Chapter Four

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Morgan's POV:

I finish writing the notes that our history teacher has written on the white board in the front of the class.
I can barely focus, while this blonde boy is staring at me. "So.. What did Niall whisper to you when he walked to his desk?" Taylor whispers with a small grin. "I don't know.. I couldn't make out what he said." I lie.

I don't know if he wants me saying anything sense he mouthed it, and didn't say it out loud.. he seems like that type of person that keeps things secrets when he likes someone.. if he even likes me.
He could just want to talk to me at the end of the class to tell me how he was just trying to be nice and that he finds me totally annoying.

"Okay, class for the remainder of class.. you can socialize." She smiles and walks over to her desk and takes a sip of her bottled water.
Niall stays seated at his desk, and a few boys walk over to his desk and sit around him and they all start talking.

"Do you think Niall likes me?" I ask Taylor. "He doesn't date. He has had a few girlfriends in the past.. but they never lasted. He is a bad ass. And he is so rude. His friends are asses too. But the girls in their group are all nice.. but him and his friends that are guys are all dicks." She laughs. I giggle under my breath and try not to look at him. "I wouldn't fall in love with him.. cause he will flirt with you and then crush you like a bug." She laughs. I hope she is joking..

When the bell rings our history teacher waves to us all and we all walk out of the class. I don't even bother to walk with Niall until he catches up to me. "Hey! I thought you were gonna walk with me?" he smiles at me. His smile is perfect.. but I'm kind of worried about what Taylor too me about him flirting and then when he thinks you have fallen for his sick joke he crushes you like a bug. I get the chills for a moment, and he stares at me. "Morgan?" He repeats. "Yes?" I reply. "Did you hear what I said?" He says in a sharp tone. "No sorry.. I was.." Is all I can say before he says to the hallway. "Zayn! Liam!" And walks toward them and totally leaving me in the dust. He knuckle punches them, and they look over at me and I quickly turn around and walk the opposite way. Zayn begins to laugh in the distance of the hallway as I begin to walk faster.

Taylor was right.. he is already starting to turn into that kind of guy that everybody hates. I wonder why she hangs out with his kind.

By the time I can really think about it, it's lunch time. "Wanna eat lunch with me?" Taylor asks with a small smile as we walk down toward the cafeteria. "Sure.. I have nobody else to sit with." I sigh with a small smile. She smiles as she looks down at the ground as we walk down the crowded hallway toward the cafeteria.
"Okay, sense I sit with a group.. Niall and his annoying friends sit with us.. Is that okay with you?" She asks. "Yeah.. I don't have any hate toward Niall." I laugh as we walk toward the table. "Okay good." She laughs.
When we walk up to the lunch table, the whole table is filled with their "group". "Hey Taylor who is this pretty girl with you?" A teenage boy with brown stacked up hair, and beautiful dimples smiles at me. "Harry, meet Morgan. She is the new student at our school." Taylor smiles as we sit down at the crowded table. This Harry, looks over at the attractive blonde named Niall and Niall looks down and keeps quiet.

Why is he being so quiet around his friends?

I really want to ask Taylor... but not here and not in front of him, or his friends.

I sit at lunch awkwardly silent. They all sit there and laugh and joke, except for one...Niall. He isn't talking as much as he was in the hallway earlier today..
I wonder what is wrong with him.

Harry stands up from his side of the table and walks around the large table and sits down next to me. Niall's eyes follows him the whole time, and narrow when Harry sits down next to me. "Soo, Morgan." Harry says and puts his arm around my shoulder. My cheeks begin to flush and he throws out a small grin making my whole body burn.
"Okay.. Harry we all know you want to hook up with Morgan, and make deep love to her but.. Niall likes her and I don't think he would be too happy if you teased." Taylor shouts and the whole table looks over at us and then at Niall.

Niall looks pissed.

Niall jumps out of his seat, and stands their silently. He clenches his fist tightly and his knuckles begin to turn white. "Taylor, get your ass up and we need to talk!" He snaps and storms out the cafeteria door and walks away. Taylor gets up from the table, and smiles. " I will be right back, don't want to make him worse." She smiles and walks out the door leaving me with people I have no idea about or who they are. Other than Harry of course.

