Chapter Two

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  I open my eyes, and look at the clock on the middle dashboard, and notice we have been in the car for 30 minutes like my mom said. I sit up in the passenger seat, and notice she turns into a neighborhood. "Were in the neighborhood?" I ask. "Sure are!" She smiles. I smile and look out the window as she drives past some pretty big houses. I notice a few little children running around in their yards. I smile, and begin to feel more excited to see our new house then I thought I would be.. My mom slows down and pulls into a driveway. I look through the front windshelid and damn if the house isnt huge enough. "Mom.. please tell me we are just stopping by here, and that we will be driving too the house after this." I open my eyes wide. "No dear, this is our house." She laughs and climbs out of the car. "What!" I say completly shocked. 

    I climb out of the car, and look at the house that seems to be ours. The house is huge, with gray siding and stone, a two door garage, a huge porch, huge window above the front door, a huge driveway, pretty good size lawn, and our neighbors house is a decent size as well. I help my mom grab our suitcases and we close the trunk and head to the front door. She unlocks the front door and lets me walk in first. I hold the handle of my suitcase tighly as I look around, the shandaler above me is huge and glass, and the kitchen is larger then my moms master bedroom in the old house and that room was HUGE. The living room is a decent size and I am anxious to see my bedroom. Unless I have a fricking floor to my self.. I wouldnt be suprised.

   I feel like this is way to big for just my mom and I. When we have family over for holidays in the futcure they mine as well be staying in a hotel.

  "Morgan!" My mom must have been talking to me, and I was day dreming of this huge house that we now own.

 "Sorry, I was.." I try to say.

  "Looking around, and thinking about how large this house is?" She smiles and walks into the kitchen. "Mom, how did you have enough money to buy this house? I bet it was millions of dollars, and if so how did you find that amount of money to pay for this?" I say completly shocked. "Morgan, dont worry about the price of this house.. it wasnt even that close to that amount of money.." She seems very relaxed about all of this. "Do you wanna go upstairs and look at your room, while I start to unpack some of the food and stuff and put it in the cabniets?" My mom asks with a small smile on her face. "Sure, is there anything I should be anxious to see?" I grin. She stays quiet and that begins to make me scared. "Its on the 3rd floor, and the first door you see when you walk up the stairs." She says changing the subject. 


    I walk up the carpeted stairs, and of course I get lost.  

    Great, I got lost in my new house.

   I walk up another set of small steps leading to the 3rd floor, I think... And I walk to the first door that I see. I walk in, and I gasp. 

  Niall's POV: 

  I sit at the lunch tables outside with the whole group that I hang out with.. Zayn, Harry, Liam, Louis, calum, Luke, Ashton, Michael, Josh, and a bunch of girls, such as Vanessa, Perrie, Andrea, Anna, Taylor sort of, Ariana, Eleanor, Danielle, and Kristen. 

  Us boys are all sitting at the large lunch table, and all the girls are at food court line getting us all food. 

    Andrea, Vanessa, and Anna all walk over with two trays in both of their hands with food and Calum walks over and helps them one at a time place the trays on the table. "Thanks." Vanessa smiles at him. "No problem, these total douchebags dont seem like they are gonna help these loveley ladies." Calum says and looks at all of us. We all roll our eyes and then try not to laugh at him. Perrie, and the rest of the girls finish walking over and most of us finally get up and help them. "Next time, you dicks will be going to get up and order food." Taylor snaps. "Yeah okay!' I roll my eyes and all of the boys laugh except Michael. 

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