Chapter Fifty One

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"Morgan... I know you aren't happy with his decision... and I'm not saying he isn't a dumb ass for that. But he told Zayn over the phone everything that happened. And he said he can understand why your aunt thought what she thinks... But he doesn't understand why you seem so much more mad about this" she sighs.

"I don't know Perrie.... he just, he grabbed that girls hand just to piss my aunt off. Like I wouldn't have minded it if he went to dinner with her to sign the papers for moving out. But he didn't need to go all out and grab her hand to piss my aunt off, He should have known she would tell me that and I wouldn't approve, and be upset"

"I understand. Like I said I'm not saying what he did was a smart move, it's Niall. He doesn't think before he makes his actions... in this case stupid actions" She chuckles, I can't help but let a small laugh fall from my lips.

That's what I love about Perrie, I can be in the worst mood and she somehow always lightens the mood by a simple joke. She's the best.

"So just promise me you will think about it? I am hoping you can work things out with him" She smiles. I let out a small smile..

"I don't know if I can do that..."

"What'd you do?"

"When we were fighting, he brought up how he was moving and all. And he wanted me to move in with him, and I told him I never want to move in with him." I say and regret that night.

"You didn't." She gasps. "I did, I was just so caught up in fighting with him... and I just let that out" I cover my face in embarrassment.



I pace the floor, walking back and forth. "You know... she probably won't forgive me. I fucked up." I raise my voice. "You did" Zayn says and nods his head. I stop pacing the floor, and face him. "Dude"

"What... you spoke the truth and I was assuring it was true" He laughs. "Not funny... I'm being serious"

"I am too." Zayn laughs.

"Shut up." I snap.

"Niall... you shouldn't have grabbed Ardin's hand!" Zayn speaks up.

"You know... I don't have to listen to your shit, I know what I did. And I don't need you to remind me. So get the fuck away from me, or get the hell out" I yell.

He stands up without another word, "Morgan was right... to leave you. She has every right to be pissed at you. You deserve the shit your going through because of your stupid 5 year old actions" Zayn says and walks out the front door. Leaving me in the house alone. Alone.

Anger flashes through me, and I can't control it... nor do I want to at this point. Zayn's confession has put me over the damn rim.

I run my hands through my hair before stopping. A second passes before I catch what I'm doing. A loud shatter breaks through my ears, I have brought a glass vase to the flat screen that sits on a TV stand.

The TV has a large crack in it, taking up the whole screen. And to be honest it felt good. Now I have to pay for a damn TV for them. Shit shit shit.

I storm into the kitchen, and grab a bottle of liquor from the cabinet in the bar. The only reliever to my fuck ups.

I throw the cap to the liquor bottle across the damn room, and bring the bottle to my lips. Chugging it, the familiar burn from the strong liquid rolls down my throat. My eyes water, but I ignore the symptom.


I sit at the kitchen table, and spin the cap of my water bottle along the wood, and around my finger. My finger rolling over the imprints.
My mom is still in the hospital, and my aunt has decided to spend a few nights with her. So I'll be home alone for 2 or 3 days, to think about my messed up love life.

I sit in silence, occasional sound of the bottle cap spinning or hitting the black wooden table.

My phone starts ringing, startling me from my deep depressing thoughts.

Zayn's name comes across the screen, and I raise an eye brow.

"Hello? Morgan?" Zayn speaks up.


"Uhm... Niall. I know you aren't talking to him, but he's in trouble"

I groan, "What now?"

"He has damaged a few things, and he's not in the best shape" He says.

"Where is he?"

"At the house, please come quickly"

I hang up without answering his plea and run out the door after grabbing the keys to my moms car.

Once again I need to buy my own car.

But I don't need to worry about that at the moment.

I speed down the road, and skip one or two lights. I will be expecting a ticket or two.

I pull into the driveway, and Niall, Zayn, and Louis's cars are in the driveway.

I park the car and grab my keys. I run in without knocking, I feel bad but it's not on my list of things right now...

I walk in the kitchen, and am
greeted by Niall pinning Zayn to the ground. "You fucking called her! Don't you understand! She is pissed at me!" Niall screams. I've never heard him scream that loud. Zayn's eyes are wide, and he doesn't seem to be phased by Niall's angry flash on him.

"Niall. Get off" I sigh. Niall shoots me a glare, his eyes narrow. "Morgan" His mood softens.

Louis pulls him off of Zayn while he's distracted. I'm a distraction to him, before he beats Zayn like he did Harry in this same

Niall walks toward me, and I gulp.

"I missed you beautiful... Mor-" I cut him off. "Don't"

He frowns, he runs his finger over my lip. The familiar burn of sensation from his gentle touch sends me over edge from kissing him.

He's drunk. I can't.

"Morgan... you need to see something" Louis breaks the uncomfortable

I nod, and walk away from Niall. Zayn walks past Niall after looking at him with disgust.

I gasp when I reach the living room. "What..."

"Niall. He did this" Louis sighs.

The large flat screen TV that sits on the night stand is now shattered, with a several
small cracks along with one large crack
that's takes up the whole screen.

A broken flower vase scattered across the carpeted floor. "I, I can't believe he did this" I shake my head and look around. He has thrown many different decorations from the living room across the room, and broken glass has scattered the large carpeted floor.

I can't believe him...

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