Chapter Seventy Two

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Niall takes my mother in to find suit for the wedding, while I sit on the bench outside of the store. Taking a few bites of the pretzel that Niall bought. I'm extremely happy to see that Niall and my mom are bonding, and becoming closer and closer everyday. That's better on all of our parts, and I assume he's getting better with my aunt.

After another 10 minutes Niall and my mother walk out. Niall's placing his wallet back into his back pocket when they reach me. "Eating all of my pretzel I see?" He smiles. A small giggle falls from my lips and I take a piece of pretzel from the bag and Niall opens his mouth. He chews the piece I gave him, and my mom laughs. "You two are cute"
Niall looks at her and then back at me, "I hope so.. she ate all of my pretzel." Niall chuckles and I nudge him. "What store is next?" Quickly changing the subject I pick up my purse. Niall continues to laugh, "You need to find something to wear love" He pokes my cheek.

The heat from his touch still catches me off guard, but I don't mind. "Then let's go!" My mom smiles and takes the lead.


As I skim through the racks of dresses, Niall and my mother both pick through a few and stack them up on Niall's arms. "This ones pretty." I hold it up in front of me, looking at it. Niall helps me hang all of the dresses on the few racks in the dressing room while I change. He stands outside of the door with my mom, and wait for me to need assistance zipping up each dress.

"Okay, Niall." I open the door, and Niall pops in. His cold hands move my hair to one of my shoulders, and his fingers trace down my back, zipping the fabric. "Thanks"

I turn toward him, and his cheeks turn a bright red. "Does it look okay?" He nods, "You need to get this one." He smiles.

   I turn toward the mirror, and look at it. It goes just above my knees. The red fabric is slightly tight but still comfortable, and the back has a triangular opening. "I like it too." I smile. My mom knocks on the door, and Niall opens it. "Oh Morgan... that's beautiful." She smiles. "Thanks mom"

    Niall and I hang all of the other dresses on the hangers in the dressing room, and Niall insists on paying for the dress. While the young man is putting the dress in the bag, Niall looks at me sticking his tongue out at a few times, which causes me to laugh. The young man at the counter looks at me with a small smile, "Let's go" Niall wraps his arm around my waist, and pulls me away from the counter and back into the mall. My mom is on the phone with my aunt, and Niall still hasn't moved his arm. "I need to find shoes" I say and point to the shoe store.  "Oh yeah", "I'll wait out here, I need to sit down for a minute" My mom says, "You sure?"

  "Yeah.. it's fine. I'm okay." She puts a smile on her face and continues talking on the phone. "We won't take long" Niall assures her, and she nods.

   Niall drags me in the shoe store, and we walk to the back where the dress shoes are. Niall helps me pick out a color and style. "I'm just going to do something plain." I pick a box out.

     I try on a few pairs of black heels, and pick the most comfortable. I battle with Niall to let me pay for these and I win. I'm pretty proud of myself for that.

     I let Niall carry the bag, and we walk out of the store. My mom hangs up the phone, and stands up. "I think we are done shopping" I say.


   After dropping my mom off at her house with my aunt, Niall gets on the freeway. "This wedding is going to be quite the expense" Niall groans. "I bet. Both of them are rich as can be, this should be quite the wedding." I roll my eyes and look at him. "Isn't he more rich than her?"

  "Yeah. I wish she would have told me about him before announcing that she was engaged." I sigh, Niall lays his hand on my thigh, and keeps his eyes on the road. "I know Morg, I wish she would have told you before me. What ever happened to her wanting to ruin me?" He chuckles. We both laugh at the memory, "That was so long ago.." I chuckle.

    "I miss those days. When I had to sneak in through your window, and had to park my car down the street." Niall chuckles. I almost forgot about that part.

    "Or the first time I dropped you off at the house, and you "forgot" something in my car and I rang the doorbell. Her eyes were huge!" Niall finds my aunts stricked behavior amusing. I don't blame him.


  The apartment is cold, and the first thing I do is walk over to the thermostat. Then make my way into our room to change into a pair or sweatpants. Throwing my jeans in the hamper, I change into my favorite gray sweats and run a brush through my hair. Niall walks and takes his shirt off. "I'm glad we got to take your mum out" He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. I back up and face him, putting my arms around the back of his neck. "Yeah.. it was. I hate not being able to do that more often" I sigh. He brings his thumb to my cheek, and slowly grazes his finger down to my lip. My lips smash against his, and he pulls my thighs above his waist and around his hips. The room imminently feels 40 degrees hotter. His hand slowly slides up my thigh, and up to my arms. "Do you want to order something to eat?" Niall whispers against my lips. I nod, and he sets me down on the bed. "I'll go check out the menu" He says and walks out of the room without another word.

That moment didn't last long, and then all of a sudden his mood completely changes. And quickly.

Niall is leaning on the counter, looking down at a menu when I walk in the kitchen. He pushes the menu over to me, and then stares at me. "Niall.. what is up with you?" I snap.

"Nothing" He is quick to answer.

"I doubt that.. I noticed how quick you turned on me." I roll my eyes and walk out of the kitchen. When I sit on the couch, Niall has followed me and sits next to me.
"I didn't mean to make it seem like that. Okay? I just.. I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you." He sighs. I look at him for a long moment, and then raise an eye brow at him.

"What are you talking about?"

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