"Well.. that was awkward." A guy with a Australian accent says. "Very." The girl next to him says as she nuzzles her head on his shoulder. "Well. I thinks it's about time we introduce ourselves." A blonde girl with her hair in a pony tail sitting next to a dark haired guy with lots of tattoos says.
"I am Perrie, this is Zayn, Louis, Liam, You have met Harry, Ashton, Michael, Calum, Luke." She introduces all of the girls as well.

"It's very nice to meet you all." I smile and they exchange a smile back. Harry is sitting so close to me, it begins to be uncomfortable.

Niall's POV:

"What the living hell was that!" I snap. "Was what?" Taylor smiles. " You calling me out like that!" I shout. "Niall.. everyone already knows!" She laughs. "No, nobody knew.. did you see the way they looked at me after you said my name?" I ask her with a small roll of eyes. "No.. but why do you care?" She asks with a small attitude. "Uhm.." I can't think of a reason. "Is it because you don't want people to think you are softy for loving someone.. you want everyone to think you are such a bad ass?" She asks. I ignore her comment, and look around outside. "That's what I thought." She smiles.

Shit, this is why I hate that blondes living mind.

"Oh, and if you think you can try to make Morgan fall deeply in love with you, and then when you have dug your claws into her deep enough you leave her completely confused and heart broken.. then you are wrong.. because I will beat your ass if you do such a thing to her!" She snaps at me. I am shocked at her harsh words. "Who says I would such a thing?" I ask. "I know people." She says as Liam walks up to us. "Uhm, sorry if I am bothering your conversation but.. Morgan wants to leave and head home, and she doesn't have a ride." Liam says leaning against the wall of the school.

"Okay, I will be right there to take her home." Taylor sighs. "No, I will take her home." I chime in. They both look at my completely shocked at my surprising words. "Okay." Liam says and walks back inside. "Niall, I swear if you touch or harm her in anyway I will tear you to pieces!" Taylor says pointing her finger at my face. "Okay calm down.. and stop being so bitchy." I laugh.
We walk into the cafeteria and some people from our group have already left, and I can't wait until the car ride with Morgan.. even though I don't know.
"Morgan, I'm driving you home." I say and she nods. "Get ready to leave." I command. "Give me your keys." I snap and put my hand in front of Louis,'s face. He hands me the load of keys and Morgan and we start walking toward the car.

     Morgan's POV: 

   The walk to the parking lot is spent in silence.. at times I could tell he wanted to say something but was to nervous or didn't want to make it any more awkward then it already was. When we get up to Louis's car, its a dark grey bmw. He unlocks the car, and opens the drivers door and I open the passenger door. "So how was school?" he asks. 'Your really going to ask that question?" I laugh. "I just did." He says and we climb into the car. He turns on the car, and he raises an eyebrow at me when I dont answer. 

  "Oh you were being serious, well it was good." I smile. He smiles and then looks down at the steering wheel and then back at me. "I don't believe that.." He chuckles under his breath. "Well unlike you, I like school." I joke. "Yeah, I noticed." he rolls his eyes and smiles. "You know, I don't think I want you to drive me home.." I say looking out the window with a small smile on my face. "Oh, so you wanted me to drive you huh?" He says with a small grin. "You offered."  I roll my eyes. He laughs and pulls out onto the main road. 

  "Okay where do you live?" He asks changing the subject. "Oh my god, that sound really creepy.." He adds with a small laugh behind his joking words. "Just a little bit." I laugh. He looks at me with a small smile and I look down to notice his hand reach for my seat and then move back to the steering wheel. I can hear a small gasp inside and look out the windsheild. He sighs and continues driving. "So, who do you live with?" I ask trying to make him less embarssed. "I live with, Harry, Liam, and Louis." He says and turns onto a road. "What about Zayn?" I ask. "Sense he is in a serious relationship, he lives with Perrie." He says and looks at me for a second. "Perrie is his girlfriend..." He adds. "Yeah I know she introduced me to everyone at the table." I reply and he continues watching the road. 

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