Chapter Seventy Four

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I can't keep my head up very long without throwing up, or causing my insanely painful headache to make another appearance.
      My head is spinning at a fast rate, which makes me feel sick to my stomach. Quickly stumbling off of the bar stool, I run to the back door of the bar, and kneel down in front of one of the toilets in the men's bathroom.
   My throat burns, and I release my pain. After wiping my mouth, I climb off the floor. This floor has probably been pissed, and thrown up on many times. But I couldn't care less at the moment.
    I turn the water faucet on in the sink, and cup my hands together and splash a few handfuls of water onto my face.The water droplets fall from my cheeks, dripping onto the floor. My eyes are bloodshot, and my cheeks are flushed.
    When I walk back out into the bar, Louis is taking a round of shots. Right now, I couldn't even imagine of taking another shot.
     "Ready for another drink Horan?" Bobby asks. My mind flutters for a minute, and I nod.

    I need to let loose, and have some fun. Forget about everything going on.


Niall hasn't answered his phone once since he left. The 15 minutes I let pass has went by and I still haven't made an effort to go looking for him. But I have went completely crazy, and need to go looking for him. The keys to my car are in my hand, and I walk out.

     The car ride to the house is slow, and when I pull into the driveway the only car that is here is Harry's. Harry answers the door, and let's me in.
   "What's up? Niall isn't here if that's who you are looking for" He chuckles, and I groan. He isn't here.

     "Oh.. Okay." He smiles.

    "Do you want to stay a little, and see if he comes by?" Harry is very polite, even after the history between him and Niall with me around. "Yeah, if I'm not bothering you"
    "You aren't. Take a seat I'll make you a drink" He walks into the kitchen, and opens the fridge.
      I sit at the counter, and watch Harry. We talk about what's been going on here at the house, that my aunt hasn't been home very often, but when she comes home she's only here for 30
minutes or so before leaving again. She must be with my mom.
    Harry talks to me about how he's been talking to a girl named Valerie. He smiles every time he mentions her name, which makes me feel happy for him. He needs someone.

      Harry asks me questions about what's been going on with me since we haven't seen each other lately, I mention Niall and I.

    Harry has me laughing so hard that tears fall from my eyes, and the tension in my mind has dissolved as quick as it appeared. Harry and I both are slightly drunk but still managing to have a complete conversation. When I read the clock, it says "9:15"

    I haven't made any effort to go search for Niall since I got here, and right now I'm okay with that. He's a grown man he can make himself home when he wants, I shouldn't be babysitting him in the first place.
    He needs to cool down, and that's fine with me.

        It's around 9:45 now, and I hear a car door. "It must be Louis" Harry says and pours me another glass of wine. The front door opens, and two loud voices burst through the house. My heart stops, and my cheeks flush. Harry looks at me when I look at him, and he gasps.

     Louis and Niall walk into the living room, and are laughing. "She didn't actually think you were serious did she?" Niall laughs.

  "Who knows!" Louis runs his hands through his hair, and Niall looks up. His eyes widen, and his eyes are bloodshot while his cheeks are a dark red. 

    Him and Louis have been drinking, and they both are trashed. Great.

   "Morgan? What are you doing here? With Harry?" Niall walks further into the kitchen. Louis plops down onto the couch.
    Harry is standing at the counter, across from me as Niall walks toward me.
    "I have been hanging out with Harry tonight." I state the obvious and he rolls his eyes. "Why are you here.. with Harry?"

   "Because, I was bored at home waiting for you to come back. So I came to look for you, but Harry was here so I hung out with him because I needed company."

    This makes him mad.

   "Doesn't mean you come over here and hang out with him!" Niall's voice is loud, and his face is red.

   "Niall.. please don't yell at me. I don't need that."

   "What you need, is to get in the car we are leaving." He snarls.

    "I'm not going anywhere with you. You are drunk."

    "I'm not drunk, now get in the car." Niall rolls his eyes.

   "I'm driving." I snap. I stand up from the stool, and hug Harry. "Thank
you for having me over.."
   "No problem Morgan, anytime." Harry hugs me back, and whispers "be careful, please" in my ear.

   Niall has my purse in his hand, and is walking outside before I can stop him. "Bye Louis."
   "Bye Morgan!" Louis slurs.

  He seems to be more drunk than Niall, but Niall is still.

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