps. I wince at her strong tone.

    "Yes. She did." I look down at my shoes and then back up to the door. Morgan's mum starts to wake up, and and rubs her eyes.

   "Listen.. Morgan. She hasn't been keeping something terrible from you. Just something exciting I guess. I don't want to tell you over the phone. I would rather tell you in person." I shake my head.

  "Well, if you are taking my mom out to lunch you won't be back soon enough. So just tell me now. On the phone." She seems to be loosing her attitude.

   "Well.. Morgan. Your aunt is expecting a wedding in 2 weeks." I sigh and stand up straight. I hear a gasp through the phone and I smile... I knew that was going to be her reaction.

   "She's getting married? To who? That quickly?"

   "Well she said she's been engaged for a while, and she just hasn't told you. Or me of course. And a guy named Mike.."

    "Well good for her I guess. It's kind of awkward that I haven't met my soon to be uncle in law." She chuckles.

  I move the phone from my ear for a second to take a sigh of relief before answering, "Yeah that is awkward."

"Do you want me to drive back and get you?" I ask.

"No.. I'll drive over to the hospital. Go take my mom for lunch, I'll hang out with my aunt." I can tell she has a smile on her face.

She likes me hanging out with her mum. I can tell. She's told me before that she likes that I've done this because her mum always wanted a little boy, and now she has one sort of.

"Okay babe. I'll talk to you when you get here and I get back." I say, and she agrees. "Love you" We exchange love you's and I hang up.

The smile across my face grows as I walk into the hospital room, "What's the grin across your face for young man?" Her mum smiles.

   "Because I am getting to take a lovely women out for lunch" I smile and walk over to her bed. Her cheeks flush. I look at her appearance. Her hair is starting to get thinner, and it doesn't look as full or whatever you call it.

   I imminently feel a sharp pain in my stomach from the thought of why her hair is getting so thin.

   "Would I happen to be that lady?" She smiles, "You may." I smile and help her out of the bed. "Thank you" She sighs and takes a deep breath.

   Christine kicks me out of the room so she can change her sister into more appealing clothes to wear out to lunch with her daughters boyfriend. Ideal date.

     "You take good care of her young man." Christine smirks and I close the door in her face. Morgan should be here soon, and her mum laughs at me as we walk down the hallway to the elevator.

  "You realize you don't have to take me out to lunch so often... I could always eat the food the hospital provides" She rolls her eyes.

  "No, No. I will not let you eat that garbage they call appetizing. You deserve food that will actually be worth eating and be able to savor the deliciousness and expect to go back. Not to suffer and eat it just so you have food in your system!" She chuckles at my "overreacting"


"So what did Christine talk to you about?" She takes a sip of her sweet tea.
I freeze, and she notices.

"Niall.. I already know about her getting married. I've known ever since she got engaged." She chuckles.

I would never say this out loud but what the hell is up with all of the secrets that these people keep from their niece and daughter? They keep an engagement... a illness... what else are they keeping?

     "Oh" I look down at my drink. I ordered a beer and she ordered a margarita. "You know, you are invited to the wedding right?" She adds.

   I nod, "Morgan is going to need to go out and get a dress for the occasion." She takes a sip of her drink.

   "Should I wear a tux?" I raise an eye brow and she nods.

    "Thank you for taking me out to lunch.. it's great being able to hang out with a boy every now and then. I always wanted a son" She smiles and I smile when I open the hospital room door.

    Morgan and Christine are sitting on the couch, watching TV. "Hey Niall" Morgan climbs off the couch and runs over to me. She wraps her arms around my neck and I put mine around her waist. "I missed you" I whisper in her ear. She lifts her lips to my ear and over to my lips. "I missed you more than you think" She flushes.

    "Probably" I chuckle.

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