Chapter Seventy Three

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"What are you talking about?"

"Never mind. I don't want to talk about it.." Niall groans and looks away from me. My eyes fall to the floor, and I can't even look at him. What does he mean he thinks he's taking advantage of me?
I'm afraid to ask him, because I don't want to ruin our night anymore than it already has. "Well.. I think I'm going to go out" Niall says. My heart stops, and I can't help but feel fury. "Fine." He stands up and walks down the hall to our room.

A few minutes later, he walks back out with a new shirt on and his shoes on. He puts his phone and wallet in his backpocket and stops at the door. He looks at me, "I will be back.." He sounds distant.
I slowly nod, and he walks out slamming the door behind him.

    N I A L L

     I don't know where I'm going, but I can't be there right now. All I can do is drive, and see where my mind takes me. Louis is the only one at the house when I pull into the driveway. The house looks the same, I'm not missing out on much. I don't bother to knock, I know the doors open so I let myself in. Louis  has the TV blasting, and he's on the couch watching football.

    "Niall? I wasn't expecting you to be here." He climbs off of the couch, and walks over to where I am standing. "Neither was I" a sigh falls from my lips.
  "Not that I'm not happy to see you or anything, but why are you here?" Louis asks.

"I don't know. I just needed to get out."

"That's fine. What do you want to do?" Louis asks, shifting awkwardly.

"You know you don't have to entertain me... I used to live if you don't remember." I chuckle.
  "Yeah, but I still haven't seen you in awhile. So it would be nice to go out somewhere with you." Louis sighs. I can't help but look at him weird, he may be right but I still can't believe he said that. I figured he was mad at me. He was the one that kicked me out of this house.

"Yeah that would be cool" I shrug my shoulders, and stand up from the couch. Louis walks into the kitchen, and I follow. "Where do you wanna go?" He asks. "We could go to a bar if you want. I need a distraction right now" I suggest.

     He grabs his keys from the counter, and we head out.

    The drive to the bar, is actually quite entertaining. Louis talks about how everyone that we used to hang out with has split up and went separate ways. And that only a few people have made an appearance.
    I couldn't help but laugh when he told me about Perrie having the baby, and Zayn leaving. He filed for divorce because he felt that her parents were controlling and didn't approve of his image.

     Which doesn't make much sense to me since they got married? Why are they just now criticizing his image? Louis has told me about him and Eleanor's split and what's going on with that, and that he's already loved on. He freaked out when he thought he got a girl pregnant. But turns out she just wanted him for the money he has earned from family businesses. Turns out, the only way for her to try to get him to stay was if she said she was pregnant with his child.
     He's dating a girl now, named Danielle. But he doesn't refer to her as that because Liam was dating a girl named Danielle. So he calls her Dani.

      Liam and Sophia decided that they should just stick to being friends. Which they have found success with.

     Lastly, Harry. He's off and on with his friend Katie. They are seen with each other at some of the parties thrown at the house. Week later shes nowhere to be found with him, and the cycle continues.

     Morgan and I have been the only couple that has been together and stayed that way. I'm not into that off and on shit. If you are going to be together you need to stick to it. Or go your separate ways. Either one.

     Louis pulls into a parking spot, and the minute we get out of the car the smell of alcohol and cigarettes comes into action.

    The same old bar, that Morgan has found me at is where we sit our asses down at.
    Louis orders a drink for each of us, and I tap my fingers on the wooden bar. This time, a friend of ours Bobby is working at the bar. He's the funniest man I've ever met. I can never hang out with him at parties to long though, he gets totally shit faced and always tries to fight someone. It's not worth it anymore.
      "So Niall..." Bobby nudges my shoulder.
    "Yes?" He sets my cold bottle of beer in front of me. The cold drink goes down easy.
    "How's your little lady?" He winks at me.
   "She's fine." I snarl.
"You sure? You look a little sweaty."

    That's another thing that pisses me off about Bobby. He can Never drop a subject when you ask him too.

    I finish my first beer, and change the subject real quick.

  "Bobby, another beer."

   M O R G A N

    My mind is all over the place right now. Niall hasn't called me, hasn't texted. I'm starting to become worried. He told me he would be back, so I shouldn't be questioning him. But he was so anxious to get out of here, maybe something happened?

     I hesitate to call him again, but I don't want to make him more mad than he already was when he stormed out...
   I'll call again in 15 minutes if he doesn't respond back.

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